Yesterday, Banana Republic had a coupon that took $50 off $50+ orders.
You can check the status of your orders on their site.
15 of my orders shipped out, though 3 were cancelled. There didn’t seem to be any correlation based on when the orders were placed, as my earlier orders were the ones that were cancelled. 2 of my cancelled orders contained undershirts, but other than that, it’s hard to say what the rhyme or reason was. I did use my Banana Republic grandfathered lifetime Luxe card with Luxe shipping, so that definitely may have helped me as well.
Some people had success calling and getting their orders reinstated, but most people did not have luck with that.
Some readers told Fox News that they would boycott Banana Republic for cancelling their orders. That’s ridiculous in my opinion. You win some, you lose some, and you move on. It’s downright petty to suggest taking revenge against a company for not honoring a deal.
How did you do? Vote below and share what items shipped or were cancelled in the comments.

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147 Comments On "Did Your Banana Republic Order Ship Or Get Cancelled?"
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All 5 of my orders shipped.
11/12 cancelled.
via SurePost
I made 2 orders. Boxers and jewelry. Both were cancelled.
Thanks anyway Dan.
2.5 came through, 6 cancelled
I placed order for 2 t-shirts ($3 total) and it shipped. Everyone else in my family had their orders cancelled, but they got in on the action a little later than I did.
14 Orders, 1 shipping notification although UPS hasn’t picked up yet.
Wife placed 6 orders,2 shipping notifications and 2 cancellations. No new on the other 2
Brother placed 12 orders, 2 shipping notifications, 10 cancellations (Banana Republic credit card FWIW)
Disgraceful man.
32 orders ruin it for those that are less greedy. agree with AJ
agree with AJ… Dan’s not much better, having made 18 orders. No wonder they caught on so quickly. Don’t ruin it for everyone else by being greedy
It actually worked for 2 hours. Long time in my opinion
My first ordered shipped within 2 hours after I ordered it. My second ordered was cancelled
You can call to get them to ship the items out that they cancelled???
One out of 20 orders shipped
One shirts shipped two were cancelled. The cancelled ones were under $7
I received this email last night and I’m not sure if they cancelled even the ones that say shipped.
Dear Valued Customer,
Thank you for your recent Banana Republic order on 1/30/2018. Unfortunately, due to a system error in calculating your purchase, we have cancelled from your order those items which were impacted by the error. Please accept our apologies for any disappointment or inconvenience this may cause. Please contact one of our friendly customer service agents at 1-888-BRSTYLE (1-888-277-8953) with any questions or concerns, or we would be happy to help you re-place your order as the error has been fixed. We value your business and hope to see you again soon at
Banana Republic Customer Service
Just to be clear they didn’t specify which order so not sure if all orders or one of my orders.
3/6 were shipped
The $40 item (belt) was cancelled but the filler item used to get to $50 was shipped.
How much were you charged?
Less than $1
Those that got orders reinstated, what was your approach? Talk to manager? Etc? All mine got canceled via email. Curious what worked for you on this unusual place one.. thanks
4 orders 2 shipped. The 2 cancelled both had the $7.50 “filler Item”. You think corporate flagged those orders with the $7.50 item (which prob hardly sells on a normal basis) to be reviewed and cancelled first while some of the others had time to slip through? or am i thinking too much into a random system?
my order with a $7.50 filler was shipped
Two orders of boxers both canceled
All my orders were cancelled, even the one where I made the mistake of not entering the BRSHOP code. The $54 sweater order was also cancelled.
I made 10 orders. 2 shipped. my first one i made at 7:57 and my last one at 9:25. One order was for a tie and one was for a bracelet. the only difference is I used a different credit card on the last order and the same one for the first 9… I called last night and they said it was a glitch and they can give me 30% off.
All 3 orders canceled
Just ordered one item that shipped. Could be because I used my Banana Card and redeemed a coupon as part of the order.
My order for .51 cents has a UPS tracking number. My order for 4.19 got canceled- this was the first order I placed (socks and jewellery). It took about 10 hours till I got notification of the cancellation.
Got 2 of 9 shipped. I’m happy!
Code did not work
All canceled. What I’m upset about is the curt email they sent. No offer to make it up to me in some way or to even explain why the error happened.
I spent 58 dollars before discount fyi. I bet people who shipped spent more.
Some were shipped and some were cancelled. Most shipped though. I’m very happy 🙂
1 order – Belt (with filler item) shipped ($7 after free shipping). 3 orders (mainly socks) cancelled ($1 after free shipping).
why the heck didnt I order egift cards??????!!!!!!! (like dan im assuming)
tried, didn’t work
Placed one order. They Shipped a belt but not the filler item
I called and they are honoring the price
How? Who did u speak with? What did u say?
cancelled. Filing complaints with the FTC and NY AG as well as BBB.
wow people like you sicken me
how so? I made 1 order using a valid code that they opted not to honor after confirming the order. I am asking that they honor the offer that I accepted.
it was clearly a glitch. even after applying coupon code the screen shows it was meant for $50 off $150 or something. we all place these order with the expectation that it’ll be cancelled, but will happily accept whatever is fulfilled.
if you file all these reports without a legal standing, well, greed knows no bound for some.
