Update: There will be a total solar eclipse just 2 months from today. We flew to Kansas City to see the 2017 total solar eclipse, but I had no idea just how awesome it would be. I have traveled to dozens of countries across 7 continents and this was one of the most magnificent sights I’ve ever experienced!
On Monday, 4/8/24, a total solar eclipse will pass through cities like Dallas (totality from 1:40-1:44pm CT), Indianapolis (3:06-3:09pm ET), Cleveland (3:13-3:17pm ET), and Buffalo (3:19-3:22pm ET). It is critical to be in a place where there is 100% coverage, as 99% coverage is simply incomparable to the full total eclipse experience.
You can view the exact path and times here. You’ll want to be as close to the blue line as possible.
You really don’t want to miss it, the next US total solar eclipse won’t be until August 2044, when Montana and North Dakota will experience totality for just half the time of the 2024 eclipse.
Sadly, neither the Guardians or Rangers will wind up playing a game during the eclipse, but you can catch the eclipse followed by a ballgame, which is sure to be abuzz with fans talking about their eclipse experience.
If you can drive to one of those cities, it’s simply a must-do! But even if you’re a flight away, I’d highly recommend considering it as seeing a total eclipse should be on everyone’s bucket list. It’s a truly awe-inspiring and spectacular experience.
Dallas may have better odds of clear skies than Cleveland, but hey, Cleveland has a great lake to frame your eclipse experience and it has Mendel’s KC BBQ kosher restaurant, which has matured into one of the best kosher restaurants in the country! Or if you’re going to the ballpark, Mendel’s at Progressive Field is home to one of the best kosher stands around!
Either way, a reliable forecast won’t be available until a few days beforehand, so plan for some contingency options if you don’t want to miss it. And trust me, you don’t want to miss it!

You can read my full trip report from our 2017 travels below:
Originally posted on 8/23/18:
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View another solar eclipse trip report by DDF member shayaj here. Some of his pictures appear in this trip report.
The big event of last summer was the total solar eclipse, which would cross over the entire country from sea to shining sea for the first time in 99 years.
It was the first total solar eclipse viewable from the US48 in my lifetime, so I knew that we had to go see it with our own eyes.
My in-laws live in Overland Park, Kansas, so we didn’t have to think too hard about where to see the eclipse or about overpaying for hotel accommodations near the eclipse.
For a tiny Jewish community, Overland Park has more than its share of kosher food options. We went to eat at the local Hen House grocery store, which has very good sushi, ribs, and burnt ends as well as some of the best kosher fried chicken you’ll find the world!
Sporting goods store Scheels flagship store is in Overland Park and it is just incredible! We spent hours here with the kids and they didn’t want to leave.
Aquarium with coral reef and scuba divers:
And that’s only a fraction of the things to do in the 222,000 square foot mega-store. This is the kind of store that should be able to survive in a world of retail dominated by Amazon. It’s a really fun experience that will draw people off of their couch.
Overland Park also has excellent kosher Meshuggah Bagels:
As luck would have it, the Indians were in town and I got an great deal on front row seats to the game:
We really enjoyed the kosher hot dog stand, which is run by Kohn’s of S. Louis:
After the game, Rafi and Talia ran the bases and had fun on the field:
We didn’t make it on this trip, but I’d be remiss ot to mention the Deanna Rose Farmstead in Overland Park:
Kids can feed milk to goats, ride ponies, ride mini tractors, and much more.
On Sunday evening we met up with Moishe Hersko, better known as “Something Fishy” on DDF, as well as other several other DDFers. I went to the far north with him in 2016 on a Photo DO and he was in the area with several photo DO participants for the total eclipse as well. Later this year we’ll head out to Antarctica together.
The biggest risk of flying somewhere to see a total eclipse is the weather and it sure didn’t look good. Overland Park would only get to 99% of a total eclipse, but that last 1% makes all the difference. Only when the sun is 100% eclipsed can you take your solar glasses off and see one of the rarest sights in existence, the sun’s corona.
