Evolve Soon To Be Extinct

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Back in 2014 Evolve was a lot of fun. I wrote about them a lot, but kept the secret that you can manufacture unlimited miles on your credit card with Evolve limited to DDF and seminars. At seminars I talked about using my Gap and Banana cards to cycle through tens of thousands of free miles.

After a few months some other sites covered that news as a limited time glitch. Of course it wasn’t that at all. I have no problem writing about a true limited time glitch, but when something good lasts a long time it’s a shame to see it die. Most credit cards stopped working soon after that point, but on DDF we discussed some cards that continued to work.

Later that year they limited things by allowing just 1 payment per biller per month and last year they stopped allowing debit cards, though people have still been using it with reloadit cards.

However effective 02/01/16 they will cease to exist. They never seemed to have a plan to actually make money, so no surprise there.

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11 Comments On "Evolve Soon To Be Extinct"

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Upsetting! This is how I met the debit card usage requirement for new bank account signups.


Might as well get another post ready for the Blue Bird/Server Massacre that just happened…:) Oh well..that was fun


just got this email this morning:

We are writing to let you know that we have observed unusual usage patterns on your American Express Serve Account. Because of this, effective immediately, you will no longer be able to add money to your Account.1 We have made this change in accordance with Section 15.d of our Consumer User Agreement, which you can view here.

Please be aware that you continue to have full access to the funds on your Account and can withdraw them at any time. Any applicable monthly fees continue to apply.

Once your balance reaches $0, please close your Account online via your Profile page accessible here. Scroll down to the Close Account section and click “Close Account.”

If you have any questions or would like to inquire further about this issue, you may write to us at the following address:

American Express
C/O Customer Relations 02-04-40
4315 S 2700 W
Salt Lake City, UT 84184-0440


The American Express Serve Team

I always did everything by the book with them:

Paid bills, hardly ever transferred cash out most months did credit card loads & a few Gift card loads

What do u think?

Shneuer Z.

Good riddance!




Speaking of seminars, when are the next ones?


@Shneuer Z.: Now why would evolve have bothered you this much?


Is there a link / news story? Can’t find note of their dissapearance elsewhere?

Mike Cohen

Dan, Any way we can set up a DD seminar here in Israel? Thanks!!


I think I’m retired 🙂

@Mike Cohen:
The last seminar was in Israel, where were you 😀



Say it ain’t so! Would love to go to another seminar of Reb Dan