Not the DOT?
forgot the whaaambulance
Both orders shipped
1 out of 2 cancelled
I ordered a belt (no returns) & socks, paid $2.47, & my order shipped.
one order-pending shipment
one order-still pending shipment
Got an email now that it shipped:) Thanks Dan!!
3/4 cancelled.
2 lousy “over priced” pocket squares did not ship!
2 pcs of over-priced Pocket Squares at $29.99 each did not ship!
I got to say Dan, I love your website and all your amazing deals, but maybe the reason so many of the orders were canceled was because people like you decided to place 15 (!!!!) orders with a code that had a glitch. Could you not have been satisfied with just 1 order??? 15???? Really man???? You don’t find it a little embarrassing to say that you found a code glitch and tried to take advantage of it to place FIFTEEN frikkin orders???? Be honest….SMH….
I don’t think there’s any connection.
My theory now is that BR cardholders or Luxe cardholders orders get prioritized and had a higher success rate.
Items that may have been backordered or processed slower were cancelled. Nothing to do with how many orders someone made.
I have a BR card and placed most orders b/w 730-830 and only 1 or 15 shipped. I just called and had one re-instated.
Thoroughly agree w OP regarding the excessive behavior here that I find reprehensible.
And I’m Luxe and my one order placed around 8:45am was cancelled.
Just confirmed shipped from stores, cancelled from warehouse.
I used my BR cars and placed an order at 8:00 am as soon as I found out. I ordered one skirt for $57.99, no filler item necessary. Got the confirmation email shortly afterwards. In the evening, I received an email stating my order had been cancelled. No explanation or anything. I emailed back asking why they cancelled my order, but haven’t heard anything. I agree that a system glitch doesn’t need to be honored, But an explanation and some sort of 10% discount as a courtesy is a better way to do business.
I am not a BR cardholder nor am I a Luxe cardholder. And I got my order (a scarf) $4.99 today
hundreds of orders where made, not one person did this. Don’t bit the hand the fed you. Cheer up chap, things happen. companies can choose what to and what not to in the end. its cool when they recognize it, sucks when hey don’t but it happens. Thanks Dan for always finding these for us
Only ordered one thing. Didn’t even occur to me to try more than once!
1 of my orders are already out for delivery! Standard shipping
Placed 13 orders. Some shipped (either fully or partially), some cancelled and some still pending.
Every item I tried to order was OOS. Gotta get quicker with glitches like these .
Cancelled, to bad there’s no DOT to help out
2 out of 2 orders were shipped. It pays not to be greedy!
2 orders. 1 shipped, 1 pending shipment.
Update: both shipped!
5 cancelled, one went through. the last one I ordered. my least favorite choice. oh well.
Perhaps some of you can help me here. I’m disgusted by the greed that I see. I placed an order. An order. 1. And it got cancelled. Oh well. I won’t be calling or complaining to anyone. I’m disgusted by those of you that placed multiple orders. Why shouldn’t I be?
I placed multiple orders mostly because I thought it would enhance odds of deal going through
I placed multiple orders to get more free stuff…
My order cancelled
2 orders shipped, 1 cancelled. I called customer service & asked if there was anything they could do as a courtesy for a loyal customer. They offered me a code for a 10% discount which they are emailing to me.
Those who are threatening to boycott or call the BBB remind me a little of the burglar who sues the homeowner, because he tripped and fell as he was leaving the house he had robbed
7 orders all cancelled
I only made one simple order and it got canceled. Anyone who actually had the time and chutzpah to make 15+ orders took advantage and probably ruined it for everyone else.
Made one order and it shipped
Everyone likes to take advantage of a deal, but 15 orders?! Greed knows no limit to some
All my orders were shipped!
Cancelled but I got a 20% off coupon
2 of 3 orders shipped. agreed, win some lose some. at least they ship some.
It seems as though, at least for me , 1 order for every credit card shipped.
1 order cancelled and 1 order still pending shipment, any idea if it’ll ship or not?
Of 12 orders 6 and a half shipped. Did not see a rhyme or reason for what was shipped and what wasn’t. One of the orders I accidentally paid the $7 shipping, and that one shipped. But overall I did well
10 pairs of boxers
2 pairs of women’s gloves
2 bracelets
1 pair of socks
2 pairs of tights
for $21.64.. and $7 shipping
Thanks Dan!
IMHO ordering more than one order seems to be dishonest. If your opinion differs, let me ask one question. Did you use the same email or different emails? If you used different emails it seems clear that you were trying to deceive.
I used the same email and credit card for all 3 of my orders
Made 3 orders, 2 shipped, 1 cancelled (last shipment notice was just an hour ago) so hang in there people with pendings…
Only 2 of my 9 orders were shipped 🙁
Placed 1 order for 1 item. $6 after discount. Order canceled. Used my GAP card.