We originally planned to drive to nearby S. Joseph to see the total eclipse, but the forecast there did not look good.
While Moishe and my father-in-law were experimenting with a pinhole camera to view the eclipse with:
I was working on finding which cities in the center of the eclipse belt had a halfway decent forecast:
We settled on Boonville, MO, located a couple of hours drive to the east of us. The forecast there was overcast as well, but it seemed like there might be clear skies there.
In Overland Park on Monday it was rainy and not promising, but we hit the road and started driving to Boonville. We weren’t the only ones with that idea and the freeways were jammed, but luckily Waze knew the side streets to take and we avoided a lot of the traffic, though it still took several hours to drive there.
It rained for nearly the entire way and it sure seemed like our long drive would be pointless.
A DDF member took this video of how bleak our chances looked during the drive:
Luckily the skies finally cleared as we approached Boonville.
Boonville is a small little town in Missouri that probably had never seen this many people before. There were people selling parking spots and I’m pretty sure that had to be the first time in history that anyone paid for parking in Boonville!
With Moishe’s help and a generous loan from B&H, I setup a tripod, a long lens on my Sony A6000, and a solar filter.
We setup shop at Franklin Island Access on the bank of the Missouri river:
The total solar eclipse was one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen. The skies started darkening, but it wasn’t the same light as sunset. It was an eerie light that I had never seen before. The temperature plummeted from 90 to 60 degrees and crickets started chirping loudly while the rest of the day’s noises and the wind stopped suddenly. We had to make sure that our kids kept their eclipse glasses on until the moon finally blocked out the sun completely.
Nighttime during the day:
It became even darker outside with the only light provided by the sun’s beautiful corona. The entire crowd gasped as that happened. This is a sight that can’t possibly be properly conveyed with words or with pictures, it’s something that everyone has to experience for themselves. Seeing a 99% eclipse is like seeing nothing compared to the 100% eclipse.
I can totally understand why people fly around the world to see total solar eclipses. It’s truly an electrifying and mesmerizing sight. I took a break from snapping pictures and just enjoyed the moment with my family as we look up at the stunning show in the sky.
After the eclipse we got to watch one person fly off in his self-assembled seaplane back to Texas:
Just after we left Boonville clouds filled the skies. We had picked the perfect spot to view the eclipse. Many people further west didn’t see a thing due to the clouds blocking the show:
We flew back though Chicago O’ Hare
I sure miss the days of the Continental hub in Cleveland when we could fly nonstop to Kansas City, but at least we were able to enjoy a delicious Milt’s Burger and Rib Sandwich thanks to an Uber delivery to the airport:
On 4/8/2024, weather and G-d permitting, I’ll be able to watch a total solar eclipse right from my backyard. I’m already excited just thinking about it 😀
Have you seen a total solar eclipse? Share your experience in the comments!
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74 Comments On "[Don’t Miss It: Just 2 Months Until The Last US Total Eclipse For Decades! Will You See It?] Trip Notes: Chasing The 2017 Total Solar Eclipse In Kansas City And Boonville"
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Nice stuff!! Trips with Moishe always look great! I can’t wrap my head around the timing of the article though.. oh right! There is a photo DO in Antarctica soon!!
That and the one year anniversary of this trip 🙂
And that’s par for the course re: trip reports
Very nice.
Missing the eclipse glasses obligatory picture.
No need for glasses during the total eclipse 🙂
only during the 2-3 minutes of actual totality, you need the glasses the rest of the time
Dan I’m going to Kansas City MO is a few days is the kosher hen house near there?
Its in Overland Park, a suburb of KCMO.
Call for the kosher hours and don’t miss the fried chicken!
Lol ok thanks!is it on corner of roe and 119th?
Side note: I think it will be very helpful to have a post with all the airports you know that can get a Uber eats delivery with kosher food
This wasn’t UberEats, I just used a regular Uber to bring it to the airport.
That’s even smarter 😉
Went to Charleston last summer
How was it?
