Which Airlines Allow Crewmembers To Wear Palestinian Flag Pins?

El Al, Turkish, and United planes in Miami May 2024 ©DansDeals
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There have been several incidents between passengers and crewmembers wearing Palestine pins and Keffiyeh paraphernalia.

Reasonable people can disagree on whether or not those are appropriate for people in a position of ultimate power to wear in a small metal tube, but here are the responses from various US airlines on their pin policy:

  • Alaska: No response.
  • American: No response.
  • Delta:Only U.S. flags are permitted to be worn on uniforms.”
  • JetBlue: “Flag pins may be worn and count towards two allowed pins. The pins must be flags of states, countries, or territories served by JetBlue-operated flights. Jewelry, accessories, and apparel that display political messages, political symbols, or that advocate positions not sponsored by JetBlue are not allowed.”
  • Southwest: No response.
  • United:We allow flight attendants to wear flag pins that represent their pride in a place to which they may have a special connection.”
    • Before this August 2024 incident, United refused to comment on their pin policy. United clarified to DansDeals that “The policy allows the pins to be images of flags only” and can’t have any slogans on them, such as, “From the river to the sea.”
    • United has refused to respond as to whether they continue to employ pilot Ibrahim R Mossallam, who praised Hamas’ 10/7 massacre of Jews and kidnapping of babies and Holocaust survivors as “resistance by brave people.” Based on the non-response, my assumption is that he still flies for United.

Will these policies make any difference for which airline you fly with? Or does it make no difference to you?

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61 Comments On "Which Airlines Allow Crewmembers To Wear Palestinian Flag Pins?"

All opinions expressed below are user generated and the opinions aren’t provided, reviewed or endorsed by any advertiser or DansDeals.


Don’t care about a crewmember’s beliefs or political leanings. Just be competent at your job and treat everyone fairly.


So you don’t care if the stewardess wears a swastika pin either? You think that’s ok and that you would like to be serviced by such a person as much as one wearing, say, an American flag pin?


Maybe it depends on if it’s a Hindu/Buddhist swastika pin or not? The Nazi’s swastika is not so commonly the same as the swastika that can be found across much of India — the latter of which has been used for over 1500 years by Hindus and Buddhists — but a lot of people can’t keep things in proper context and can freak out anyway even when they wouldn’t if they knew better.

Contemporary national flag pins of national flags recognized by over 100 UN member states as being for a contemporary national flag? The latter most certainly wouldn’t impact my choice of airline.


Wow! Thanks for letting me know that the local skinheads are simply flower-toting Indian Buddhists and not anti-Semites…
Just like the keffiyeh-wearing stewardess’s with Palestinian pins love all Jews…

Joe Barnathan

The state of Israel does not reward the murder of Palestinian civilians. In fact you go to jail if an Israeli murderers a Palestinian civilian.

The pali flag represents a government that rewards the murder of Jewish civilians.

Joe Barnathan

Wearing the flag of a government that rewards the murder of Jewish civilians is just evil.


Hamas has a flag that is not the Palestine national flag. The Palestine national flag came into being decades before Hamas was formed.

Joe Barnathan

Hamas murders Jews , the Palestinian authority rewards the murderers.

You realize in a murder for hire case both the murderer and the one that hired the murderer are equally guilty. Both flags support terrorism equally.

Common Sense

Palestine has no flag as it is non existent

A kap

I think it should be all pins are allowed or none. Pro Palestinians would find an Israeli flag offensive. Unless the staff wearing it does something offensive or discriminatory it’s not worth the fight

Liam K. Nuj

Spirit’s & Frontier’s policies:
Online 7 days in advance of flight: $25 for the first pin, $35 for the 2nd pin, $100 for the 3rd.
Up to 24 hours in advance: $40/$50/$150
Less than 24 hours or at gate: $150 per pin


Disappointed with United’s response. I will start making choices away from United whenever possible. I like Delta’s policy. Too bad they have a terrible loyalty program.

Mr. Seg

I don’t think they will miss you


On a recent UA flight from TPA-EWR, the lead flight attendant was Israeli and she has 3 sons in the IDF fighting in Gaza( she showed me pics…)
She gave me their names and asked me with tears to daven for them!
עמיעד אלקנה
עדב יחזקאל
איתי משה
Ben Rachel




ה׳ ישמור ויציל את חיילינו

ben ish chai

וכל בר ישראל

P’tur from Piscataway

Too bad they didn’t get a p’tur to get out of serving in the army. It is easy enough to do.


