Multiple Chase Cards Now Offer Free NEXUS Membership With Global Entry And PreCheck Included; Comparison Of Skip The Line Memberships Covered By Credit Cards

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DansDeals reader Steven K tipped me off to the fact that Chase Sapphire Reserve® now covers the NEXUS fee, as an alternative to Global Entry or PreCheck, once every 4 years. You can view your card benefits and see when you last used your credit here.


This comes after the launch of the Chase Air Canada Aeroplan Mastercard, which officially markets the option of Global Entry or NEXUS credit.

I also see the NEXUS option listed under card benefits on the Chase United Explorer, Chase United Quest, and Chase United Club Infinite cards, so it appears that all Chase cards that offer Global Entry now allow the credit to be used on NEXUS! Other Chase cards with Global Entry benefits include the Chase IHG Premier and JPMorgan Ritz Carlton card.

That is fantastic news for people who travel to Canada!

It’s also great news for anyone with kids, as kids can apply for NEXUS with their parents for free and they will get Global Entry and PreCheck as well!

Here’s a breakdown of what each program offers:

  • PreCheck costs $85 for 5 years and allows access to typically shorter PreCheck lines. You also get to keep your shoes, belt, hat, and jacket on and you can keep your laptop and small liquids inside your carry-on. You get to go through metal detectors rather than assuming the position in a body scanner. Adults that have PreCheck can also bring their kids 12 and under with them, even if their kids don’t have PreCheck. You can find PreCheck enrollment centers here.
  • Global Entry costs $100 for 5 years and includes PreCheck. Global Entry has a new system where it now just scans your face and allows you to skip answering customs questions, filling out customs forms, and standing in long customs lines when you re-enter the US, which has saved countless tight connections for me. Kids need their own Global Entry membership to skip customs lines. Many credit cards cover the Global Entry fee. You can find Global Entry enrollment centers here.
    • The fee for PreCheck or Global Entry is covered in full, typically once every 4 years, with cards like the Chase Sapphire Reserve®, Chase United Explorer, Chase United Quest, United Club℠ Infinite Card, Capital One Spark Miles for Business Business, Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card, Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card X, AMEX Business Platinum Card, AMEX Platinum Card, Citi Prestige, Citi Executive AAdvantage, Chase IHG Premier, Marriott Bonvoy Brilliant, JPMorgan Ritz Carlton Card, Delta Platinum Business AMEX, Delta Reserve Business AMEX, Delta Platinum AMEX, Delta Reserve AMEX, and more. On the AMEX Business Platinum Card and the AMEX Platinum Card you can even get the fee covered by free Green or Gold additional user cards.
  • NEXUS costs $50 for 5 years and includes PreCheck and Global Entry. What, did you expect government pricing to make any sense? In addition to all of the Global Entry and PreCheck benefits, it also offers skip the line privileges when flying or driving into Canada via NEXUS kiosks in Canadian airports and dedicated NEXUS lanes when driving into Canada. Kids under 18 need their own NEXUS membership to use NEXUS lines, but they can apply for a membership together with their parents for free! Kids will also get Global Entry and PreCheck for free that way as well. You can find NEXUS enrollment centers in the US here and in Canada here. Locations are typically only found in border cities.
    • Despite being cheaper than PreCheck and Global Entry, this fee is only covered by the Chase cards listed above. Previously, no cards covered the NEXUS fee.
  • CLEAR® Plus officially costs $199 per year, but United and Delta non-elite members can enroll in CLEAR® Plus for $189/year and United and Delta cardholders and mid-tier elite members can enroll in CLEAR® Plus for $159/year. Top tier elites can enroll for free. A CLEAR® Plus member can add up to 3 adults for just $119 each. Kids under 18 can go with their parents for free without a membership.
    • PreCheck is great, but CLEAR is amazing. Once upon a time, PreCheck lines were always short, but that’s no longer a guarantee. With PreCheck these days you may be able to walk right up to security or you may need to wait 20 minutes. CLEAR allows you to skip to the front of the line. If you have PreCheck you can skip to the front of the PreCheck line and if you don’t have PreCheck you can skip to the front of the regular line. You don’t need to take out your ID either, your fingerprint or eye act as your ID. The dependability that skipping the line gives you is simply amazing. It means I can leave my house just 55 minutes before a flight and know that I won’t miss my flight out of CLE. When I’m with my family I’ll leave plenty of time and enjoy the airport lounge, but if I’m solo, the less wasted time in the airport is always a win.
    • A full list of CLEAR locations can be found here. You can signup online and then finish enrolling in CLEAR at those locations.
    • CLEAR also works for sports stadiums. I’ve used it to skip the line at Progressive Field and Yankee Stadium, which is a nice bonus on top of skipping the lines at the airport.
    • The AMEX Business Platinum Card and AMEX Platinum Card will cover $189 in  CLEAR® Plus fees per calendar year.
    • The AMEX Green Consumer Card will cover $199 in  CLEAR® Plus fees per calendar year.
    • If you have a Chase United Explorer card, Chase United Gateway, United Quest Card, United Business Card, United Club℠ Infinite Card, United Business Club Card, Delta Business Gold, Delta Business Platinum, Delta Business Reserve, Delta Consumer Gold, Delta Consumer Platinum, or Delta Consumer Reserve you can pay $109/year.  CLEAR® Plus isn’t cheap, but if it helps you make a flight that you would otherwise miss due to a long line then it will be worth its weight in gold.

I have Global Entry and CLEAR and love them for making travel so much easier, but perhaps we’ll get NEXUS at the next renewal. Which memberships do you have?

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69 Comments On "Multiple Chase Cards Now Offer Free NEXUS Membership With Global Entry And PreCheck Included; Comparison Of Skip The Line Memberships Covered By Credit Cards"

All opinions expressed below are user generated and the opinions aren’t provided, reviewed or endorsed by any advertiser or DansDeals.


