The (Unofficial) Hogwarts Haggadah: $16.77
This has never sold for less than $25.16 and is a best seller on Amazon.
“What could a School of Witchcraft and Wizardry possibly have in common with the most published book in Jewish history and the most celebrated holiday of the Jewish calendar? As it turns out, quite a lot. From the concepts of slavery and freedom, to the focus on education, to the number four, Harry Potter and Passover share almost everything. This book is the perfect companion for young and old at the Seder table. Enchant your guests with lessons from the magical realms of Hogwarts and Jewish tradition. Foster conversation with student responses to Seder questions. And learn the ultimate lesson: Holiness can be found everywhere, if you know where to look.”
-The New Passover Menu: $10.91
This is the lowest price for this book ever from Amazon.
âPassover is a celebration of freedomâand Paula Shoyerâs innovative Passover collection celebrates culinary freedom, while still honoring the holidayâs dietary rules. Her dishes will set you free, combining all the nostalgic pleasure of family favorites with 65 contemporary creations sure to please a new generation of creative cooks. Covering both seder nights and all eight days of the holiday, Shoyer redefines Passover dining with an updated and global menu that includes Banana Charoset, Peruvian Roast Chicken with Salsa Verde, Moroccan Spiced Short Ribs, Sweet Potato Tzimmis, Eggplant Parmesan, and Frittata with Broccoli and Leeks. And donât forget the desserts (many gluten-free) that are Shoyerâs speciality, including Triple Chocolate Biscotti, Opera Cake, and Pear Frangipane Tarts. To streamline your planning, there are eight full menus to use as is or to mix and match, along with suggestions for other meals.â
Also available are:
-Family Haggadah: Hagadah Shel Pesah (Artscroll): $2.99
-A Passover Haggadah: As Commented Upon by Elie Wiesel and Illustrated by Mark Podwal: $7.58
-For This We Left Egypt?: A Passover Haggadah for Jews and Those Who Love Them: $13.51
Shop all Haggahah’s here.
Shop all Passover Cookbooks here.
See other Pesach books or products on sale? Post them in the comments below!
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21 Comments On "Amazon: The (Unofficial) Hogwarts Haggadah For $16.77, The New Passover Menu For $10.91, And More Haggadahs From $2.99"
All opinions expressed below are user generated and the opinions arenât provided, reviewed or endorsed by any advertiser or DansDeals.
Really? Never mind that such a ridiculous contradiction exists on Amazon, but do we have to advertise it here too?
Sure, why not compare the Hagaddah and Yetzias Mitzraim to complete fantasy, imagination, fiction, and of course – Kishuf!!!
Pharaoh would be so proud!
Lots of Frummies on this site!!! Chill out.. Don’t buy it if it offends you..
How about The Davinci Code Hagadah, that would be a good one
@Yitzyk well said.
Dan this is offensive to all frum followers of your otherwise great site, the mixture of this secular series and the kedusha of pesach just does not sit well..
Is it too much to ask to please remove it?
@scott: Definitely won’t buy it, don’t worry! But it doesn’t take away from the fact that’s it’s wrong to advertise it on this site. Sorry.
@Reb yitzyk and Reb RR and Rebetzin Leah, why are you so vocal and how does this actually hurt you? how is it wrong to post an ad for a book by a religious orthodox rabbi who keeps kosher and shabbos just like you?
why not learn some extra mussar for yourself instead of spending a moment of your live attacking someone else and choosing to be “offended”? Would i be surprised if i found out that u laught about liberals getting “triggered” and microagressions from Pres Trump, and yet here u are being the same kind of whiner :)?
I hope JJ and Dan keep posting deals just like this, quirky torah/judaism items i probably would have never known about otherwise. i just ordered it, will get my (below 10 yr old) kids to get excited and read about the haggadah on the plane ride to israel so they will actually understand lots of concepts they prob wont think about until the seder when they are bombed. there are parallels in everything we do and learn between torah and the outside world, and understanding and thinking them through internalizes things and also helps you interact and teach torah lessons to those not immersed in torah.
R Shlomo said we will see mashiach when jews start worrying about their own bein adom lemakom rather than yenem’s bein adom lemakom.
@shiframeir: Can’t you ask yourself all the same questions? Why are YOU so vocal against them and how do they actually hurt YOU? Why not learn some extra mussar for YOURSELF instead of spending a moment of your live attacking someone else and choosing to be ââŹĹoffendedââŹÂ?
“R Shlomo said we will see mashiach when jews start worrying about their own bein adom lemakom rather than yenemââŹâ˘s bein adom lemakom.”
So why are you worrying so much about others’ bein adom lemakom?
reb Me, that argument is silly and never ends. i am defending those who were attacked and asking that the attackers dont attack in the future. and if these deals werent on anymore it would hurt me cuz i would have never known about the deal and would have missed out on this great and holy sefer that will help my kids ask questions and be involved. and i am noting a reason why those attacked should not be attacked. Please tell israel they were wrong to fight in the 6 day war.
Why all the fuss? this is not an item for the frum crowd, end of story sorry
@me lol Reb Shlomo, nuch mir ah rebbe
This is where Dan is headed with this site? A repository for conservative Judaism judaica
no way lol
Looks like the Harry Potter one is back to $24 đ
i can’t find this price…where do i log in??
You know the author is an orthodox Rabbi of a Shul in Queens
If a travel agency owned by a conservative Jew found a deal would take part Its Chodesh Nissan- CHILL OUT
@shiframeir, Just wondering, dont you think that fulfilling your obligation of vehigadta levincha, at seder night is more important than educating your children about quirky judiasm items??? Maybe try to figure out how they shouldnt be “bombed anyways”, and fulfill your torah obligation, and inspire them with some authentic unquirky Judiasm, rather than try to get them excited about quirky judiasm items!!!
@jayz: nicely said
Reb Jayz (love your work btw, using the hard knock life niggun was inspirational), you think i dont try to make sure they arent bombed and inspire them beyond buying a harry potter book? of course, and i agree that’s more important than just buying them some tongue in cheek book (perhaps its more torahdik, will see).
but everything helps, and we are told to learn what we enjoy, and that is especially important for kids, and maybe your kids are in a different environment, but mine are in a modern orthodox one where there are lots of distractions and other stuff that they would rather do/listen too than the same dry story they heard a hundred times. spicying it up is the whole point of the mitzvah and the need to do things to make the kids ask and get interested, its not an easy mitzvah where we just say it even if our kids arent listening, we are supposed to get them to be active and interested. and this looks to hopefully be an accessory that will help me fulfill my job (could be im wrong).
Its really amazing how many negative jewish commenters there are here and on ywn etc, and i just had a tsu shtell moment reading the news. people here attacking and saying this is bad and You shouldnt do this or that b/c im not so into it remind me a lot of the Westboro baptist church people traveling to NY to scream at the jews. Focus on yourself and maybe helping others, not telling others that things they do that u dont especially like (though they dont affect u) are wrong.
Chag Sameach!!
The (unofficial) Hogwarts Haggadah is back again at $16.77
The (unofficial) Hogwarts Haggadah
@shiframeir:So sad that your children need to be undistracted from their distractions by a book that mixes whichcraft, fantasy and yetzias mitzrayim all in one book! Why dont you try to figure out ways to limit your childrens distractions, so they can be open to enjoying authentic judiasm, rather than watering down our holy torah to mere dramatic fantasy!!
And yes, i think you should respect other peoples sensitivity when they see something that offends their torah values, even if you have a lower standard