Here’s How I Burned 3,023,450 Miles In 2018, How Did You Stack Up?

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Some guys are great at recording all of their trips and the value of each mile burned. I’m not that precise, but I went back several years, tracked down my flights taken, and posted them on DDF for 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018.

In 2018 I burned through some 3,023,450 miles and points. As my family grows I find it easier to burn through miles quicker than ever.

Don’t cry for my miles though, I’m still sitting on 8 figures of unredeemed miles and they’re not earning any interest just sitting there. If you have them, then use them!Ā Learn more about earning miles from credit cards in these posts, about the Chase Quinfecta here, and see our AMEX Business Cards page here.

2018 flying map and routes:



Here’s how I burned them:


  • 5 round-trip awards on JetBlue from Cleveland to Fort Lauderdale: 16,000 JetBlue points.
  • 5 “even more space” round-trip upgradesĀ on JetBlue from Cleveland to Fort Lauderdale: 5,800 JetBlue points.



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Going to have to rename this airline #JewBlue or #JetJew Never seen so many frum Jews on a flight that’s not going to Israel 😂

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It’s the JetBlue complementary #Kosher meal for Mosaic members in coach 😂

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  • 5 round-trip businessĀ saver awards on United from Cleveland to Tel Aviv via Newark: 750,000 United miles.
  • 3 nights at the Ritz Carlton Herzliya: 3 Ritz credit card signup nights.
  • 5 nights in 2 rooms at the Waldorf Astoria Jerusalem: 760,000 Hilton points

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A perfect way to start the day in Jerusalem

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Not a bad view from the balcony this morning…

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Now this is a big, beautiful wall!

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  • 1 one-wayĀ coach saver award on Delta from Cleveland to JFK:Ā 13,000 Delta miles
  • 1 one-wayĀ coach saver award on United from Newark to Cleveland:Ā 10,000 United miles



  • 3 one-way saver award on Delta from JFK to Cleveland for JJ and his family: 39,000 Delta miles.


  • 5 round-trip awards on JetBlue from Cleveland to Fort Lauderdale: 58,500 JetBlue points.
  • 5 “even more space” round-trip upgradesĀ on JetBlue from Cleveland to Fort Lauderdale: 5,800 JetBlue points.
  • 1 one-way saver award on United from Cleveland to Boston: 10,000 United miles.
  • 1 one-way award on JetBlue from Boston to Cleveland: 8,600Ā JetBlue points.
  • 1 Marriott Category 9, 5 Night Travel Package: 345,000 Marriott points.
  • 1 Marriott Tier 4-5, 7 Night Travel Package:Ā 540,000 Marriott points.

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Just a small sampling of BBQ heaven…

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Waiting out a delay on American:



  • 1 metal cutout from a United 747-400:Ā 230,000 United miles (Though United refunded 50K of these miles after I pointed out that the size of the sign wasn’t close to the advertised size)


  • 1 one-way business class saverĀ award from Cleveland to Buenos Aires via Miami on American:Ā 51,750 AA miles (after 10% credit card refund)
  • 2 nights at the Park Hyatt Buenos Aires:Ā 40,000 Hyatt points
  • 1 one-wayĀ business class saverĀ award from Buenos Aires to Cleveland via Houston on United: 60,000 United miles


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#TonightsRide #AA #77W #KosherAntarctica #HereWeGo

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#Gentoo #Penguin in Cuverville Island

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#ElephantSeal #CallOfTheWild

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#Gentoo #Penguin #Dance

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How did you do in 2018? Hit the comments belowĀ and make your own map to post on DDF.

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122 Comments On "Here’s How I Burned 3,023,450 Miles In 2018, How Did You Stack Up?"

All opinions expressed below are user generated and the opinions arenā€™t provided, reviewed or endorsed by any advertiser or DansDeals.


amazing adventures!


How do you rack up 750k miles?

Arye her

Wow that’s amazing
Now post how you earned them….

Yitzy Gold

Where’s the miles sold for the Antarctica trip?



Can we know how much $$ you spent on travel 2018


Any way that you currently know of to get united GS (besides for earning it)


Simple. It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.
Every GS member can give an additional card to 1 person per year. That card is only valid for one year. GS members who fly 4mil lifetime miles get GS for life (expires when the member does)


Cool! wheres the rest if the Antarctica trip report?


Still waiting for the of the Antarctica trip report


Looking forward to the rest of your Antarctica trip report

Ahmad Ali

Ben, I think you missed the boat. We are all here as friends of Dan and we enjoy hearing his thoughts and opinions on whatever it may be. Besides the fact that itā€™s his website so itā€™s outrageous for you to say what he can and canā€™t post. I think you need to figure yourself out and be more positive and happy for others and that will help you be more successful in your own life.


Bless you, Ahmad. I pray for you, Ben.


Thanks Dan
Can you recommend any place in Miami that provides shabbos Meals?

Hungry and headed to Miami

Dan, what was the name of that platter from backyard BBQ? I looked at their menu but nothing jumprled out to me. Also, do you have a post somewhere woth your miami/ft Lauderdale/boca restaurant recommendations? Thanks!


“3 one-way saver award on Delta from JFK to Cleveland for JJ and his family: 39,000 United miles”



Wow! Amazing trips, good for you! Question: How come the first time you did 5 round trips to FLL it was 16k but the second time it was way more than triple at 58.5k?


JetBlue has deals occasionally…


Hey dan wanna adopt me?


