40% Off Kettle Chips From Amazon!!!

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Update 2: Alive Again! And thanks to the commenters who have compiled a list of the kosher parve kettle chips!

Update: DEAD!

Originally posted on 06/02:

As with all Amazon coupons, you only need to hit $25 before the 40% off is taken off to get free shipping!

Kettle Chips Linky

Use code (Exp: 08/31): AUGMKDWN

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17 Comments On "40% Off Kettle Chips From Amazon!!!"

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Dont forget to add the $10 off $25 coupon


sorry but can someone please say which flavours are kosher?

kosher parve

honey dijon-yum!!!
salt and fresh ground pepper-yum!!!
lightly salted
sea salt and vinigar
spicy thai
lightly salted baked
backyard bbq
classic bbq
island jerk
chili lime tortilla
yellow corn tortilla
black bean tortilla

am i missing any other kosher parve ones?

Just wondering

Dave, how can you combine the 40% with the 10 off 25 on those that are in the grocery clearance?


yes…. the kettle chips are in clearance!


They are only kosher if you go not like R’ Moshe, R’ Yakov, and others who say that they require Bishul Yisroel, but like R’ Belsky and others who say they don’t.


Acc. to R. Nathanson of L.A., the company Kettle Cooked uses a steaming process (similar to tuna fish) and not bishul (cooking) therefore it does not require it to be bishul yisrael.


I’m unfamiliar with the Rav mentioned, but the only way I can imagine FRYING with steam is that the steam is what heats the oil. The actual frying process would be the same. Therefore, very few poskim, if any other than the aforementioned, would consider it to be included in the heter of steaming. That is definitely the policy of every mainstream national hechsher. If you use thu reasoning very few commercially cooked products would be an issue.


One addition. Tuna is steamed directly and it is the steam itself that cooks it. Even so, many, including R’ Moshe as told by R’ Belsky feel that this would not exempt them from Bishul Yisroel.

Chili Lime

Just have to say that the chili lime tortilla chips are amazing!


Heres the kashrus scoop the way I understand it.
Two issues regarding bishul yisroel here. 1. whether or not oila al shulchan melochim applies and 2. the way factories today cook food.

1. there is a machlokes whether or not bishul yisroel applies to a specific food or the particular item, ie. potatoes are oila al shulchan melochim, but does that mean any food made from potato needs to be bishul yisroel like potato chips or only specific foods like potato au gratin, which is oila al shulchan melochim. This is the machlokes and potato chips fall in this category

2. Steam is the most commonly used method to cook in todays factories. There is a heter that says steam is not derech bishul, so the food even if it falls into category 1 as needing bishul, the steam is not considered bishul.
R’ Levitansky A”H said that regarding Lays “bichlal nisht kein shailah”

However those that are makpid to only eat bishul yisroel for all food types, should not eat kettle chips. Kettle chips cooked directly in oil over open flame.


As much as I know there is a psak by Rabbi Dvorkin from Beis Din Crown Height, that potato cheaps do need bishul isroel. I heard the same from Rabbi Marlow and Rabbi Schwei. I don’t see how it could be ok for a Lubavitcher (unless you have some other psak from Rabbi Schwei)


according to the OU, who certify both types of chips including Lay’s, they are both cooked in the same type of fryer and the only differences being thickness, temperature, and cooking time. The reasoning to be lenient with a steamed food is that it would be considered to be smoked. This would only be applicable, according to almost all poskim and all major hechsherim, when it is being cooked by live steam. There is no way to make a crunchy chip in such a manner. The only way to use steam for chips is to use it as a medium to heat the oil. It is a very long shot to consider this to be smoked. Even live steam is unclear that it would be considered to be smoked, as smoked may only mean something cold smoked which is cooked by the sharpness of the steam and not something hot smoked which is really cooked by heat. The Rabbonim mentioned may not understand the process completely, as it seems from this that he differentiated between the two types of chips. My info comes from the OU, who I speak with on a regular basis, including the mashgiach of some chip plants.




The blue corn tortilla chips are also kosher.
What $10 off $25 coupon?


Thanks for the information-very helpful.

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