A few weeks ago I wrote that Israel was hoping to reopen in July.
Interior Minister Aryeh Deri confirmed today that Israel is moving forward with that plan as the current system is causing undue hardship.
A new streamlined process for people vaccinated with vaccines recognized by Israel (including all 3 vaccine options in the US) will be announced in the coming days and will go into effect on July 1st. There will likely be exclusions for countries that are currently experiencing a high transmission rate of COVID-19.
As the COVID-19 vaccine is only approved for those 12 or older, this seems to mean that kids will still be locked out, but we’ll have to wait and see what exactly the new rules will say.
Will you travel to Israel this summer? With lots of countries reopening for vaccinated passengers only, have you already or will you get the vaccine in order to travel again?
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128 Comments On "Finally! Israel Plans On Reopening To Vaccinated Tourists On July 1st!"
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It’s about time!!!
Vaccinated and ready!!
Deri is out of the interior ministry come Sunday, so maybr hold off on the planning for a few days.
Never plan before rules are announced.
Unless cheap flights
Plan, yes. Action, no. But in my case, I bet on August being open so I bought tickets for August on the United 40yr sale. However, I really want to change to July fir multiple reasons. Would you change now?
I wouldn’t change yet.
In Israel you shouldn’t plan even after the rules are announced.
Recovered is better than vaccinated (Fact). Not sure why everyone turns a blind eye to big Pharma making billions.
[Citation needed]
Doesn’t say it’s better. But strongly suggests a previous infection is just as good as a vaccine.
Recent study says antibodies as effective as vaccine https://t.co/V5EOqZ1CPm
Again, how is that better?
Just anecdotally, I know people who recovered from COVID and got it again.
My recovered antibody levels pre-vaccine were also lower than people who got vaccinated.
Yes, recovered is good, though no reason to assume better.
Just by not having to get an emergency use non FDA vaccine is good enough for me. Why should I need to get this vaccine if I don’t have to? I know my recovered body is what it is and no reason to get a non FDA approved vaccine with unknown side effects. So it’s better because I got it and I am done. There is also talk from doctors about it being better in general although it’s hard to find “misinformation” and all lol.
Also yes you can get the virus again if you are recovered just like you can get covid after a vaccine.
Also having a lower antibody number is meaningless. Does not mean much in reality. Eventually you can have no antibodies and still be protected as your T-Cells will produce antibodies when your body needs it.
I wish people were more informed and didn’t just follow the mainstream media and FB.
Nobody is forcing you to get vaccinated. If you want to travel abroad, you play by their rules.
Foreign travel isn’t a liberty.
Agreed. Anyone can do whatever they want if they have the force to back them. Doesn’t mean it’s right to say “you can only visit your family if you do so and so because we decided it’s safe”. Remember this vaccine is emergency use only and NOT FDA Proved. Only take it if you must! Lots of issues coming up with people having bad side effects and even Israel doesn’t require teanagers after many got sicknesses that doesn’t make sense to them.
Care to explain the phrase “Foreign travel isn’t a liberty”? should it be? should it not be?
As a citizen of a country, you should have the liberty to leave. But a foreign country doesn’t owe you any liberties to have to allow you in.
Let’s see Dan if someone should restrict you from traveling and you’ll still say no one is forcing you from being vaccinated. Restricting a person’s privileges is also forcing.
Foreign travel is not a human right or liberty. Nobody is forcing you to get vaccinated just because you won’t be able to go to Israel or Canada.
Well we do know 1 in at least 19,000 young men in Israel are getting a heart problem as severe side effect after the inoculation
Hence, this…..
They have no idea if it’s better or worse, and the most recent reports have been strong for recovery. Vaccinated people have also gotten Covid. Therefore, the USA completely ignoring/dismissing recovery, is stupid at best, and nefarious at worst.
Agree, need a citation… another fact is that many of those with long Covid have seen significant improvement in their symptoms if not complete elimination after getting both vaccination shots.
I don’t understand this, but it is amazing news.
I had no sense of smell for a year after I had covid. It came back within a week of getting the first shot.
Almost everyone recognizes that those recovered have a lower (re) infection rate than those who have taken the J & J shot. There is some debate regarding the (re) infection rate of recovered vs the Pfizer and Moderna. If the J & J vaccine counts, then antibodies/proof of covid should as well
Agreed, not talking about the J&J.