Dan, you aren’t fair to me. I’m pregnant, and viewing your pictures of delicious food is pure torture!!! I want it all now!!!!


Iā€™d think pictures of raw sushi and alcoholic beverages would be rough for a pregnant woman


Love the picture with Stephen Harper! He was just on the ship coincidentally or he booked with you? You knew he’d be aboard before you were there? Any security detail? Would love to hear about it:)


Completely coincidental to the kosher trip. We found out he was on board when we walked into the general briefing room and there he was. Of course a fellow Canadian recognized him :). No security detail. He was very friendly and generous with his time for picture taking. Otherwise kept to himself.




Dan, curious if you track the $ value of each point redeemed for each trip. Wonder if you consistently do better than 2 cents per point… Or would have been better to get 2 percent back with capital one purchases and use the cash to pay for the travel/hotels.


Great question


Do u have a post how u earned 8 digits of points @dan


He follows the advice he gives us on this site. He maximizes his Freedom bonus points on several cards, uses gift cards bought on his Ink card at office supply stores, etc.


If you always fly with points how do you keep your elite status on the airlines?


Me among many other readers are blocked from Instagram through the web filter, Can you please attach the photos directly on your post, like you attached the 1 photo of your precious kids sitting in airport?



Mike Smith



Me too

menchem yehoshua

3 nights at the Ritz Carlton Herzliya: 3 Ritz credit card signup nights.
3 kids in one room? and are you able to transfer the category 9 or category 5 attached marriott certs to a current tier 1-3?


how many uber accounts do you have? do you have tons of coupons in them? j


The 750K UA points Erev Yom Tov is something that only @dan can do. Being GS isn’t opening 4 more seats on Saver. So before anyone gets ideas (as all other awards here are easily replicated- this years at least), remember ur only getting UA saver to TLV on limited random days, never close to a Yom Tov. @Dan, how did u get 5 seats open?


Burned over 1.5mil points this year, all for coach class tix (I did give away one ticket to tlv to someone else in business.) Just writing to thank Dan. Read the info regularly and try to put it to good use.


Fantastic Dan. Beautiful places and an even more beautiful Family. Blessed is right.



Since you save so many people so much money each year, you should have a charity site on your website that people can thank you by giving charity to a few different charities that you feel are worthwhile. I would be happy to make a donation.


Dan, tell me how many points you gifted to people in need for emergency travel – lo aleinu!


Ram chap, how about you reveal it first? I personally gave about 2% (two %) of my salary. Letā€™s see your non judgement response


Dan, more than what you write is how you write. I read your site first thing in the morning and the writings always have a positive & relaxing effect. It feels like like having a live discussion with a you. I’m a little older than you and I see that you have an incredible gift of inspiring people in a very unusual way. That’s a real Shliach in my book. Keep it up!

Mike Smith


CLE Rocks

Dan-you gotta convince these restaurants to open in the LAND!


Also want to add that I took the Resolute cruise just after Dan and friends. We spoke to a head staff member we befriended and they told us in all honesty that they really enjoyed your group!


Great post and pictures! Appreciate you sharing. Happy New Year!


H Dan, I love this post!!!

I just have one question…as some whoā€™s into this cc game, but doesnā€™t have a place to spend a ton of money, to rank up so much points, what can I do to make more points???

Brothers United

Buying Groups.
everyone is doing it.


You canā€™t amass so much points by buying a computer and a iPad and beats earphones etc. (this is not how you can make 100,000 points a month)

Mike Smith

+1 plus there is abit of risk with buying groups that they won’t pay you back because they’ll be broke

Flying Jew

Dan thanks for sharing. The Haters will always hate…ignore them.

Thanks for the trip notes and airline deals…once you have a great “hock” to fly business there is no going back to coach!

Any thoughts about running a seminar for Tzdaka? My schedule didnt work out when you did the last round?

Think about it Obi Dan Kanobi?


Great Write up Dan!!

I second that! would love another seminar in Lkwd. Missed the last one.


I burned 1.4 mil this year! Took me a while to get comfortable with earn and burn!! Want to take this opportunity to thank you for changing my quality of life!!!


Love the family pics! You have very cute kids!


You keep saying with ccs that “there are plenty of ways to spend money without spending money”. If some of us more naive ones can’t figure out this cryptic statement, can anything be leaked to us?? Please!

Jetjew flyer

Dan how are you able to pay for an even more legroom upgrade with trueblue points?


Burned 500k miles, traveled to 13 countries & 30 cities, some multiple times, almost all of it in business.
Dan, Iā€™ll never forgive you for spoiling me šŸ˜‰ 5 years ago Iā€™d jump on a coach price mistake, and as of this year I donā€™t even consider business price mistakes because of miles.
2018 was amazing, maybe 2019 should be the year that profiles are implemented in the DDMS comment section? It is probably a long shot, but maybe it can be linked (or manually verified) with forums and/or Facebook profiles. It is nice and respectable that you let many distasteful comments through as it shows your ā€œrealnessā€, but at the end of the day they are just that – distasteful.


@dan how do you keep your elite status if you only fly with award tickets?


I want to book a united ticket for next week. Besides for the $5 tax fee, i also have a $75 fee for booking a week close to the flight, does anyone know how to get rid of it?


ā€œIā€™m still sitting on 8 figures of unredeemed milesā€

100 million miles??? WOW!

ben ish chai

”buy gift cards to liquidate”. If you buy a gift card of lets say Staples of $100 for $90, how do you get rid of the gift card?
