Here’s How To Buy Even More Discounted Instacart And Uber Gift Cards From Costco!

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Costco offers discounted gift cards that can be quite valuable, but they limit how many you can buy.

For example, you can buy up to 2 $100 Instacart gift cards and up to 2 $100 Uber/Uber Eats gift cards for $79.99 each every 14 days.

Some people believe that applying Uber gift cards to your account causes Uber to charge more, though you can avoid that by applying the gift cards to your account after your rides or orders and changing the payment method to Uber gift cards for up to 30 days after your ride or order.

I find the Instacart gift cards to be particularly valuable. That’s because they mark up Costco’s in-store pricing for members by about 9% and other stores by roughly 17%, but ordering gift cards at 20% off means that I wind up being able to order groceries delivered to my house for less than it would cost to go to the store!

Plus, you will earn your 2% Executive rebate for the gift card purchase and another 2% on the Costco purchase via Instacart.

You can save the gift cards in your Instacart account or your Costco Same Day account.

I still have years of free Instacart+ membership thanks to Chase, but Costco members can also enroll in Instacart+ for $79 per year.

Need to order more than $200 in gift cards every 2 weeks? You can check your local store to buy more, but you can also order another $200 from the comfort of your home.

Costco memberships allow you to add a free household member. Just open a separate account for your household member, and you can each order $200 in gift cards every 2 weeks!

I ordered $200 in cards from my primary account on January 6th, which would make me eligible to buy another $200 on January 21st. I tried ordering $200 today from my primary account, but the order was canceled. However, I was able to order $200 from my wife’s account. I did try opening another account for myself, but the order from that account was canceled.

With 2 accounts, you can buy $400 in Instacart and $400 in Uber gift cards every 14 days with 20% off savings.

Do you buy discounted gift cards from Costco?

HT: Jerusalem our home, via DDF

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91 Comments On "Here’s How To Buy Even More Discounted Instacart And Uber Gift Cards From Costco!"

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thanks !! was looking for a way to get more




Can they get away with charging more if your account has GC?


Legally not but how can we stop them


Instacart. All the time. FYI if you get Instacart+ through Costco it’s $79.99 instead of $99.99 and 2 months free, and it lowers the markup on Costco Same Day by a few percent so it’s definitely worth it (aside from savings on regular Instacart delivery fees)


Do the Instacart gift cards only work on Instacart app? I ask because I only use the Costco same day which is powered by Instacart. I believe the charges also come from Instacart. So I’m wondering how I could even apply the Instacart gift card?


Some more heads up.
-Next weeks catalog on Costco will get you two Uber gift cards for $75 after $5 off

—Using Costco same day by instacart (on Costco website or app with your instacart membership added to it) will get you cheaper prices than going directly through instacart. Even without adding instacart (which you do not need to shop same day) prices will be cheaper than from directly through instacart.

-next month catalog savings (1/29) will get you $15 of $50 same day by instacart on Costco app/website.
Using your wife’s account. You can use the same day discount in each of your accounts.
That’s $15 off $50 x2. (Although I must add, you may have trouble adding your personal instacart to that second account (and prices may be a little higher although still cheaper than directly through instacart) unless it’s family shared)


Thank you! This is very helpful! I usually run through my $200 Instacart gift cards allotment in a week. This should keep me well stocked moving forward. I save a lot of money and time especially by placing my Sam’s Club order through Instacart.


Also, if you live in LA, I’m getting $10 off $75 orders this week on Costco same day using code many times.


Lol i cant even open the gift card for purchase now


Quick question as I gave up Executive membership a few years ago…does the purchase of the Instacart gift card count and earn 2%? Do purchase at Costco via Instacart (when linked to my Costco membership) earn the 2%? Thanks!


Yes to both.


costco keeps cancelling my uber gift card orders, I think its because i put my moms membership number and linked it to my account I wonder if anyone can give me any insight into this thank you


Just open a separate account for your household member – Can you please guide on how this can be done? thanks!


When opening a second account, am I adding the membership #??


You’re clearly not tipping very generously if it’s still cheaper for you to order through Instacart than shop at Costco yourself. A normal tip will eat all the margin.

No tip

I never give any tip, the whole concept of tipping makes no sense, let them get paid by the company that hires them like every other person who does a job


Read the Instacart subreddit and you’ll see how the shoppers rely on the tips to make a basic living


I don’t tip generously, nor should anyone. My orders are regularly $250-300+. According to instacart, I should be tipping $40-$50 an order! I’m sorry, but I’m not paying $99 a year for instacart membership for the privilege of tipping $40-$50 an order.
I tip around $5 per order, that’s it.
If instacart can’t find a way to pay the shoppers and make a profit without those kind of tips then their business model doesn’t work and they shouldn’t be in business.


Read the Instacart subreddit and you’ll see how the shoppers rely on the tips to make a basic living


Pickup. I almost never get groceries to my door, but even going to the pickup spot and having someone drop groceries in my trunk saves so much time.


Have you ever had an issues with a bad Instacart shopper and do you restrict your orders to certain categories (for example, no refrigerated items)? What’s a good tip for the shopper?


