For the past few months Israel had a messy process to apply for permission to enter the country. You had to email your request and supporting documents to your local Israeli embassy or consulate and applications frequently got lost. However, if you emailed to check on the status of the application you were sent to the back of the line.
Some people waited months for a response, while others were only able to get permission to enter by sending their relative in Israel to wait in line at the Misrad Hapnim before they opened for the day. A reader shared his report of that.
As of today Israel has a new online application form.
The same rules apply, you need to have a first degree relative who is a citizen or permanent resident of Israel. And you need to have a vaccination card or a past COVID positive test result. You can upload documentation such as passports, birth certificates, proof of vaccination and insurance coverage via that form and select the embassy or consulate for your jurisdiction.
If you have yet received a response for your email application, you should submit your application again via the form.
DDF member Ergel reports that his father-in-law applied for permission to enter Israel a month ago via email and never heard back. He applied via the form and got an approval in less than 20 minutes! Another member got an instant approval for an application.
I’m sure that process will slow down, but hopefully the lost applications will come to an end with this new form.
Post your results in the comments!
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162 Comments On "Some People Are Getting Quick Approvals From Israel’s New Entry Application Form!"
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Were any of those two people from NY? I’ve heard Atlanta and Miami came back quickly. I did not get an instant response. Applied today. Let’s see. We all got emails that if you applied before it is ignored go apply online.
Do the approvals require travel within 2 weeks or does it allow for longer period of time?
It can be more than 2 weeks.
The ishurs issued to this point have generally been 2 weeks. I have a flight scheduled august 7th. When do you suggest I apply?
Apparently it’s 30 days now.
My parents applied last night and we’re approved shortly after, but it was still only valid for 14 days.
My guess is since the new form has a calendar to choose the date of your flight, they know when to process each application.
Anyone know what documents I can get to prove I had Covid? Is there an official form or is just a dr note?
You don’t have a copy of the test results?
Does it matter how far back you had the positive result?
What are the current rules as far as children?
They can only come if they tested positive for COVID.
I know 5 children that landed in Israel this morning that didn’t have any proof of previous covid nor vaccination and were not Israeli citizens.
Many people are going to Israel w/o proof. as long as they agree to go into quarantine
I’d like to do that. What’s the process in the applcation to agree for quarantine? I don’t have positive covid test or want to get vaccine.
This is misinformation. Unless you hold a Tav Yarok (fully-vaccinated in Israel + a week), you must go into quarantine. There’s nothing to apply for. As of yesterday, even Israelis fully-vaccinated in Israel must go into quarantine for 24 hours or until negative PCR done at BG Airport is received. General quarantine period was just reduced to 7 days, with two negative PCRs. If you were fully-vaccinated abroad, you can do a serology test to have that quarantine period reduced or almost eliminated.
Can you please give more info on this???
did they claim to have been vaccinated but did not show proof or did they state that they are unvaccinated?
Unless they are Israeli citizens with Israeli passports, no airline will board them without the required documentation. So, I suspect wholly or partially incorrect information.
Can I take kids along if I have a first degree relative? If yes, I don’t see an option to add kids.
If they tested positive for COVID, yes.
You need to fill out the form for each passenger.
Dan, do you anticipate the visitation restriction on kids who have not been previously positive lessening anytime soon?
Do they need an antibodies test on landing?
My daughter just landed in Israel on Wednesday evening. They went to their place and had to have a blood test drawn for antibodies when they got there. They had results and we’re out of quarantine in about 24 hours.
My cousin is already in Israel working as part of an exchange program. She is due to leave Israel in early August, but would like to stay an extra week or ten days to attend a friend’s wedding. Is there any way to obtain approval to extend her stay?
Unless her visa is expired she doesn’t have to leave
Even if the visa expired, she should have no problem overstaying. It’s not like the US where overstaying a visa can get you a ten year ban, in Israel many students overstay their visa each year with no harmfull results.
I never had the COVID-19 virus and did not get the vaccine, will I be able to get into the country 1:30 AM?
hmm… Maybe try at 2:15AM….