The J&J is out there to help with herd immunity for people worried about mRNA.
A recent major advance in treating prostate cancer was buried in the back pages of the newspaper…. but this is covid so politics enters in 3,2,1…
Just as good – https://www.news-medical.net/amp/news/20210608/No-point-vaccinating-those-whoe28099ve-had-COVID-19-Findings-of-Cleveland-Clinic-study.aspx
OP said better, not just as good.
Say what you will about these dudes and dudette, they are not lightweights.
“Natural infection typically confers better and broader protection, but this comes at a cost to those who are vulnerable to severe illness and death. For those in the vulnerable group, including the elderly and those with chronic disease, it is safer to acquire future protection against the disease via vaccination than by recovering from the disease. At the same time, it makes little sense to ignore the scientific fact that infection does confer long-lasting future protection for the millions of people who have had COVID.”
Great article
Same protection no side affects, isn’t that a reason not to get the vaccine if you recovered?
I got the vaccine because I want to travel and it appears to be very safe.
To each their own, I don’t think it should be mandatory, but I do think a sovereign state has every right to make their own rules.
Leaving out the snarkiness… Some of us never had Covid and don’t want to get it, so we got the vaccine.
Hey Eli
Leaving out the snarkiness… Some of us had Covid and don’t want to get vaccine
It was a response to ‘Not sure why everyone turns a blind eye to big Pharma making billions’. Not ‘turning a blind eye’, but if you need antibodies, and you didn’t get Covid, you need to get the vaccine. Sorry it was over your head.
Why does someone that is young and healthy NEED antibodies? If you’re young and healthy your body will handle it if it has to. If your in the range of high risk then I understand. The emergency use approval from the FA was for the high risk.
Many young and healthy people suffer from both the virus and the long term effects, I personally know more than a few. For comparison, the vaccine I took was 1000x less painful than my COVID bout. And the FDA EUA was not for high risk, it is for anyone above the age of 12.
+1000 When will the “Scientist” recognize Natural Immunity? Something they’ve been preaching for Centuries!
That’s true only in some cases, not all. And how do you plan on proving you’re recovered? Do you expect them to do a blood test on thousands of tourists a day?
Request it before going on the plane, just like now they require the permit.
”due to hardship” i guess includes the hardship for them to verify if you are really recovered…
Looks like some of you guys won’t be traveling for a longgg time.
Possible (if verified by current test), but certainly not “Fact”
What type of proof will they require for the vax?
I hope they get rid of the antibody requirement to avoid quarantine. I was fully vaccinated and don’t have antibodies.
You probably took the wrong antibody test. Take this one:
you need a serological test to prove vaccination and avoid quarantine. i am flying end of july and just scheduled mine. here is the link to get you started (in hebrew): https://www.gov.il/he/Departments/Guides/flying-to-israel-guidlines?chapterIndex=5
There is a link there to a list of recognized labs. prices range at $60-80, and you need to reach out and schedule a test. there are some walk-in places too. results in 24-36 hrs.
if you land thursday night, note that most places don’t administer tests fridays, and the ones that do will give you results only on sunday, so you are quarantining for the weekend. on realizing this i actually moved my departure so that i land on wednesday instead of thursday.
i am def hoping they even remove the serological testing requirement and just recognize the vaccination card. doubt that’s going to happen by end of july though. one can hope and pray 🙂
For 600 shek you can have a answer in 4 hrs and they will send it in to the DOH
where? how?
In Yerushalayim, you can go to refuit (a block away from shefa mall), anf get tested for 300 sheqel. No appointments, no lines. I took test at 7pm, and at 3am that night, I got text from misrad habriut that my bidud ended
How can you order this test? There does not seem to be any self-pay option similar to their qualitative test.
Where does one get this in Israel and what do THEY call it? I have 2 weddings 9 days apart in August and won’t go if I can’t figure this out.
What do we think the chances are that kids under 12 will be allowed by YK/sukkot without bidud?
What about unvaccinated kids?
Read the post?
Does antibodies also help enter?
No, it says vaccine required.
Questions TBD are: 1. Will there be a pre-approval process? 2. Will antibodies count? 3. What proof will be needed? 4. Will you need to test again when you arrive? 5. Will you need to take a negative PCR test before? 6. Will kids flying along require vaccination or not?
