Indochino New Years Sale: Custom Made Suits For Just $299 Shipped After $500 Off Code!

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Indochino New Years Sale: Custom Made Suits For Just $299 Shipped After $500 Off Code!

Use $500 off code: CHEERS

You cannot stack any other codes or offers with this sale.

For example this Charcoal Houndstooth 100% Merino Wool Suit sells for $799 and is now just $299 after the code above.

Sample $299 suits after $500 off code:

You can choose to be fitted in one of their showrooms or you can send in your own measurements as is explained how to do.

If the suit does not fit once you receive it you can have it altered in a showroom, or you can be reimbursed for up to $75 from a local tailor of your choice to fix it, or Indochino will pay for return shipping and will fix it and ship it back to you once it’s fixed.

Post what suit you will buy!

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8 Comments On "Indochino New Years Sale: Custom Made Suits For Just $299 Shipped After $500 Off Code!"

All opinions expressed below are user generated and the opinions aren’t provided, reviewed or endorsed by any advertiser or DansDeals.


Does this brand suit have Shatnez?


What is Shatnez.


Shatnez=linen and wool mixed together


What is the quality of these suits? How does it compare to My Suit?


when does this promo expire


@dansdeals I tried to make a claim to return these suits through American Express return protection claim because the materials I got did not match my taste. but got denied by Amex because this is one-of-a kind item (including antiques, artwork, and furs); limited edition items; custom-built items.”…

Do you have any suggestions on how to go around this with Amex or Indochino to get a refund.

Thanks in Advance


If you read the full exception list any custom item is excluded from Amex return protection


Yes. I know that now. But in a previous post Dan @dansdeals was telling people that they should buy with Amex in case something goes wrong with the suit. I followed his advice and now stuck with these items. Lesson to learn.