Which country is 1:30AM ?
Here’s a thought – GET VACCINATED
does the original “request for admission of foreign national to the State of Israel” 3-page form need to uploaded as part of the documents? Does anyone know? (It’s the form where you write what address you will be staying at, and who your host is – https://amudim.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Decleration-may-6.pdf)
Yes I was denied because of it
Are the applications being processed in America on in Israel? Meaning, is Friday considered a work day for this?
can I go with my wife and baby if I have a sister that is a permanant resident in Israel, but my wife has no first degree relatives in Israel?
Did your baby have Covid?
Yes, I think so. Try!
Yes. On their applications, put a comment with your application number, and that you are going to visit a first degree relative and they are coming with you. I am going to visit my parents. And my wife is coming with.
My wife has a sister living in Israel, but can’t take off work to go now. Can my wife apply for a visa to visit her first-degree relative and also apply for me as her husband, and then after we’re both approved, only I go and she stays in the US?
Do you have confirmation of this working? Will they not cancel the ishur when they see the first degree relative isn’t flying?
Yes, my brother did it
What’s the deal with non-Israeli kids traveling with Israeli parents?
Is a shviger first degree relative ?
Do you want to be related or only for entry purposes? what’s better shvigger or shvugger?
No, but you can apply through your wife she does not have to join you once you get an Ishur
Business travel and other “famous” people or well-connected are making it in without issue
yep , know quite a few that also got in with no 1st degree relative. Thats always how it goes. the rich get richer. They got in before me , who has a 1st degree relative israeli citizen . one of them called me an amateur. Had to laugh.
Is there a new online application as well for request to entry for the wife and children of an Israeli? (There are different documents required and no vaccine)
Do they process the applications in the order received, or do they sort them by flight date, in order to process the soonest flights first?
(Our flight is this coming Tuesday, and we are on pins and needles).
My wife is Israeli citizen. I and my son are not.
Her aunts uncles and grandparents live there.
Am I allowed in with her?
Your son is an ISRAELI citizen, you just didnt register him yet. It is illegal for him to enter Israel except on an Israeli Passport
Hi baby 3 months old how can i go with him? My brother is a permanent resident
Hi what this the deal with having a positive test for antibodies. Does it count as a positive corona test? Anyone know?
Doubtful because positive corona test does not guarantee positive antibodies.
Doesn’t count, and only Israel antibody tests would help, anyway, and that’s just to reduce quarantine.
Interesting thing is that they don’t seem to require that the Israeli citizen actually LIVES in Israel. My father holds Israeli citizenship and has lived in NY for basically his whole life but I guess this would still qualify.
Which consulate is the fastest? I’m in n.y. but need to get approval before this Tuesday
We also need approval before Tuesday. 🙁 We applied through NY, which we were hesitant about, but it seems like back when the application was done through email, some applications from New Yorkers were returned when they applied through a different city (and they were told to re-apply through NY)… So it may be best not to risk it.
Fastest is having a 1st degree relative living in Israel do it from their end. Our friends going for their son’s wedding in just over 2 weeks from now had their son in Israel submit ONLINE ALL the forms/paperwork. There’s also a special form needed when filing this way and you can get it online via Chaim V’chessed. Be very very careful to have EVERY form they tell you. He applied at 6am Miami time this morning and they just got approved about an hour or 2 ago! They got a call from the Israeli embassy cuz some papers were missing, and they submitted them (email) while she was still on the phone with them and got approved right away. Paying attention to ALL the DETAILS make a huge difference.
anyone know the answer to this? does the original “request for admission of foreign national to the State of Israel” 3-page form need to uploaded as part of the documents? Does anyone know? (It’s the form where you write what address you will be staying at, and who your host is – https://amudim.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Decleration-may-6.pdf). From the website it’s not clear. i dont have enough space for that form and for my other supporting documents.
On the website of the Israeli embassy, they do not list it as required anymore
Yes I was denied because of this form
from which embassy
how do you know it was because of that? They told you that specifically?
