Check Out This Email I Just Received, Plus Watch Our Tefillin Connection Video, And Last Chance For Tisha B’av Matching!

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Update 8/14 at 11pm ET: Thank you for participating in our Tisha B’av matching campaign, together we raised over $100,000 for tefillin!

Update 8/14: There is $4,000 more in matching funds available!

Watch why we are doing this campaign here:

Here is an email I received just yesterday:

And here they are wrapping tefillin:

The impact of giving tefillin is beyond comprehension.

Donate a pair today and every single day you get the merit of that pair being wrapped!

DansDeals will be doubling all donations to the Tefillin for Soldiers and Tefillin for Civilians campaigns over Tisha B’av, up to $50,000.

Double your donation here through 8/14!

With Tisha B’av here and uncertainty in Israel, now is a perfect opportunity to help with the spiritual war to protect our brothers and sisters worldwide. 

If you donate $350 here that will sponsor one pair of mehudar tefillin for a civilian or donating $350 here will sponsor a pair of mehudar tefillin for a soldier.

Now it’s up to everyone to donate and let’s get more soldiers tefillin!

We have a list of over 2,000 men around the world and over 5,000 soldiers who are requesting to start wrapping tefillin daily; the only thing holding those soldiers back from wearing tefillin is the money to buy them. 

Donate to tefillin for men around the world here or donate to IDF solider tefillin here!

With your help, our campaign has led our 1,800+ recipients to wrap tefillin, 100,000+ times since 10/7!

If you would like to join as a partner in this campaign, add matching funds, or donate via DAF please email All donations are tax-deductible.

You can check out our Beta TefillinConnection website here!

You can see our tefillin recipients shared on our Instgram page here @TefillinConnection.

Are you ready to start wrapping tefillin daily? Request your own pair here!

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7 Comments On "Check Out This Email I Just Received, Plus Watch Our Tefillin Connection Video, And Last Chance For Tisha B’av Matching!"

All opinions expressed below are user generated and the opinions aren’t provided, reviewed or endorsed by any advertiser or DansDeals.

Liam K. Nuj

How does the number come to 100,000?


If 1800 people wear tefillin for 56 days that’s already 100,000 times




Great work. BH I am very happy that you made it so simple for people including myself, to support this worthy cause.


שליח עושה שליח!!


Unbelievable work it’s really inspiring!


Wow. I got chills reading that email.
שליח עושה שליח!

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