Refer 3 Friends To And Get $50 Cash!
Each friend must make a purchase of at least $15 before tax and shipping.Maximum payout is $150(9 friends)Ends 01/10/06Offer Linky
HOT! Speed Up Your Laptop! 1GB DDR2 Notebook Ram For Only $64.75 Shipped After $10 Rebate!
Most newer laptops are compatible with this format of ram, just post a comment if you want to find out if yours is too!Ram...
12% Off Coupon For Staples!
Coupon Linky(Exp. 12/24)
Super Slim Notebook Sized(2.5") Hard Drive Enclosure For $7 Plus Shipping!!
Turn an extra internal notebook hard drive ito an external hard drive!Enclosure LinkyUse the following coupon for $2.50 off: xpcgear93u9Shipping appears to be about...
Today Only! 100 Recordable DVD’s(+R) For Only $17.75 Shipped After Rebate!
Dvd's Linky$25 Rebate LinkyUse the following code(expires today) at checkout for 5% off: CUSTAPPRSAVE
Today Only! Wi-Fi 802.11G Router For $18 Shipped After Rebate!
Router Linky$20 Rebate LinkyUse the following code(expires today) at checkout for 5% off: CUSTAPPRSAVE
$4 Park East Grill And Talia’s SteakhouseCertificates Sold Out!!!
In less than 24 hours from when the deal was posted both of these new york restaurants sold out of their certificates!The certificates are...
50% Off Sale At Plus Additional 20% Off $75 And Free Shipping When Using A GapCard!!! linkyGap is having a 50% off sale, no coupon needed.Use the following code(expires:12/24) at checkout for 20% off and free shipping when paying...
Free Shipping For 15 Photos At, Plus New Members Get 20 Free Photos! linkyUse the following code for the free shipping: Late15New customers dont need a code for the 20 free prints. One of the advantages...
NOW EVEN HOTTER!!! $25-$50 In Gift Ceritificates For Kosher Restaurants For Only $4!!!!!!
Just follow the instructions in the restaurants gift certificate postAnd use the following coupon code (which expires either on 12/25 or 12/31) in step...
FREE Subscription To Cnet Digital Living Magazine!!!
Magazine Signup Linky
Clarification On The $25 Gift Certificates For $5 Deal…Of Course The Restaurants Posted Are Kosher+Deal Is Also Good In L.A. At Delice Bakery!!!
Judging by my inbox there seemed to be a lot of confusion about the restaurants gift certificate dealThe 2 restaurants i posted, park east...
Away For The Weekend…
See you in a couple days!
1 Year Of ESPN Magazine For Only $1.99!!! 2 Years Of The Sporting News For Only $5!!!
ESPN Signup LinkySporting News Signup Linky
Hot! Free Online Membership For The Entertainment Discount Book!!!!
Good for lots of great discounts on tons of stuff!Membership Signup Linky
Last 2 Weeks To Get A $10 Cash Card For Joining Costco!
Ever wanted longer than 14 days to try out a cell phone or camera. Ever wanted a lifetime warranty for when your video...
10% Off Any Item At Best Buy!
Coupon Linky(Expires 12/18)
Free Wine Corkscrew From Kosher Wine Cellar!
You need to give a real email for this one to confirm the address...Free Corkscrew Linky
Update: DEAD DEAL!…..(HOT!!! Price Mistake!! Hurry!! New Game Boy Micro, Plus Starter Kit, And Extra Faceplates For Only $49.99 At!!!)
This will be dead very soon! As of 3:15pm est there are only 80 left in stock!Game Boy Micro LinkyJust buy it before they...
Try To Get A Treo 650 For Only $150 Today!!!
It will be possible at 12pm, 3pm, and 7pm eastern, just go to the Amex wish list site!You get to choose whichever carrier you...
BOILING HOT!!! HURRY!!! $25-$50 In Gift Certificates For Park East Grill Or Talia’s Steakhouse And $10 Gift Certificate For All For $5!!!!!
Warning: This deal is rather complicated...and it will require 2 email addresses, but you will wind up with at least $25 to spend at...
New Roundup Of Great Airline Mileage Credit Cards!
For all of these cards you are able to earn the bonus miles on the consumer and business sides!Even if you don't own a...
5% Off Electronics At!
Use the following code at checkout(expires:12/20): CUSTAPPRSAVE Just use the amazon link to the right to search for a product!
30% Off At Borders!