No, but that was the only thing missing, so that’s my assumption. On the NY site, they do not list it on the Atlanta site they do.
Thanks. 1) Where do u find the different sites for the diff states? I’m in Washington DC. 2) you resubmitted? Did you get your Ishur?
I didn’t because I wanted to be there last week
Go to ilovepdf.com and compress ur file
Might not be a good idea, from a security perspective, to use a random unknown website to compress your PDF full of personal information.
Does everyone from a single family traveling need proof of vaccination or recovery?
Will the kids require to quarantine for 7 or 10 days, if proof of COVID but no antibodies visiting a first degree relatives?
7 or 10?
I have a brother that is living in Jerusalem but is not a citizen of Israel. Can I visit him?
When you get to Israel, G-d willing, and you need a Serological test to shorten your quarantine, here are all the locations: http://www.coronatestisrael.com
What’s a valid proof of first degree relative?
Proof of positive covid and negative afterwards is enough or I have to take the vaccine as well?
Link doesnt work
try this page. has links for different permit requests. They should be working
My mom is an Israeli citizen but isn’t living in Israel, can she be counted as a 1st degree?
Like you Mom is an Israeli living in the US or somewhere else? No
Also – you technically are supposed to have an Israeli passport….they will likely come back to you with that comment now as this is a new increased focus
If a parent made Aliyah and became full citizens after their children were grown, those adult children do not become Israeli citizens automatically. I have many friends that are “children” of Israelis but are not themselves citizens.
Can someone explain the logic of not allowing antibodies as proof of prior exposure? Not only for entry into Israel but for other institutions as well.
As far as I know the only ways to develop antibodies to anything is through previous exposure and/or vaccination (or maybe eating live bats, I’m not judging). There’s no reason to suspect that antibodies obtained secondary to vaccination are any better or more protective than those developed the good ol’ fashioned way, and in fact that’s evident by the fact that there’s talk of a third shot needed and/or annual boosters.
I’d appreciate if someone has an explanation or can direct me to a published one (preferably scientific, although a dumbed down government issued statement for the lay folk would also be OK if it actually mentions why there’s a difference).
Because this belief that “I got Covid before and thus don’t need a vaccine” is not supported by any science whatsoever. This is used by people who do NOT want a vaccine and use this as an excuse.
No gov’t/science believes this is prudent so they aren’t going to allow it
Very well said!
Can I apply after only receiving the first dose with a flight date that will give me enough time (3 weeks) to get the second dose. Or do I need to wait till after the second dose to apply?
You are not considered vaccinated until TWO weeks have elapsed after your second dose.
I really have zero sympathy for these comments. What in the world were you waiting for that you only now got your first dose?
Perhaps you should try to feel little bit of sympathy there can be many reasons why someone would have not done it earlier just think for a second i’m sure you could think of some reasons.
I doubt you have sympathy for anyone that has a difference of opinion with you.
For example, do you have any sympathy for anyone who is apprehensive about getting a Covid vaccination all together?
See what I’m saying Miss Sympathy?
Hi – can someone already in Israel as part of a tour/camp group extend their stay under the new rules (i.e. come back later than the group is scheduled to return)? thanks
My father resides in israel, my teenage son wants to visit him. Will they make my son an Israeli citizen?
No. Visitors don’t automatically become citizens. One would have to go thru the aliya process.
How do I prove that I had covid19 if when I had it testing wasn’t even available?
Can a bachur enter israel to visit his israeli grandfather, without risking them making him an israeli citizen
Are his parents Israeli citizens? Or was he born in Israel? You don’t become an Israeli citizen through a grandparent.
By the way children of Israeli citizens were always automatically Israeli citizens themselves. The fact that they started enforcing the laws may have to do with the fact that so many people are actively trying to get around them these days. We are all frustrated by the situation but it doesn’t seem right in my opinion to claim citizenship when its convenient and deny it when its not.
Can foreign nationals that are not 1sr degree relatives enter israel in august
Not at this point
I have a student visa and a green passport, what do I need to get back into israel
Are in laws considered 1st degree relatives. We have daughter in law and grandchildren living in israel. Will we get approval
Get a certified marriage license of your son. It will have your daughter-in-law’s maiden name and your names. As of today, it does not have to be notarized and apostilled
Not all marriage licenses have the parents names listed.
