Despite rising COVID cases due to the Delta variant, Israel’s coronavirus cabinet has voted to decrease quarantine time from 10-14 days to just 7 days. The change is being done in an effort to improve quarantine compliance.
A virus carrier has a 1.7% chance of infecting someone with a 14 day quarantine, a 5.3% chance with a 10 day quarantine, and a 10% chance with a 7 day quarantine.
Several reports online said the cabinet was going to announce that Israel would reopen to all vaccinated travelers in August. That remains to be seen, but nothing of the sort was announced. At this point we can substitute Israel and foreign nationals trying to fly to the holy land for Lucy and Charlie Brown…
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38 Comments On "Israel Cuts Quarantine Time To 7 Days, Still Closed To Tourism"
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dont understand. I have seen in this article and a bunch of others that you need to test 72 hours prior, test when you land in the airport and then quarantine for 24 hours or less until the results are received. not sure why there are conflicting reports
you automatically are put into quarantine when you land. However if you follow all protocol, test at the airport and pass an antigen test the next day you can leave quarantine after 24 hours
Only if your unvaccinated and haven’t recovered from Covid do you have to quarantine. The 24 hour rest in Israel is to test for anti bodies, which determines wether or not you have to quarantine further.
The 24 hour quarantine is for vaccinated or recovered travelers. The 7 days in for non-vaccinated
so if I am vaccinated, which I must be in order to fly I must still get covid test and SEROLGICAL test in Israel…can I isolate at my sisters house? Or only in a designated place
You can.
Link please.
I think this is it. It doesn’t specifically reference tourists or citizens.
This article is for Israeli citizens – ‘Before leaving Israel, it is worthwhile to check the COVID regulations in your country of destination’
But naive as he was, Charlie Brown never stopped trying.
I’ve already cancelled multiple awards to TLV, but I’m still rebooked 😀
How should I deal with American Airlines tickets to TLV that were bought on Priceline for the end of July? Cry loudly while waiting for an Ishur that still hasn’t come through?
Contact Amudim they will gladly try to help you.
Thank you!
Can someone explain why they are banning tourism?
been in a coma for 2 years? welocme back!!
theres something thats been going around called covid. google it (google means do an internet search).
The question was why are tourists more contagious then israelis who spend time in the USA and then return?
“why are tourists more contagious then israelis who spend time in the USA and then return”
They may not be but countries offer rights and privileges to citizens that they don’t offer to other visitors. I’m frustrated by this situation too but I’m not complaining about it being my “right” to visit now, like many other people are.
May the situation improve enough soon thst we are safe and free to travel!
Hey Dan, this is a very unrelated questions but I wasn’t sure where to ask… I’m trying to book a flight from NYC to Chicago on August 1st and Im fairly new to the points game. I have UR points and was trying to search on British airways for flights on American. However everything I look up comes up empty. This is after logging into my executive account. Any tips? Thanks!
We are in Israel currently . So this is real time info . We came on a special entry permit last week. My husband has a brother who is a citizen . We needed to take the following steps .
1. Covid test within 72 hours of our departing flight from the US.
2. Land in Israel take a Covid test at the airport . Results return within 24 hours .
3. Go from airport to take an antibody test (we did it in yerushalayim at Hatzalah for $65)
4. Go into quarantine until the health ministry approves the release from quarantine based on the positive antibody results that you submit to them. Translation : we got the positive antibody results from Hatzalah less than 24 hours later. We then had to submit those results to the health ministry. Then they send a release from quarantine ticket . That last process can take up to 3 days . Now you know you have antibodies but you are waiting for “permission” to leave quarantine ♀️
This is helpful
-What happens if you don’t have antibodies?
-How will they know if you are in or not in quarantine?
If no antibodies you have to do the full 7 days. As for knowing – you give them your details when you enter and are subject to spot checks and enforcement. I know of people who have had to go onto their porch and wave to a drone.
if it’s any consolation, i had two family members visit (both Israeli citizens) and they got their release from quarantine within 15 minutes of having the serological test results.
A Jewish State that has it’s borders sealed and won’t allow in Jews. Very sad. Churban all over again.
Jews who don’t understand the Jewish State must guard the health of its citizens and who want to endanger that with their irresponsible behavior. Very sad. Churban all over again.
A Jewish state protecting the lives of its citizens. פיקוח נפש דוחה שבת
its not shabbos.
all for a .001% mortality rate lmao
do you generally laugh when people die? Or are you sometimes less of a horrible person?
As a reminder , covid initially spread in Israel and killed many was when Talmudim from a Brooklyn yeshiva were sent back to Israel , infected .
Yes , seal boarders protect its citizens
Stop killing our rabbonim
Stay in the US
It’s not that bad
So you don’t believe in Hashem. Rachmana litzlan.
Based on your krum logic, the US should seal it’s borders from Israelis. Why should we get infected from them? They have the Delta variant, we don’t. Keep out all Israelis. Stop killing us.
We don’t have the Delta variant in the U.S.? Most cases and the ones that are fatal seem to be that variant.
Countries have the right to make such policies. The U.S. can choose to restrict people from anywhere but as individuals we don’t get to say the U.S. let’s in Israelis so Israelis have to let Americans in.
anyone know if Israel is still requiring travel insurance? If so, where is the best place to get it? If I have regular student insurance through Maccabi in Israel would that suffice?
There is a new online portal to apply for an Ishur https://govforms.gov.il/mw/forms/knisalisrael@mofa.gov.il#!requestDetails
New form to enter to israel
So if I am unvaccinated and don’t have antibodies/recovered covid test, can I still enter israel and just be in quarantine for seven days? (With a student visa)
As an Israeli citizen, I went to Israel May 9, had a preflight neg PCR, another negative PCR at BenGurion, and a positive serologic antibody test. I was release from quarantine by the Ministry of Health and received a Green Passport that expires on Dec 31, 2021.
Flew out of Israel June 14.
Now returning in August.
Is my Green Passport still good for release of quarantine?