Coupon Linky(Expires: 12/19)
Not An April Fools Joke—Even Airtran Buying Up Wendy’s Airtran Coupons On Ebay!!!
I must've really been onto a good deal when i recommended buying up airtran coupons on ebay, seems like even airtran themselves have taken...
Usa Today Article On Dumpster Diving For Wendy’s Airtran Cups!
Hopefully most readers of this blog will stick to buying the airtran cups on ebay, as i have blogged about for the past 2...
Free Firefox Portable!
With this nifty portable app you can take the firefox browser, together with all your saved passwords, bookmarks, etc. and use it on any...
HOT! Sprint Employee Referral Plans!
Sprint released some unbelievably cheap employee referral plans, that officially require you to be referred to it by an employee.However it appears all you...
Firefox’s Live Update–Very Cool!
Just playing around with Mozilla's (Free!) Firefox 1.5 browser and i came across an amazingly cool and time-saving feature.When you go to any website...
Tokyo Anyone? Dallas To Tokyo On United For $324($402 After Tax)!
Great price to the far east, and Tokyo even has a kosher restaurant now!To book it, i recommend using and search flexible dates,...
HOT!!! 200 GB External USB Hard Drive For $88 Shipped After $40 Rebate!
Hard drive is $119.99, Shipping is $7.99, Rebate is $40...Hard Drive Linky$40 Rebate Linky
Logitech Mobile Freedom Bluetooth Headset Only $33 After Sale, $10 Rebate!!!
This bluetooth headset is very small and gets very good user ratings...Headset Linky$10 Rebate Linky
Try To Get An Xbox 360 For Only $150!!!
It will be possible at 12pm, 3pm, and 7pm eastern, just go to the Amex wish list site!Also Friday's free certificates are(Limit 1 certificate...
Update: Deal Is Dead!!!……..(Free Unscratchable Sample CD)
Free CD Sample
$10 Staples Gift Card For Taking A Survey!
Surver LinkyTo qualify choose:-Yes and I influence decisions regarding the assessment of employee/applicant language skills-Primary part of job-Human Resource ManagerAfter that make up whatever...
Create And Print Passport Photos For Free!!!
Passport Photos Linky
$10 Off $40 At Borders And Waldenbooks…
Coupon Linky(Expires 12/31)
Dead-Now $160…..(HOT!!! Palm Tungsten E2 For $135 Shipped After $50 Off Instantly And $15 Gift Card!)
Tungsten E2 LinkyThe price of $149.99 will show up after you add the E2 to your cart.When you get the palm, go to the...
Change An Internal Hard Drive Into An External Hard Drive For Only $13 Shipped After $20 Rebate!!
Internal hard drives are often much cheaper than their external counterparts, so this is a very helpful piece, and at a great price!Internal Hard...
Great Free Wish Certificates From Amex Today!!!
Amex Wishlist LinkyMake sure you are on the site to request the certificate you want before the times below!Limit 1 certificate per day.Today's free...
$10 Off $25 Coupon At Dick’s Sporting Goods!
coupon linkyvalid in-store only, exp. 12/31store locator linky
HOT!!! Nicely Loaded Dell 600m Notebook For Only $799!!! Plus Get An Additional $35 Dell Coupon With A $5 Donation To!
600m linkyUse the following $500 off $1299 coupon code at checkout: XXWRNK8T7XVPBNThe computer includes the following features:-1.7 Ghz Pentium Centrino Processor-1 GB Ram-60 GB...
1 GB USB Flash Drive For $35 Shipped After $20 Rebate
Not quite the $20 I paid for this on black friday at best buy, but I figured I may as well post this for...
HOT!!! 1 Year Free American Greetings Membership!!!
Includes both the E-Card Membership, and the Create & Print Membership free for 1 year!Free membership linkyUse the following code for the free membership:...
Web Domain Names For Only $2.99/Year!!!
$2.99 domains linkyNote: if you are logged into your yahoo account you may not be able to get the $2.99 price, just logout of...
Update: Sold Out!!!….(Hot! Hurry!!! 250 GB Internal Hard Drive For $55 Shipped-No Rebates!!!)
Get it before it sells out! linkyAlso pick up an enclosure to transform it into an external hard drive for $20 shipped!Enclosure Linky ...
Have The Maximum 32 Airtran Credits From Ebay Already? Go For 50 Credits And Get A Ticket To Hawaii!
The buying of airtran credits on ebay can net you up to 32 credits on airtran(128 coupons=32 credits) but that is the limit of...