In laws are not, usually.
Your son does not live in Israel? I don’t know your personal situation but if he lives elsewhere, it may not be approved. If there is a special situation, yes try to prove the connection from you to your son then to your daughter in law and grandchildren and explain the situation in detail. So maybe your son’s birth certificate, his marriage proof, then maybe a grandchilds birth certificate.
My son also lives in israel. With his family. He is on student visa they are all citizens. Do you know what paperwork I need to fill out
That’s not a situation that the forms cover so you need to ask the consulate directly. Ask his yeshiva also.
Did anyone use this form for birth of grandchild on student visa?
I used the new form yesterday morning at 10:30 and was approved by 4:20 same day
I used it at 5:02pm, yesterday. Still waiting…
Is there an official document to show that my daughter is a permanent resident?
The form does not provide any guidance on documentation or provide room for explanation.
what is your departure date if I may ask? wondering if they’re processing in chronological order
Through which consulate did you apply? And what state are you from?
My husband who is an Israeli citizen wants to visit his father in Israel. If my teenage son goes along, will he automatically be registered as an Israeli citizen?
I wanna apply a permit for me and my wife, do I need to apply 2 separate permits or there is a option to do it together on one form???
2 forms
For a birth of grandchild where do u apply
Do I need to have medical insurance when I apply for the permit in order to get approved???
Or I could buy it after getting approved?
When you get to Israel, a brand new Serological test location opened near the airport. Open 24 hours with no appointment necessary. Drive or take a cab there. See http://www.coronatestisrael.com
Write to info@coronatestisrael.com for questions
How are their prices compared with the airport testing?
There is no serological testing at the airport, only the mandatory PCR.
This is a common mistake. The country requires everyone to get a PCR test, and without that you cannot leave the airport. You then go into quarantine, which could last to 14 days.
If you’ve been vaccinated with one of the recognized vaccines outside of Israel, then after you leave the airport, you can get the serological blood test. Positive results can get you out of quarantine closer to the 1-day time (assuming you get a negative PCR). If you don’t get this test, then you remain in quarantine.
That longer quarantine is either 14 days, or it could be 7 if you get another negative PCR test on day 7 (I think, or maybe 6).
Serology tests run from 150 NIS and higher. At Hatzala, it’s 250, I think. See http://www.coronatestisrael.com
Do you have the address for the new site?
It’s all there.
I’m not sure to which one of you are referring to, is it the first one?
Applied with new form to Washington DC yesterday around noon. 24 hours later and still waiting.
Help, I applied for entry for Aug 17 and was told I did not meet the criteria for entry.
What gives. What do I do now? I have a first degree relative in Israel.
Thanks in advance.
We don’t know why they turned you down, they do. Is your first degree relative really what is considered first degree? Parents count but grandparents don’t. Is your relative a citizen or permanent resident? Other visas don’t count.
Did you fill out the forms properly? Did you include insurance information, are you vaccinated? It could be any of those reasons or others that got you rejected.
It’s my brother who made aliyah, I have the covid insurance, am fully vaccinated and sent all my docs properly, was it to early and can I reapply as the trip gets closer?
maybe because you applied more then a month before
We are living in South Africa and have had both Pfizer vaccines. Would we be able to visit our son and brother?
We applied from DC and got a quick reply after applying in Israel 3 weeks prior, going to the misrad hapnim at 7 am etc all with no luck.
What was your travel date and how many days before your travel date did you apply?
Has anyone applied through the online form for a family of a few applicants? The form asks for all related application numbers so did you put all the application numbers on each application? The only way I see to do this is to have all the application screens open at the same time as the app number gets generated when the page is opened. OR does the form just intend you to link all the applications to the application of the one person who is the relative of the Israeli citizen? Thanks in advance for any advice.
This new online form works as of yesterday afternoon! It’s for Israeli first degree relatives to apply on behalf of non Israeli relatives.
