Buy Dan’s Destroy Hamas Shirt From Candle & Strap And Support Our Tefillin Project! Plus More Designs On Sale!

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Buy Dan’s Destroy Hamas Shirt From Candle & Strap And Support Our Tefillin Project, 100% of profits from the three designs below will support Tefillin Connection.


Plus save 10% off sitewide with code: TEFILLIN

You can shop other popular items here.

A portion of all proceeds on the sitewide items will also go towards Tefillin Connection!

In March, Dan went to Israel and wore this shirt. Everywhere he went, he got amazing reactions!


Soldiers loved it as well:


We teamed up with the awesome Shloime Zionce, who is a long time DDF member, and launched Candle & Strap shortly before this viral tweet:


Shoime is a long-time DDF member, and with this partnership, 100% of profits from these shirts will be donated to our Tefillin Connection campaign to get a pair of tefillin to every man who commits to wrapping them daily and is in financial need of assistance.

At the site of the Nova Festival, Men lined up to wrap tefillin and do a mitzva in honor of those lives taken from us far too soon:

Men lined up at the site of the Nova Music Festival to wrap tefillin in honor of the lives taken too soon.


While in Israel, Dan also gave out Tefillin from our campaign to soldiers:


And served up a BBQ as well:


You can watch highlights from that Israel trip on Instagram here.


You can also support our Tefillin Campaign by purchasing a beautiful picture, “The Hug Felt Around The World,” here:


Dan’s wife Mimi designed the shirt for him when he went to the March for Israel in the capital last November, and wrapped tefillin with fellow Jews:


And now you can purchase it while supporting an incredible project!

We have a list of over 2,000 men around the world and over 5,000 soldiers who are requesting to start wrapping tefillin daily; the only thing holding those soldiers back from wearing tefillin is the money to buy them. 

Donate to tefillin for men around the world here or donate to IDF solider tefillin here!

With your help, we have already distributed 1,700+ pairs of tefillin to men who are now wrapping them daily!

If you would like to join as a partner in this campaign or donate via DAF please email All donations are tax-deductible.

With prayers that in merit of tefillin and all the mitzvos and tzedaka over the past year, we defeat Iran, Hamas, and Hezbollah and herald true peace in Israel with Moshiach!

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3 Comments On "Buy Dan’s Destroy Hamas Shirt From Candle & Strap And Support Our Tefillin Project! Plus More Designs On Sale!"

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What is beep beep?


Thought this was cool and ordered for my niece on 10/7, but still has not shipped yet 🙁