Dan who has better fried chicken, Izzy’s or the hen house grocery store?
Every time I go to Izzy’s I get the beef 🙂
FTR, Kohn’s makes a really solid pastrami.
Yup, delicious
we finally get to see something fishys face 🙂 after hes so careful to block his face on ddf TR’s….
Get ready for 2024 DDF DO, Also expect to sell parking spots.
We had a delay during our layover in Chicago ohare. While we were still taxiing to our gate on the first leg, I called Ta’boun Grill which for only $30 delivered our food to the airport. By the time we got out of the plane and setteled in our lounge it was time for me to meet them outside to pickup the food for my family. Really amazing and life saving.
I was in Overland Park that day (didn’t see you )
I only stayed for a day and yes it was pouring in the morning I’ve never seen such a downpour so intense- but it cleared by 12 or so and the eclipse happened at 1 if I remember correctly. It wasn’t as perfect as boonville but I watched it literally until the last second before clouds covered the eclipse and then I was able to see it again a few seconds later when the eclipse was ending.
Very cool experience !
I’ll be at your backyard in 2024!;)
I don’t think Overland Park got the full eclipse. Didn’t want to venture further out?
I didnt have a car available and it was a pain getting to overland park as it was. I didnt experience it to the fullest which is why I’ll be at your backyard in a couple years!;)
Thanks for bringing back great memories. You are absolutely correct; words won’t do justice. I was with a group of friends in Sweetwater TN. Just seeing people posting their memories on social media takes my breath away once again. We had a great road trip, we traveled from NY. I’m so looking forward to the next one!!
Amazing memories.
I live in KC near Liberty, MO and got to see this from my driveway. It was amazing how it rained all morning, the clouds cleared by first contact and then came back with more rain after it was all over. Couldn’t have been more lucky. Great pics and post!
Same thing. Amazing!
So Rafi is a southpaw?! Tribe could use him. (Great TR. Thanks!)
Lol, I’m here in Fenway now and they sure could use him.
If anyone wants to checkout if their local city will have 100% eclipse in 2024: https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/map/2024-april-8
Thanks for sharing your adventure! It was not very dim in East Glacier Park, but it was a bit different. Might have to go that South America for that one next year!!
Worth it!
Dan, your kids are really lucky… most my parents took me was to local rides chol hamoed…lol
I went up from Miami to Brasstown North Carolina (near the Georgia and Tennessee boarder). The town had a post office, gas station and country store all in one.
The 100% Total eclipse under Completely clear skies was like you said , impossible to put into words.
I almost feel silly posting these pictures. Really does it no justice.
It really does do it justice – especially for those that did not make it. I was fortunate to have made it to an area just North not Boise. Pics on your website = very nice! Being there = other worldly. Hope CLE is clear in ’24.
Just have to comment on the kids- Adorable! KA”H Really growing up
That milts sandwich is spicy! Just had one this week! Actually, I couldn’t eat it so my husband got my half too ;). But it was the only meat that was Lubavitch…thanks for the solar pics.
We were in Overland Park that Shabbos too, at BIAV. Shipped our scope out there via UPS to avoid having TSA break it when we flew. We had pre-paid for parking spot at St. Joseph airport, but ditched the plans when we saw the weather. Headed up the night before to Lincoln, NE and were going to make the decision at 4AM where the best weather might be. Ended up heading back to Missouri and ultimately made camp in a park next to a public school near Easton, MO, population 234. The clouds and rain went in an out and we got to see 99% coverage. Unfortunately at totality the sun (and moon) was covered with clouds, but the feeling of the total darkness and quiet (due to lack of crowds – maybe a dozen other people with us where we were) was probably more so felt because it was extra eerie out with the cloud cover. Even without seeing the covered sun at totality it was an other-worldy experience. Of course right after totality the clouds blew away and 99% it was on the way back down. 🙁
What we heard from people that did go up to St. Jo, was that they did not get to see totality either (I think it depended on where in St Jo you were), but others set off fireworks during totality, which probably ruined the experience for everyone there.