I applied already on this form last week Thursday and still waiting for a respond.
I applied already with that form last week Thursday and I am still waiting for a respond.
If I have a first degree relative can my son who is over 18 come as well -I’ve heard conflicting answers to this…
also once approval is granted to the relative and children, does the first degree relative -parent actually have to go or can the son who got permission show up in Israel himself…
Chaim vchessed told me that adult children will not be allowed based on the parent’s relationship with the first degree relative. I am still going to try but not hopeful.
Does anybody knows if they are sending back a regular permit or it’s just an automatic reply that your request was approved?
Hi! I’m planning a trip for right after succos for most of the the month of October. Is booking tickets a bad idea now? Should I wait? The prices are decent I don’t want to lose it
Amudim has a video tutorial of how to fill out the online application for entry to Israel. They said that many are being answered within 72 hours.
I’m not going until mid Sept for Yom Kippur and Succos. My daughter-in-law on a student visa is having a baby. When should I apply. I didn’t purchase insurance yet because I was told I have time. What do I put in where it says which Israeli embassy I’m applying to? Do I have to send all the documents that Chaim V’Chesed said to send?
do you need a pcr test and a serological test after you enter Israel if you are vaccinated ?
My wife had a baby and my parents in law applied 10 days ago and we still didnt get back any response. Is there anything else we can do to rush it up? Its our first baby and my wife really needs her mother ASAP any ideas thanx in advance
Hi! does anybody know how long it takes to get the response back, I have applied last Sunday, July 18th, and today is 22nd. My flight is next week…
When I try to access the application link it says “https://govforms.gov.il/mw/forms/knisalisrael@mofa.gov.il#!requestDetails”, then it loads though, anyone know if I can still apply thru the link?
Applied in NY with less than a week lead time till my flight. Needed many many documents, but got approval in less than 24 hours
What do you mean in NY, you didn’t apply online ? You went downs to the embassy?
I went down to misrad hapnim today, and they told me they couldn’t find my online application. They obviously lost it. There were others there that had the same issue. I would suggest to those who aren’t receiving answers within a few days of submitting it, to send in another one.
That is exactly what happened to me, and I’ve tried to resubmit yesterday, but the system says that I have to wait for two weeks from the date of first submission, which means that I will lose my tickets… I have never had such irresponsible service in my life…
You can resubmit it by filling in the application and putting in the passport number the last thing and then click send.
Thank you for your reply Yitzy, I tried it two times but at the end it still refuses to send…((
You have to click send and it will still come up that you have to wait for two weeks but you will receive a email that the application was submitted. I did it last week and it went through. try again don’t give up.
Yitzy, or anybody, could you please tell me what is “Obligation to comply with all Israeli authority’s COVID-19 limitations and instructions”-it’s a new requirement now in that application…
Don’t see this in the application.
One more question: does it make any difference which embassy in the United States you applying for (in the application)? Because the Israeli consulate in Chicago is not functioning…
What would You advice?
I spoke to amudim and they said its a mistake in the system that you cant apply twice in two weeks they are aware of it and hope to fix it within the next 2 days
It’s been almost 4! months since I have applied for a permit for the first time in April for my flight to Tel Aviv in May. Since then lots of different statements and promises about reopening borders were officially made (June1, July1, August1 and so on). I have reapplied 5! times, purchased tickets 4 times and had to return all of them, because I hade NO response from Israeli consulate in Chicago or from this very site with electronic application. And I DO HAVE A FAMILY IN ISRAEL, that I haven’t seen for years… I lost my entire vacation that I have been saving for 3 years, just sitting and waiting for this ENTRY PERMIT… This kind of treatment is humiliating and unacceptable… If applicant is not eligible – he should get some kind of a note or response, NOT A SILENCE… Tomorrow I am gonna have to spend another 3-4 hrs waiting on the phoneline with UNITED airlines to return my ticket again, because not much time left, and instead of getting a permit – I get SILENCE…
Has anyone filled out this form and received the entry visa?
How long did it take to get the entry visa?