Taking some total guesses so don’t hold me to it…
1. No
2. Only if you are also vaccinated.
3. Vaccine card and an antibody test in Israel. Perhaps they’ll have a rapid antibody option upon landing.
4. Yes.
5. Yes.
6. Tough one, but probably yes at first.
it says if you will need a anti body test or not is still under discussion
Glad to see my 8 ball said the same. 😉
1. Is basically what he said in the letter to lighten the load on the embassies and foreign ministry, so that would make sense.
2. They currently allow antibodies with verification so they may keep that, but they are expanding the pool now, and vaccines are widely available, so they may require vaccinated only.
6. I guess they will loosen up once more of the world population is vaccinated.
Are they very strict that the person entering EY has to be 2 weeks after 2nd vaccination, or 2 vaccinations alone is enough?
Are they very strict that the person entering EY has to be 2 weeks after 2nd vaccination, or 2 vaccinations alone is enough?
Tickets on July 1. I’m going.
ok to leave ny 30th to arrive the 1st??
Wait for the rules.
I believe in their own country the consider recovered the same as vaccinated?
Say thanks to everyone who photoshopped negative results from abroad.
You can photoshop a vaccine card
And enjoy a 5 year ban from visiting Israel if busted.
Either way, that’s why they verify with antibodies.
what about kids under 4 years old?! one had antibodies one didnt. entry and isolation used to be separate things. does this clearance get rid of isolating requirements?
American kids that one of their parents is israeli citizen are still not allowed to enter Israel which is frustrating.
I’d like to remain anonymous but B”H my unvaccinated children ages 7 and 10 are being allowed in. We received our Ishur 2 weeks ago, through the 1st degree relationship plan.
You may want to double check this… it may be that the granted ishur is predicated on the positive and negative results u will need to produce upon departure and arrival in accordance with their requirements
But they will need to quarantine.
for 1st degree reletivie children are alowed without vaccinn
These two israeli government sites have confilicting information….
I have many 1st degree family abroad, but I will not inject long lasting highly potent and obscure chemicals into my body if the long term side affects are 100% unknown and questionable. The risk is too great.
I have antibodies, no reason to vaccinate, all real studies have shown that
ברוך שהחיינו וקיימנו והגיענו לזמן הזה!
Just came back from Israel this week. I had an 11 month baby with me and had issues to get him back to NY due to the 14 days period so I contacted the health department and made them crazy that I need to be back in NY for my other kids and that the its humanitarian reason and to my Mazal and Hashem help they released it to me. Just sent to Dan The document I received. it was taking 2-3 days.
What is to be gained with this if you need to prove you have antibodies to get out of quarantine?
Why ask for a vaccination card if that doesn’t help you get out of quarantine unless you have antibodies?
Agreed. No one seems to be talking about this. Either ask proof of vaccination or a positive antibody test.
Requiring both is nonsensical.
If someone tests positive for antibodies, then who cares if they were vaccinated or not?
And if you’re not going to let in someone who was vaccinated but negative for antibodies (silly, if you ask me), then proof of vaccination is useless.
I don’t believe J&J is approved here in Israel.
I don’t believe it’s for sale…
I think only Tenuvah is…
spot on!
just came back from Israel . We were busy our whole trip to get out of bidud. Even with the right documentation in the airport my husband who is vaccinated and did antibody test there got stopped on the way out. So go figure.
Does anyone know if my 9 week old would be able to come to Israel with me if I’m vaccinated?
The rules have not been decided yet.
The Cleveland Clinic study posted above, (if you take time to read it, or the summary here https://www.newsmax.com/health/health-news/covid-immunity-vaccination/2021/06/09/id/1024476/) states clearly that natural immunity is BETTER protection than the vaccine. It also lasts much longer.
It also does not matter if you still have antibodies or not, as this study explains (it also explains natural immunity lasts forever) https://medicine.wustl.edu/news/good-news-mild-covid-19-induces-lasting-antibody-protection/
This entire vaccine thing is a political scam helping the pharmaceuticals make big money. Even if the vaccine would be needed, here in the U.S. and in Israel, we have reached way past what is required for heard immunity.