I’ve had nexus since day 1.
Wouldn’t want any other!
Also free for children under 18!


I’m baffled by the pricing.
Go figure.


Can I get nexus for 2 people with the $100 credit on reserve?


No, I’ve already tried to battle this out with Chase and they won’t budge. They provide ONE credit, up to $100. If that credit doesn’t reach the $100 limit (i.e. Precheck $85 or Nexus $50), then you lose the remaining credit value.

david gray

If you have global entry is there any reason that you would also need TSA is there anything TSA provides that you won’t have if you just have global entry? Also, can you use a credit that you would have on your credit card for the program if to use for another family member who is not on the credit card?


Global Entry includes TSA precheck, so no you wouldn’t need to pay for tsa too. You just use your credit card for the application, doesn’t matter who you apply for, you will be reimbursed 1 time.

Josh F

Nexus. Living close to the border, our closest enrollment center was a nexus location anyhow. $100 for our family of 4 was icing on the cake. I understood at the time that the nexus pricing was kept low thanks to the Canadian government wanting it to be accessible (and US matched pricing)


The amex green card has a $100 credit for clear


If kids under 18 get nexus membership for free with their parents, does that mean they automatically get Global entry as well?


I can confirm the answer is yes. NEXUS automatically gets you GE, no matter how old you are :p


Yes, it’s included. Nexus includes everything from all the express travel options and kids have the full membership it just happens to be free.

El Capitan

Think it’s going to trigger other banks that already cover Global entry to cover this as well?


I clicked on the nexus link and see that it includes pre check, but I didn’t see anything about global entry?


on the DHS website it looks like Nexus only include TSA Precheck, but not Global entry.


I guess it happened with the Aeroplan card


I was under the impression that authorized users for platinum only get benefits if they have the actual platinum card. Not the green/gold.
Did I read correctly that even the free AU get same benefits? All same benefits or select few?


So global entry only when returning from Canada?

Sandi Isaacson

The site says Global entry through “Canadian pre-clearance airports.” I am not sure that means it will work at any Global Entry airport.


Nothing for Chase Sapphire Preferred ?

Dan\'s the Man

Any easy way to tell the last time you used your global entry credit with Chase or any of the companies?


Just to make sure I understand this- if I am a family of 5, then NEXUS costs $100 for all of us while Global entry costs $500?? AND it has extra benefits? Seems like it’s a no-brainer even without the NEXUS fee waived, it’ll still come out cheaper (I mean, unless you have 5 cards at once that waive GE and manage to use all 5 when applying). With the fee waived, it’s a complete no-brainer.


If you have NEXUS, can you skip the Customs line when flying into Canada from NON-US destinations? For example, a flight from YYZ-TLV-YYZ, will I skip security on the way out of Toronto, and then skip Customs when I land back in Toronto, even though I’m not going to the US?


What I suspect coming from the CC companies as a next step? Remove GE coverage, and replace it with the much cheaper NEXUS, with the claim that GE is anyways covered, thus forcing all future applications to go to a border city. Your thoughts?


They won’t want to upset all their consumers in the south


I had global entry but it expired. Do I need to go or an appointment to renew? If not, would I be able to get nexus without an appointment?


Nexus is great but I have a baby and can’t get an interview because of Covid. In addition, although nexus is the best you have to travel to the Canadian boarder for the interview because it is meant for frequent boarder crossers.


Also, nexus only costs $50 per an adult over 18, kids are free, and it’s good for 5 years until your birthday. (5 plus the the extra until your next birthday, for example yours started in May but your birthday is in august then it will expire on your birthday in 5 years plus 3 months)


So, a family of 5 who gets NEXUS- everyone is going to have a different expiration date? Seems like a pain when trying to renew, it would be convenient to renew everyone together…

a yid

you can only have an interview at the Champlain or Niagara Falls center?
wow that’s out of the way for most ppl!!


So…. according to the link above for global entry, Chicago has no available appointments, ever. Is this site to be trusted or should I call, and have them not return my message?


If one has GE, do you have to start all over applying for Nexus or can you get approved because your trusted traveler status?


Has anyone tried to apply for nexus with the new capital one x card? Just wondering do they also cover the nexus fees.


United Business club card doesn’t have this benefit?


I can totally confirm that Nexus gives you TSA-Precheck and Global Entry in the United States. I’ve had Nexus since late 2018 and have used it multiple times returning from int’l trips to US airports (i.e., PHL, ORD). My husband and I traveled to the Niagara Falls Enrollment Center — had a straightforward interview which included both of us at the same time. We then immediately crossed into Canada and had our biometrics added to our Nexus accounts (not sure if this enrollment center will reopen). Canada just suspended all interviews for Nexus as of 12/21/21 until further notice, but anyone who has Nexus is recommended to renew online when it’s closer to expiration and they will extend your Nexus until you can attend the interview. I have not renewed, but I have also been told that some renewals do not require an in-person interview (i.e., as long as nothing has changed since initial application). It is so worth it and I’m excited that the Chase cards are now going to reimburse us for the $50 fee.


can non usa citizens get GE ?


Good luck getting approved in the next year.

I had a pending application in before covid for 9 months….and now it requires an appointment and all locations are closed.


so i can apply for nexus get global entry and precheck for any destination and it only cost 50 so me and my wife can do it on one card?


I can apply for nexus and I already have global entry but I need to pay an additional $50 fee.


Dan, you sure Nexus includes Global Entry as well?? On the DHS website it only says that Precheck is included with Nexus.


Do kids needs to go to the enrollment center as well or can they just be added?


Inflation Alert! Adding additional family members (18+) on clear now costs $99/additional member.

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