I agree with United’s policy. A flag alone isn’t always a political statement. Someone can genuinely connect with their Palestinian heritage and identity through the flag, without supporting violence or being antisemitic.


Yes, this United flight attendant is certainly wearing this to be in touch with her heritage.



I am quite sure that there would be numerous complaints by muslins/arabs if a crew member wore an Israeli flag pin. A picture is worth a thousand words for the flying public. This is especially so when Jewish people are unceremoniously refused transportation on these airlines. It’s time for us to protect ourselves from those that wish us harm. Wearing certain symbols are not national or cultural pride. They are symbols of hate and danger. Stop being an ostrich.


I fly United a lot and I often see Israeli flag pins on crew (even more than Palestinian pins) and I see Jewish passengers the whole time… I think you might be the ostrich here or, rather, a silly goose.



Chaim Green

Ibrahim still working and was praised by CAIR, recently flew as the first officer on 777 across the pond.


This is sad that the blog has come to this level..
I come here for travel deals and not to know who can wear what pin.
Israel has already bulldozed entire Palestine killing more than 40000 souls mostly innocent kids and you are still debating if a flight attendant can wear a Palestinian pin.
I guess humanity has died .
And I am not a Hamas supporter nor endorse their actions


I am offended that you say mostly kids. I believe Israel bulldozed 70000 souls, ever single one of them newborn baby with a peace tattoo.

Flying safe

I’m glad you’re not a Hamas supporter or endorse their actions.

Sadly, Hamas (and the other Arab factions) have “educated” the children of Gaza from a very young age to hate and be ready to die, all in the hope of killing Jews (and other Israelis). Therefore, sadly, most of the Gaza population (as are the Arabs in Judea and Samaria) are bitter enemies who will continue to shoot rockets and kidnap, murder etc, if allowed to govern themselves.

The number 40,000, is from the organization which neither of us support and endorse and is a blatant lie. There are, sadly, civilian casualties, but starting a war causes civilian casualties and the ones to start it knew that and didn’t mind, as long as they could kill Jews.

Humanity has to be based on moral ethics (Torah). It can’t work with one side adhering to rules and the other side breaking all moral standards.

Human life takes precedence over buildings. If by bulldozing buildings, humans are saved, that is the ethical thing to do (re: Torah ethics).


Once you quoted the numbers Hamas gives and declaring them innocent souls you have shown your allegiance to the hamas murderers. Or you are just completely ignorant and clueless about the situation in Gaza. Terrorists hide behind “civilians “ and children are taught to hate Israel from an early age. If you want travel deals wait for them to come or contact dansdeals directly. The rest of us are looking for a safe space to share our concerns AND get a great travel deal.


Nd – you sound very innocent, so let me just ask you: say Israel has “bulldozed entire Palestine [who’s that, anyway?], killing more than 40000 souls” –
*why did Israel do this?
*what alternative would you suggest, knowing the answer to q 1?
*why do you think people interested in travel to Israel (a great part of readers here) should not be concerned about a flight attendants wearing pins expressing solidarity with those responsible for the answer of q 1?
Honestly, reading your comment, one wonders if there’s hope for humanity indeed.


Another one of Iran’s useful idiots

Kansas MOT

Hmmm ND. I wonder what “organizations” your grandparents and parents belonged to during the 20s & 30s .


Definitely going to try to fly delta in the future.
I don’t want to support airlines that are ok allowing antisemitic views publicly portrayed by their flight attendants.
Face it. People wearing a Palestinian flag dont actually care about the “poor Palestinian people” who ill say loud and clear here are NOT innocent civilians as we would like to imagine (How many of those “innocent civilians” celebrated in the streets the dead bodies of Jews on OCT 7th? How many civilians broke the fence together with Hamas terrorists on OCT 7 th and were thrilled to join the rampage on murdering innocent Jews and other nationalities?)
The Israeli civilians murdered and butchered in cold blood were the innocent ones. Not the Palestinians!
All those rooting for Palestine now are just antisemites who really just want to call for the destruction of Israel. The Arabs have plenty of countries to live in if they want. 22 Muslim countries just in the middle east. Israel is the single only country for Jews in the entire world and it will remain that way forever!! G-d gave it to us in the Bible, not the UN or any other country in the world.

