BlackBerry HS-655+ Bluetooth Headset For Just $15.99 Shipped After $20 Rebate!

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Update:  Now just $13.99 after rebate!

BlackBerry HS-655+ Bluetooth Headset Linky

$20 Rebate Linky

This will work on all bluetooth phones, not just on a BlackBerry

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3 Comments On "BlackBerry HS-655+ Bluetooth Headset For Just $15.99 Shipped After $20 Rebate!"

All opinions expressed below are user generated and the opinions aren’t provided, reviewed or endorsed by any advertiser or DansDeals.


is this a good bluetooth?
who makes it blackberry? looks like a plantronics?


anyone know anything about this headset? is it better then the jabras?


13.99 after rebate now!!!
