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$100 eBay Gift Card For $95
Limit 1 per account.
2 great things about these.
1. You can use eBay gift cards that you bought at a discount to buy discounted eBay gift cards.
2. You get 5 points per dollar when buying gift cards from Paypal digital gifts via eBay on an Ink card. Go figure as to why.
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15 Comments On "$100 eBay Gift Card For $95"
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Where does it say anything about a 1 per account limit
@Joe: Try changing the qty to more than one you will get this message: Purchases are limited to 1 per buyer.
Trying to use a CC and my ink card and says this:
Went to my account and its totally fine. Think paypal is purposely trying to not let users use CC to save on fees?
We are not able to process your payment using your PayPal account at this time. Please return to the merchant’s website and try using a different payment method (if available).
@gary +1
Can anyone confirm if you can keep buying the cards using only the original purchase (i.e. buying one, then using that gift card to buy another, etc.)
@Gary: I had no problem using my Ink card for this. Maybe you hit a temporary glitch.
It’s also a great way to use up your eBay bucks that are expiring in 2 days!
@gary +1
I am receiving the same response while trying to use an Ebay gift card code at check out. When I try to login to my account on Paypal, there is an error message. (I am using internet explorer)
worked fine for me with a credit card.
After using a Mozilla browser to make the purchase, there was no error message. Unlike when I used Internet Explorer, and it would not let me log into Paypal. Just an FYI!
@Gary: Mobile site didn’t work for me. Try on desktop
@Mark: you can use ebay bucs to buy ebay gift cards?
ive been around the block with paypal..
they constantly have glitches and blocks for diff reasons…
some times legit and others not so much…
but in general if u want to avoid the default payment being your bank acct, all you have to do is remove ur bank acct from your paypal acct…
now i only have cc’s and the default is naturally a cc..
@paypall stinks: Doesn’t not having a bank account in your Paypal account limit your Paypal account in some ways?
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