I was 2 for 4 orders getting cancelled
3 of 18
Not bad!
4 of 9 shipped, a mix of sale items and non sale items were both shipped and canceled
Asked my Rov and he forbid me from making an order. He asked me if an ATM was broken and spitting out $20 would I run to get some?
So now you could unsubscribe from dansdeals
No Ben- you are missing the point entirely. A “Deal” is something intentionally offered, for whatever the reason. Taking advantage of a error/mistake/glitch is something entirely different. If you or others don’t recognize a difference I fear for you and wish I didn’t have to share a planet with you until you can.
Not all dansdeals are price mistakes.
Do onto others…..
I’d like to meet your rav. Apparently smicha isn’t the only thing needed. An IQ test would be nice
Sure i would run
Taking from an ATM is different. They have no way to track you down and you have the money. A glitch the company can stop or honor. Its transparent, they have your information.
I was troubled when I first heard about this deal… its different when there is a good deal (e.g. for promotional value). is this different from an airline price mistake like Delta 1st class tickets 3 years ago?
13 Shipped, 1 Canceled
As per BR customer service items shipped from the stores were completed as they werent aware of the glitch. items shipped from the factory were cancelled.
Are you embarrassed that your site was named in the Fox News article?
I’m not a BR cardholder. 4/8 orders shipped; the rest cancelled
My item shipped today.
Maybe if everyone did just 1 order instead of being greedy pigs all would have been shipped. Just saying
the 3 I paid the $7 shipping (before I realized I could get free shipping) went out and the rest canceled.
2/2 Cancelled Thanks though!!
Only ordered the sweater in the post with the filler item, shipped within hours.
Don’t know if this is what made the difference, but I mistakenly paid for $7 shipping on 2 orders that have already shipped. Those are the ones that didn’t get cancelled. I eventually realized I could get free shipping and did not pay $7 shipping on a third order that did get cancelled.
@Dan First got a email that its cancelled, now Ijust got a email that it got shipped
Order arrived today!
I just got two shipment confirmation emails with random order confirmations that weren’t order confirmation #s I had from the orders I placed that were cancelled. Anyone else? They are coming up invalid when I try to track the order online so I have no idea what is heading to me.
I’m Embarrassed to read on fox that people will boycott BR because their “order” was cancelled. No one is entitled. For god sakes it was free. The company does not have to honor it, especially since it was a glitch in the system. Busha.
1 order and it was shipped.
Regarding your comment that its petty to take revenge, arent you the one that suggests doing that at times? Surprised to get that comment from you.
To threaten a boycott?
One of my orders shipped but I plan to refuse delivery.
I got my package today!!!
Placed one order of a $59.50 tie and it shipped, for a total price of $9.50. No BR credit card or status used. Thanks Dan!
First order shipped test did not
Made one order. 0aid 9.50 for a 59.50 belt. It says it shipped
Got canceled
One order. Just an Oxford button down shirt
Got an email an hour after ordering that it was cancelled. 6 hours later, it got an email saying my item was shipped, but this had a different confirmation number. Only placed one order.
Ive made up my mind not to take advantage of price mistakes especially on small amounts where the company would rather honor it rather then cancel and look bad, and im happy about it, i wont tell ppl what to do, but just remember, whatever ur supposes to get is decreed on rosh hashana, and what goes around comes around, ppl will be in postion to take advantage of a mistake you made….
The reps have a memo not to honor the prices. He read it to me.
Here’s a weird one. I placed 2 orders. One was shipped. For the second, I got a cancellation email, and then later I got an email saying it was shipped. But the item description looked weird, so I’m not sure exactly what I’m getting.
Did you place your order using a gift card? I had the same thing and what they are sending me is a new gift card and that is what was shipped.
Got my order today
12 out of 14 orders is not bad. My out of pocket was $98.26. Thanx Dan! Im ecstatic!! Boycotting….ummmm ok……hahaahaahaah. You win some. you lose some:)
36 of my 113 shipped.
Two orders. One received on Friday. Second cancelled. Did not use a BR card. I did get the second order in very late and had to try it a few times to get the Free Shipping to work. Oh well! Happy I got my 2 pairs of ladies tights and my husband boxer briefs = $2.56 total.
I only ordered the sweater in the post and it got canceled. They didn’t even bother sending me an email about the cancellation. Went to my account to check on something else (as I had forgotten about it= and I saw it was cancelled. Called twice and both reps said nothing to do they can’t honor it.
I did placed it on a later time though, guess that made the difference as rep said they weren’t able to catch some orders in time to cancel them.
I ordered, and received a pair of pants. Supposed to be slim, but were still to large on me. I called to exchange, and they told me that exchange policy does not apply. Agent seemed to want to trick me to exchange and pay regular price.
Try in a store?
That is my next step.
Cancel banana republic order. It wasn’t me who ordered this item.