Alive Again: Unlimited Free Extra Pages+40% Off Shutterfly Photo Books; Link Your Costco Membership for Free Shipping On $30 Orders!

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Update: Alive again through 2/23!

Update: DEAD!

Shutterfly Photo Books Linky

You can click on this link to apply codes to your Shutterfly account.

The following codes can be stacked in the same order:

  • Use the following code for unlimited additional extra pages from Shutterfly (Exp: 2/23): PBLOVE
  • Use the following code for 40% off everything from Shutterfly: 40OFF
  • Or use the following code for 40% off $50 from Shutterfly (Exp: 3/31): GRAB40
  • Or use the following code for 40% off $50 from Shutterfly (Exp: 3/1): HANA40
  • If you order $79+ from Shutterfly after discounts are applied and before tax is applied you can get free shipping on the order with code (Exp: 2/26): SHIP79

If you have a Costco membership, you can link it to your Shutterfly account here.

The 51% off for being a Costco member doesn’t stack with 40% off or with unlimited pages, but the free shipping on $30+ orders will stack. Just click “manage promos” in your cart to unselect the 51% off and select unlimited free pages:


Shutterfly photos and photo book quality is far superior to photos and photo books from Snapfish/Amazon Photos.

The 8×11 is my go-to book, we make one for every trip we go on and it’s always stunningly awesome!  I’d highly recommend getting the 8×11 size over the 8×8 size. 

While the promotion calls it unlimited extra pages, there is actually a limit of 111 pages in a photo book.

A normal photo book only includes 20 pages. Each extra page normally costs $1.29-$2.29 each, so this represents a massive savings on photo books with lots of pages!

For example:

  • Normally, if you order 3 hardcover 8×11 books with 111 pages in each book, you would pay:
    • $49.98 per book
    • +$199.29 for 91 extra pages at $2.19 per extra page.
    • =$249.27/book or $747.81 for 3 books before any promotions. Even with a 50% off promotion, that’s a total of $373.91.
  • With this promotion you will pay:
    • $49.98 per book with unlimited free pages
    • Less 40%=$29.99 per book.
    • That’s a total of $89.96 for 3 books with 111 pages each, plus you’ll get free shipping!

Or get free shipping on $30+ orders by linking your Costco account!

HT: dpk4588 & a good yeshiva bachur, via DDF

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54 Comments On "Alive Again: Unlimited Free Extra Pages+40% Off Shutterfly Photo Books; Link Your Costco Membership for Free Shipping On $30 Orders!"

All opinions expressed below are user generated and the opinions aren’t provided, reviewed or endorsed by any advertiser or DansDeals.


can you use 40OFF on multiple orders?


its telling me i’ve already redeemed and can’t add 40OFF to my order 🙁


How long do I have to use this coupon?


Why do i see the price of a book 49.98 – 40% = 34.99?
Am i doing something wrong?
If that’s the case the groupon is a much better deal.


Is there any Groupon that would make this even better?


Thank you so much for this! Every few years I take all the photos off my husband’s and my phone and make photo books. I had 5 books to make and the total before the coupons was $1244.16 and with all the codes that you had stacked made the total $161.94. A savings of 87%.


Can I combine the groupon offer with the unlimited pages offer (MEMORY)


Code Memory extended thru 8/16 via banner on website


40% off not working for me


It’s not working for me either

Nekama Airlines

Dear Dan, for customers looking to buy multiple books, 3+ would it make more sense to go direct or via Groupon?


does this go to 50 off?


I had the groupon from last time around and I ordered an album last week, without the free pages…

Chatted with Shutterfly and got $20 Shutterfly credit!!!

Sharon Zuckerbrod

Does the Photobook with the unlimited pages have to be completed today, or can I purchase this offer today and complete it at another time?


Thanks Dan! Keep am coming!

No more stacking with Groupons?

Looks like Shutterfly doesn’t allow the unlimited pages code to stack with the Groupons anymore. Anyone else experience this?


I did. They wouldnt let me use SPARKLE with my groupon.. I was so annoyed and customer service was very unhelpful.


The unlimited pages do not apply to lag flat which is frustrating


Thanks for letting us know though, I was considering doing the lay flat. Is it that much better?


I have been doing deluxe layflat for my last few books its way better than the regular and even layflat which is already nicer

Joe S

Why are you still showing this as live when it doesnt combine any longer.


can you stack this with gruopon?

Groupon code to use

Use the code grpn8x8 for an $8 8×8 book, I Believe this can be combined with unlimited pages


Heads up, you can no longer combine this wth the shutterfly deal


Any chance they’ll allow combining with Groupon deal in the future?? Still have a Groupon I purchased a while back and waiting to use it…


I have several 50% coupons, but they don’t seem to stack with free shipping.


Not adding up to that price


I’m ordering three books and each are coming out to $68.99 how do I get three books for $89?


The Costco free ship won’t combine with free pages


5 months ago i got the price down to 83.
Now – almost similar order I’m getting 143.
the 40OFF doesn’t work because it says “already applied” – I don’t think they’re taking off the complete unlimited pages.
Anyone see anything similar?

Shutterfly Codes

Use HANA40


It won’t let me click the 40% off and the linked costco coupon… any idea why?
I am at one 92 page photo book for $42… would love it for less though

Gary G

Can you stack with the Groupon currently available? ($11.24 for a 8×11 book)?


Shutterly has finally caught on. It’s too bad the days of stacking Groupon and unlimited pages are over. I have a shelf full of 111 page books that were each less than $20. Now, the same type of book is minimum $50.

Shutterfly Codes

Hi Dan, thanks for all your deals. If users already redeemed 40OFF or GRAB40, I had success using code HANA40. HANA40 gives 40% off PLUS free shipping!


I use Shutterfly all the time but their quality has dropped. My last photo book arrived with a cracked and scratched cover. They sent me a replacement. This time both the front and back covers were warped.
Their customer service is very nice but I find myself calling them more often lately. Never had to in the past.