Even though it is true that people seem to have become infected with Covid a second time, those cases are extremely rare. and the reinfection is never dangerous. There is a better chance to get hit by lightning. However, a higher percent of people got Covid after the shots. (see above studies)
Besides the stories we read on line about people who died “coincidently” shortly after receiving the vaccine, I personally know a lady who lost her child in pregnancy. Another friend of mine, a man in his upper thirties, recently told me he lost peripheral vision in one eye about a week after getting vaccinated. His doctor told him he has six other patients this happened to. These cases are not reported to the government because there is no way to prove for sure it was caused by the vaccine. (That’s what the doctor said.) Throughout the pandemic, every single person who died was considered a Covid death. (That is why the death rate went down for all other causes of death.) But now we need to prove the damage came from the vaccine in order to report it.
These are cases I personally know first hand. I know of people who died shortly after vaccinating, some famous Rabbis from Israel.
It seems that those who already have antibodies get effected most from the vaccine. It is unnecessary over-kill.
Even if it is what we call a “miyut hamotzuy” who get harmed from the vaccine, there is no reason, besides political, to vaccinate if you already recovered from Covid. Even if it would add a tiny layer of protection (which it doesn’t), the risks certainly outweigh the benefits. Especially for those in the age bracket which Covid was rarely dangerous for anyway.
The CLE Clinic study didn’t look at people who got sick last March with more time for antibodies to wane.
But either way, the risks of the vaccine are infinitesimally small. For someone who didn’t get COVID, the scars of COVID are undoubtedly worse.
Personally I had antibodies and didn’t get vaccinated for added protection, I got vaccinated because most countries are requiring a vaccine to enter and it will make my life easier. To each their own, I certainly understand both sides.
The Cleveland Clinic Study proves the lasting protection of previous infection is at least 10 months. That is longer than they are saying the vaccine will work. The other study from the Washington University School of Medicine states this protection will and they will last indefinitely.
And again, this immunities has nothing to do with antibodies. If someone ever recovered from Covid, or once had antibodies, they are protected.
In addition, we have no way of knowing how rare the cases are, because they are not being reported. In my little neighborhood, I was made aware of at least eight cases with permanent or long lasting damage. The long term effects of the vaccine are certainly unknown.
My point was that this whole Covid vaccine thing is a politically charged movement and has nothing to do with health or science.
I guess it all depends how desperate one is to travel. I would not travel at the cost of the risk of impairing my vision.
“That is longer than they are saying the vaccine will work.”
[Citation needed]
“I would not travel at the cost of the risk of impairing my vision.”
Hello FUD.
Dan, did you read the linked studies? Ones study says at least 10 months or longer. The other says infinite. The studies say vaccine does not provide the same protection. And mow they are saying a booster will likely be needed after six months. That is much shorter than the protection of natural immunity.
Those are boich svaros from politicians, not studies. And spreading FUD about vision isn’t going to win “science” arguments, sorry.
I linked to real studies. What politicians are you referring to?
What FUD are you referring to? I know personal stories who this actually happened to from the Pfizer vaccine. I didn’t read it anywhere. One lives down the block from me. A young father who has been spending a lot of time going to Gedolim to daven he should get his vision restored.
None of theses studies were peer reviewed. Their science is pure opinion. In fact, the first author on the Mount Sinai study published 3 months ago, in a peer reviewed journal, the complete opposite, that showed patients who had previously been infected with the SARS-Cov2 virus, had an increase in antibodies upon receiving a vaccine. None of the so called cases of loss of vision, etc.. are published in any journal. All of theses cases, especially the ones listed on this post, are all by work of mouth (my neighbor, etc….). As someone who studies Covid-19, I implore all of you to get vaccinated, not for your sake, but for everyone else’s sake. The sooner we can reach herd immunity, the sooner we can slow down the virus from mutating and then we will get past this. Otherwise, variants/ mutants will continue to evolve and this will never end.
1) The increase in antibodies right after the shot has nothing to do with immunity. You and others keep on trying to blur the facts. Please provide source of a ligit study that shows immunity improves after the vaccine for someone already immune.
2) I do not need anything published about loss of vision. I see these people why it happened to daily. The reason it is not published is because the liberal system will not publish it until it is proven to be caused by the vaccine. (Unlike all the deaths during Covid which are reported as Covid deaths with no proof.) There are reports that went out yesterday that the “U.S. health officials are investigating what appear to be higher than expected reports of heart inflammation in male teens and young adults after they get a second dose of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.”
If immunity from previous infection is sufficient, why take any risk at all?!