How to set up family account? When I set up a new account (different email address) it still tells me order limit reached and cancels order

Check number on card

The household member should generally have a slightly different account number on their Costco card. You need to put in their number for this to work (not just their name).


My local Costco hasn’t had the Instacart gift cards in store the last few times I checked.
I’ll have to try


The costco same day markup can be a lot less than 9%
I’ve recently bought a piece of jewelry through costco same day, and the markup was only $5 more than the sale price that they were advertising for in store (over 1k).
(Wish I would have seen this post before how to purchase the gc quicker, but it all worked BH)


I just opened up an additional account for my wife. It is brand new account yet still it says I already exceeded the limit.
Maybe they are catching on to this and blocking it.


Same here, just got cancelled. Although I’m not sure I was careful with the names


When i register for a second account and put in my membership id it pulls my name. how would i open one for my wife without having it linked to me, it canceled a second order already

Membership number

You need to open a household account for your wife (essentially a secondary card on the account that provides a slightly different membership number). Once you put in the membership number for the household account, it should work.


are you sure you are using her number? its different costco number for each card…


I got orders through 12 days apart… 12/26 and 1/7

Uber GC benefit

For those buying Uber GC you can often get restaurant food cheap between 20% off uber gc plus Uber one plus various promos between uber eats and Postmates. Usually cheaper than ordering from the restaurant directly. Several kosher places in Chicago work for this.


“Some people believe that applying Uber gift cards to your account causes Uber to charge more”
This is wild and can’t be legal.
From my experience, I have a pretty strong sense this is what happens with Lyft Pink users as well, though this feels even more egregious for some reason.

The tip to apply it within 30 days after only works if you have $100+ to apply it to, no?


@Dan another hack is to get back 5% by purchasing them with staples VGC or MGC.
Everything I buy from Costco is an additional 5% off. Including gas. I refill my Costco shop card in store with staples V-MGC then use at the pump.
Another way to get more in store is, just purchase again by another cashier.


yes I do this too but what’s a costco shop card? can it be done online


Dan, when adding your spouse to your costco account, phone and email are optional. Did you enter for your wife and match those to her new online account or did you leave those blank?

Also, I assume you did account verification on the costco account on her online login? Maybe some people having issues didnt verify the membership in the second online account after adding their spouse’s info?


Is it cheaper to use Costco Same Day or IC Costco in terms of product pricing and fees?

Is IC plus worth it? My chase free membership expired. How much would we save on fees?


If you have IC+ and Costco membership, the pricing tends to be the same in both places, but IC+ tends to have slightly better delivery fees.

Is IC+ worth it? Depends on your shopping habits. Dan finds value in it – I probably wouldn’t have it if I didn’t get it for free from Chase.


Huh? Costco Same Day has zero delivery fees!
While IC+ has fees (heavy item fees etc.) that Same-Day doesn’t.


How do you change payment method within 39 days of an under eats order? When I go to my orders I don’t see any such option.


Having same issues as others- when adding a “Person Within Household”, it does NOT provide a different Costco number (maybe need to go to store to get it?). Hence, when trying to open a separate online account and being prompted to enter the Costco number, I entered original account holder’s membership number which resulted in the system populating the info of the account manager which THEN results in orders for instacart cards to be cancelled due to max quantity reached.

Please either provide clear instructions how to go about doing this correctly or delete the post.


I set up my household member in the store. You may need to do that in order for this to work.


where do you go to add a member?


I had the same idea last month and it didn’t work but just tried again today and it did!


I’m a huge fan of instacart and always buy the gift cards on
I was wondering if anybody has the issue I’m having that when I search for a specific item every random item besides the one I’m searching for pops up @Dan any insights? Thank you


Costco Order keeps on getting canceled


Any explanation on how financially it makes sense for Costco to sell these gift cards at 20% off for so long? when many times you end up getting the items for lower than in store price! who is losing money over here and why does it make sense?


Any idea when this ends?


Can you share how you successfully got a 2nd group of gift cards in same 2 weeks, using a spouses login? Tried several times with new Costco login, but as long as its the same member number the order gets canceled. Please share!


i opened online acct for my wife and bought 2 ic gc on 1/20 on my acct and 2 gc on wifes acct on 1/28 i just went online to buy more, but get “Product Not Available!
Sorry, the product may be unavailable at the 08527 Delivery Location or at the East Hanover warehouse.”
i think they busted me….


Seems the Instacart egift cards, $100 for $79.99, on are not available anymore. Am I correct?


I just tried buying the Instacart gift card on and i was not able to. Did they stop selling it?


me too, it says not available. does anyone know if theyre coming back?


Joining others to say that seems Instacart gift cards are no longer available. Shame as I just renewed Costco and Instacart memberships on this basis alone.


It appears Costco no longer has Instacart gift cards in the website
Anyone know if this is temporary?


@Dan I hope you didn’t ruin this one..
I was in the warehouse and found one card on the shelf but at the register it rang up as “do not sell”
I think its over..


Gift cards are gone in store and online. Door dash too
