You can book the W Chicago Lakeshore on TripAdvisor for just $57+tax=$67 per night!
This is valid on many nights in November and December . Rooms are non-refundable.
Cheap rates are also available throuhgout the winter.
You can also book this directly from SPG where you’ll get SPG benefits for the stay, but the rate is a bit higher and it may go away before you can file a best rate guarantee.
Post what dates you find and book!
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11 Comments On "W Chicago Lakeshore For $67/Night!"
All opinions expressed below are user generated and the opinions aren’t provided, reviewed or endorsed by any advertiser or DansDeals.
Chicago in the winter? It would have to be a lot cheaper than that to get me there.
I stayed in a suite there a few months ago. Nice view, but very unimpressed with the rooms
any good kosher food in Chicago?
great casual food at Kens Diner , and my favorite, Milt’s BBQ for the Perplexed,, Awesome food and place,, in Lakeview section ( almost like Greenwich Village ) 10 minute walk from Wrigley,,
Thank you so much dan!
There is a new place called Evita’s Steakhouse under the CRC. Haven’t been there yet, but planning to go. Also check out Taboun, Shallots, Slice of Life, EJ’s, Mizrachi, Metro Klub, ….. If you are staying at W on LSD, you probably would need to rent a car.
just make sure you don’t look like a trump voter…
@points lover: i was in Chicago a few weeks ago and i went to eat to shallot bistro and the food was awesome, i thing its one of the best kosher steak houses in the world
@W311: Crazy expensive thought. Just go to Ken’s for some good kosher food.
Couldnt find any dates for this. Would have loved to go.
Is this deal still available? I was looking to go the weekend of Dec 2nd.