3) “not for your sake, but for everyone else’s sake”. Herd immunity has been reached a long time ago according to the percentage Fauci originally gave, especially if you factor in previously infected together with the vaccine. Anybody who is still concerned can get vaccinated. Those who are not getting vaccinated are not concerned for whatever reason. (immunity, or Covid not being dangerous for their age group.) Those who are concerned should have already vaccinated, and they also believe in the shot. So why would anybody care or be concerned if I vaccinate or not?!?
Sure Jan, we’ll take your word over the Covid researcher while you rant about liberals. Interesting that at one time a goodly percentage of doctors and medical researchers were Jewish, and now, not so much…
Maybe you know who can help me. I got scammed into a fake permit and got banned for 5 years to Israel.
Would you know who would be able to help me settle this?
How do you get scammed into that?
I asked someone to hep me get a permit, He sent me one and said its good.
Upon entry they told me its false and sent me right back and told me I’m banned for 5 years
Get a new passport
They track you with your passport number
And when they catch you that way, they’ll probaby ban you for 10 years. Or arrest you.
They have multiple ways of keeping records not just a passport. People’s passports expire all the time and get replaced.
As gerson says, this would be about the stupidist thing you could do. Your new passport would have the same name and DOB!!! Why would they ever catch on????
When I came to israel at at 21, the lady at border control said to me “I see it’s not your first time here, welcome back” – the only time I had been in Israel previously was at age 6 months!!!!
If you desperate and have a reasonable explination appeal it with the consulate, hire an israeli lawyer who specialises in immigration…don’t be an oyber chochom…remember they CAN ban you for LIFE!!! otherwise wait the five years patiently and alll will be well.
What about recovered?
Vaccinated only.
If I book a ticket and then they don’t end up allowing vaccinated travelers in, will I be able to get my money back? Will travel insurance help?
Is it ok if my flight is on June 30 from US and the plane arrives on July 1 , is it ok.
Anyone has experience getting the serological test results in the Tel Aviv area on an expedited basis ie to be able to get out of quarantine ASAP?
Asaf harofeh floss the serology test with quick results. Many ppl stop on the way home from the airport and out of bidud soon after. Operating hours
Sunday to Thursday from 7:30-15:00 call 08-9542168
The cost of a serological examination is 150 ₪
Serological examination and PCR testing at a cost of 300 ₪
The tests take place in an assignation “Check and Go” complex with direction from the entrance to an orderly parking lot.
It is only possible to make an appointment for children 6 years of age or older.
Receiving test results between 24 and 48 hours.
Its sadly hilarious watching people book and rebook 20 times to go to Israel. The cruise industry is the same
I get that Jews are eager to go but seriously how many times does it take to learn the lesson to just wait . Half the worlds land mass is open to travel with a simple pcr test. Enjoy your life while allowing crazy countries to make crazy rules. There is literally no country whose rules make less sense than Israel. Their population is at herd immunity and yet no matter proof of antibodies also need vaccination plus serology etc etc. Just plain overkill and ridiculousness.
I had my vaccines and I have my tickets for 7/5. Waiting for the go ahead.
Is July 1st opening for individual tourists or just groups?
What about needing to get an entrance certificate from the Israeli Embassy, along with proof of birth certificates of kids you are visiting, proof of citizenship or residency, an antibodies test when you arrive and Covid tests before you travel and when you land in ISrael?
Great news! It was really a gamble buying a summer ticket…uh, so I passed. Boo. But at least itś an option now if I can find a good deal. And just in time…bears are being spotted in our neighborhood, and Im not in Monsey.
Now that the country is opening 7/1 for vaccinated tourists, does that mean the special dispensation allowed till now for parents or first tier relatives (siblings) of the choson/kallah is history if they are NOT vaccinated?
Do we still have to get permission from the consulate? Please let me know I am traveling in August. Thanks!
Nancy Benji
Do we still have to get permission from the consulate? Please let me know I am traveling in August. Thanks!
Under the law of return all Jews should have the right to enter like isreali citizens without a vaccine
Does anyone know if EL AL still requires a face mask during the whole flight? Is it any different in Business Class?
Let’s say Israel will open on July 1 if vaccinated does anyone know if one vaccine is enough if not what should I take and do I have to take it now? (Maybe they require to wait even after the second shot)