So No Thank you! I don’t want to fly with those people!


I fly Delta and I feel welcomed to spend money there.


Excuse my ignorance, but why wouldn’t the FAA stop airlines from allowing a pilot who praises terrorism from flying a plane? Yes, i do understand that it might be protected under the first amendment, however wouldn’t the public risk justify not allowing such a pilot to fly a public airplane?

What happens if he is having marital issues at home, flies a flight full of Jews and decides he needs his 70 virgins? Is there nothing to stop this?


It genuinely bothers me and shakes me to the core, if I were to come across a pin like that I’d make sure the attendant knows I’m uncomfortable with it and send an email to 1K voice.

I’m not wearing an Israeli flag, I don’t need to see you wearing a P flag. It’s a sensitive issue and they are knowingly provoking at a minimum, 50% of their passengers.

The issue I have is I’m 1k with united and I do not plan on transferring as I fly out of EWR weekly. I do hope they adjust their policy.


How does wearing a Palestinian flag express antisemitism?

Seriously, they are wearing a flag.

How do you connect the dots that they even dislike Israel?
And even if you can pretzel it to mean they don’t like Israel… So?
What does that have to do with antisemitism?

This is a leap to far, and contacting every airline to know their policy only hurts Jews in the long run.

Save your breath for actual Jewish hate and don’t cry wolf for every imagined insult.


Sorry, that’s an incredibly naieve take. You are only fooling yourself.


When I hang an Israeli flag from my car am I just hanging a flag?


Um, Yes.

Would it somehow be Islamophobic? Of course not.
Same thing vice versa

MC Churnz

Why do you feel it necessary to make a post that’s ostensibly about politics Daniel?


We are a blog, not a corporation with guidelines and policies.

We have always and will always post about whatever we find interesting.

Be it an Amazon, airfare, credit card deal, or news, eulogies, and everything in between.


This sums it up. Anti semitism and glorification of jew hatred is a now a “political” issue…


Racism and other forms of bigotry are always political in nature.


Good lord, is having a clear, simple policy of only being able to display a flag if it is of either the origin or destination on that particular flight such a difficult thing to think of and implement?


I definitely will stop flying united.
This policy together with not rebooking after canceling Israel route flights made me decide to stop flying with them.


I don’t actually care about the pin. I don’t really care about the anti-semitism it represents either, New York is not Jerusalem and anti-semitism is a sickness that will never fully be cured until the ultimate redemption. The facts are that an airline’s policy regarding any issue that can reasonably be considered anti-semitism is not a policy, it’s a statement. If I had a choice in the matter I would choose an airline that does not openly condone hatred towards me and my people. Not as a matter of principle rather as a matter of comfort.


i honestly dont care if they wear a pin. only thing i care about is that they treat everyone with respect on the plane. someone wears a pin dont look. same with the shmatta they wear. who cares. respect is the main thing.


If they’re allowed to wear a cross, a kippa, or any other sort of cultural/religious item, then a ‘flag’ pin is absolutely within reason. I see others commenting on a swastika (which is a political ideology, not a cultural/ethnic identity) and am not surprised that would be the first place folks go, especially on this forum.


The current leaders of “Palestine” are Nazis. Its as simple as that.

When (or If) “Palestine” votes in a peaceful government, the pin won’t be an issue anymore.

Kansas MOT

Anyone who ignores the underlying intent of this symbolic gesture would effectively defend the black al quida flag being displayed on a flight in or out of NYC. Let’s see how that would turn out.

Joe Barnathan

The Palestinian flag represents a government that rewards the murder (deliberate targeting of civilians) of Jews.

ben ish chai

United: “We allow flight attendants to wear flag pins that represent their pride….”
does United allow Ibrahim R. Mossallam to continue as a pilot ???


I want to know if I can wear my conferderate flag pin, Isis flag pin, or an imperial japanese flag pin as a crew member on American or United.
And will I make the news for doing so.

So a flag based on racism and imperialism is only ok if it’s against Jews per these corporations (and some commentors)?


JetBlue policy makes sense. For completeness, what is airlines pin policy regarding Israel flag?