Wish I would have known you were there, we could have followed you to Boonville… 😉
Hoping for better weather in 2024!
I also heard from other in S. Joseph that they got clouded out during totality. We really got lucky though in Boonvillle, could have gone either way.
I guess you should have davened with me at TLC on Shabbos to discuss plans 😉
Maybe we’ll see each other in 2024 😀
I flew private from Seattle to Madras OR. airport to see the awesome Eclipse. It was UNBELIEVABLE. Was also treated to an airshow of private planes from Gulfstreams to WW2 planes arriving and takeoffs for the event.
Madras is smack in the center of the path of totality. No wonder correspondents from the Science Channel and other national TV networks came to cover the solar eclipse. The eclipse began at 9:06 a.m. and ended at 11:41 a.m., with 100 percent obscuration happening at 10:20 a.m. and ending at 10:21 a.m.
Meshugga bagels is the favorite bagel place outside NY for Blue Jays Pitcher, Marcus Stroman. Mentioned it on a podcast with CC Sabathia
I am not a point in my life (small kids, not enough disposable income) to where I can ditch everything and travel halfway across the great fruited plains to see an astronomical event.
Even if half of this post suggests combining it with a gastronomical event.
Correction: If I’m understand correctly, the ET times should be in the 2PMs rather than the 3s.
You’re right. I didn’t factor in daylight savings time.
Which line on the map is it? The red or blue? Which location is closest to NYC? Rochester?
You want to be on or near the blue line.
In between the red lines will have totality, but towards the edges it will just be for a second.
Can you explain the pathway link. Is only the middle
Line worth seeing?
Right on, Dan. I saw the 2017 total eclipse in Oregon and told myself, I’d see another if it was a decent flight away. My daughter was 5 at the time and she still talks about it. I’m flying to Austin and driving into the path of totality for this years.
Same, kids still rave about it!
Im monitoring united flights from ewr to Dallas for months already but crazy expensive
Book Cleveland in the meantime.
Last time we flew to STL and drove downriver to a park on the IL side. This time, we are coming to CLE for the eclipse. Let me know where you will be setting up the outdoor food buffet! Of course, as the near term forecast crystalizes, we may head toward Indianapolis or Rochester NY.
Don’t forget Montreal!
How was the traffic last time. I know they made a big deal about it at the time. Thinking of leaving from NY early AM the day of the eclipse and driving to the Adirondacks.
Traffic was very bad indeed. Plan extra time.
I saw the total eclipse in Hawaii in 1991. I could not get hotel on Big Island so I stayed overnight on Lanai which was just shy of 100%. It was mildly overcast but still amazing. It got amazingly quiet during the eclipse- all the birds and wildlife went silent. Someone went scuba diving and told me the fish simply froze in place for a short time.
When I saw the map you posted I got excited as my family lives just off the line in Vermont! I as just checking flights when I realized I have to be in New Orleans that day! Oh well.
Guardians game still listed as TBD for April 8.
Sources 🙂
Dan, any good trip report- or idea for a stay in Cleveland? Where would you recommend I stay overnight sunday and were to watch the eclipse and were to eat? THANKS!
The closest from the NYC metro area seems to be Plattsburgh, NY, just off the NYS Thruway, which can be about 5 hour drive or less from NYC. There is also a Chabad there since 2022
Maybe the closest, but i wouldnt count on the weather there being ideal for an eclipse. Worse yet, the 2 lanes west on I-80 will be jammed solid
Nostalgic now for $18.99/lb smoked brisket
@dan, will it be visible for my front lawn in Cleveland Heights? Or do I need to be in a more open area, and or closer to the blue line?
A dive to Plattsburgh from Montreal is not a bad idea.
Heights Library.
Beginning Monday, March 11, you can pick up free eclipse glasses at any branch! Limit four (4) per person, first come, first served. PLEASE NOTE: We will not reserve glasses, and customers must pick them up in the building; no curbside delivery. Supplies are limited.