Following Palestinian Pin Incidents, Delta Bans Crew From Wearing Foreign Flag Pins

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Earlier this week, people complained on social media about Delta flight attendants wearing Palestinian pins.

I had reached out to American, Delta, and United after the May incident with a JetBlue flight attendant that wore a Palestinian pin and then had police meet the flight after a passenger complained about the flight attendant’s actions.

JetBlue quickly took ownership of that situation and made the passenger whole for canceling his return ticket. They also banned crew from wearing pins from all countries they don’t fly to.

No airline responded to our inquiry about pin policies, which have been discouraged but vague until now.

When one X/Twitter user complained about the Palestinian pins, Delta’s official account responded that they would also be terrified by seeing the pin in the air. That generated a lot of backlash on social media and the post was deleted.


We reached out to Delta for clarification on the situation and they responded that,

“Delta removed a mistakenly posted comment on X Wednesday because it was not in line with our values and our mission to connect the world. The team member responsible for the post has been counseled and no longer supports Delta’s social channels. We apologize for this error.

The photographed flight attendants were compliant with Delta uniform guidelines and we’ve been in touch with them to offer support. Contrary to further chatter on social media platforms, neither has been terminated.

However, as of Thursday, Delta is shifting its pin allowance policy effective July 15. Beginning then, only U.S. flags will be permitted to be worn on uniforms. Previously, pins representing countries/nationalities of the world had been permitted.

We are taking this step to help ensure a safe, comfortable and welcoming environment for all.  We are proud of our diverse base of employees and customers and the foundation of our brand, which is to connect the world and provide a premium experience.”

Delta is clearly trying to thread the needle here. What do you think of the response and policy change?

DansDeals has once again reached out to American and United for clarification on their pin policies. This article will be updated if they respond.

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32 Comments On "Following Palestinian Pin Incidents, Delta Bans Crew From Wearing Foreign Flag Pins"

All opinions expressed below are user generated and the opinions aren’t provided, reviewed or endorsed by any advertiser or DansDeals.

Jay dirt

Wearing a Palestinian pin is not antisemitic. This is how the word “antisemitism” can lose its weight and value when the real antisemitism occurs. At the end, the goal should be for everyone to live together.

high end hobo

Do you know AF’s policy? I flew AF last week and gate agent in CDG had a large Pali flag clipped to her shirt


We were on a Delta flight a few months ago and a flight attendant was wearing a Palestinian flag pin. We reached out to Delta and included a picture but we never heard back.


Did you not get served nuts?
Relax Karen.

Ben W

Flight attendants did nothing wrong. Passenger was wrong to assume all Palestinians are Hamas terrorists


The Palestinian flag is not a Hamas flag.

Joey G

Delta has been my choice of Airline since 2017.
1 – I’ve only had pleasant experiences.
2 – Nice planes
3 – Weren’t menaces during covid (unlike AA, United)
4 – Didn’t follow other airlines eliminating free carry on bags
5 – I’ve taken dozens of flights with Delta since 2017, delayed only once

I am glad that in the end they’ve made the right decision.


Palestinians voted Hamas into power and kept them there for decades. They are one of the same. If there are exceptions, why don’t hear their voices ?


Netanyahu is Israel’s longest serving PM and has said there will never be a Palestinian state. He also said to support Israel and fight the Palestinians desire for statehood everyone should support Hamas. How does that make you feel?


The majority of people in Gaza today were not even allowed to vote the last time there was that election in Gaza which had Hamas seize power. They were literally either too young to vote or not even born. And Hamas is most certainly way less popular in Gaza today than they were even a year or two ago; and they are way less popular there now than when that last election was held and Hamas seized power in Gaza.

I don’t know if you’ve ever spent any time as an unarmed civilian in a conflict zone where the general public/community is neither permitted to have sufficient firearms nor provided sufficient round-the-clock, state actor-provided protection so as to not have to worry about armed militants doing as they wish with the unarmed civilian population, but I have been in such areas. I’ll I say that most unarmed people in such areas get very easily intimidated, try to keep a low profile and dare not challenge the armed guys who are generally loose cannons and of criminal dispositions. The unarmed civilians don’t want to have themselves or their relatives robbed, beaten or killed, their children kidnapped and forced into a life of violent crime, or see their daughters, sisters, mothers and wives end up raped by the armed thugs (sometimes under the guise of forced “marriages”). So the unarmed civilians try to keep a low profile or do just enough to keep the thugs from thinking about them too much. That is how life is in such areas. So please have some sympathy for the Palestinians in Gaza who have long suffered under Hamas but couldn’t and still can’t easily play hero. And then keep in mind that Netanyahu literally provided material support to Hamas in Gaza and how that too makes the unarmed non-criminal inmates locked in Gaza feel about what comes there way from the Israeli government.

There needs to be more empathy all around. It’s the absence of empathy that creates and drives all this awful suffering and unending communal and cross-border violence.

Israel’s ultimate shield against existential threats to its status as a Jewish-majority state is via the Palestinian population and an independent Palestinian state being in a position to see Israel as an ally and partner for progress instead of as an opponent in a game of “it’s either you or us”. If it ends up being “either you or us” and that game gets played to the end, it will end up ugly for everyone who wants to live on these lands.


Could that be said about ALL Israelis who voted for Netanyahu, Ben Gvir or Smotrich?


While a lot of “Palestine” supporters in the West are simply uninformed and clueless when it comes to what actually supporting Palestine means, thanks to the propaganda efforts of Hamas, Iran, Qatar, Russia, China and their supporters in the feckless media; in reality, supporting “Palestine” means supporting ethnic cleansing of the entire Land of Israel of any minority besides Arab Muslims, including its Jews, Christian minority, and Druze.

When I see a flight attendant wearing a “Palestine” pin I see someone touting the only things “Palestinians” practically invented “plane hijackings”. That does not engender much confidence in the security of the airliners when you can see such ignorant or malicious FAs threatening another Pan Am or Swiss Air hijacking.


Well said


An ill-informed post and opinion.
Supporting Palestine does NOT equate to ethnic cleansing. I do not believe ALL Palestinians are evil, just as all Israelis are NOT evil.
There are evils on both sides; unfortunately, they lead the respective sides.


I’m sorry, what exactly are you supporting in “Palestine”? Their whole identity is based solely on pushing the Jews to the sea. It has nothing to do with having a state for themselves. Unfortunately, the world media has decided to go along with the false propaganda and that is why good people like you get suckered in to support them and not over 200 other people’s legitimate rights to a state.

The Arabs can go be a part of Egypt, Syria or Jordan where they came from.

Israel is Real

There is no such country as Palestine. I don’t know where the flag originated, but it is a political statement, as much as wearing a MAGA hat would be.


Opinions should follow knowledge, not before.
And the solution is easy. Read up.


I think they should allow USA pins and the pin of the country to which they are flying.

Texas Totty

What if they’re flying to Palestine? Oh, there’s no such place.


So they will get around this by saying Palestine isn’t a country or a nation…


I think Frontline did a pretty good job covering this from the standpoint of colleges…


The fact is that the entire “Palestinian” identity was invented as an excuse to kill Jews. Therefore, any “Palestinian” symbol is inherently antisemitic.


Don’t flight crew wear uniforms because they are … uniform? So why is anyone wearing any pin other than the airline’s pin?

Shmuely B

Traveling through Istanbul this week and as I stopped in Ortaköy, restaurants and food stands have “Free Palestine” stickers, so chose to eat somewhere else.
