DansDeals Seminar: Crown Heights

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Update 2: Thanks to everyone who came out and packed the house.  Your feedback is always appreciated!















Update: All 400 seats have been sold for the seminar tonight!

In the past there have been several no-shows, so seats will be sold on a standby basis at the door for $15, cash or check made out to Beis Rivkah.  So far, nobody that has showed up on a standby basis to a seminar has been turned away.

Looking forward to seeing everyone tonight!
Originally posted on 11/12:

The 13th DansDeals seminar will be held in Crown Heights on Wednesday night, November 19th at 8pm.
It will be located at Bais Rivkah, 310 Crown Street, Brooklyn, NY 11225.

You can purchase tickets via this link.

The cost of admission is $13.
The entire ticket price (after credit card processing fees) will be donated to the Beis Rivkah organizers of this event.
You will have to designate who will be attending as tickets are non-transferable and non-refundable.

-Please choose between mixed seating or separate seating when you purchase your ticket.
-Men and Women ages 15 and older are welcome to attend, no kids or infants please.
-Recording devices and photography of the slides are not allowed so be sure to bring something to take notes with!

7:30pm: Doors open. Failure to show up by 8:00pm may result in your seat being given away to someone else so please plan to arrive early.
8:00pm-9:00pm: Seminar Part 1-Credit Cards and mileage earning on a beginner to intermediate level.
9:00pm-9:15pm: Intermission
9:15pm-10:30pm: Seminar Part 2-More advanced tips and tricks for mileage redemption, paid flights, hotel stays, car rentals, etc.
10:30pm: Trivia and Q&A session.

-If you are a beginner: Hopefully you will learn a lot, but I cover many subjects in a relatively short period of time. Don’t feel bad if you don’t understand many things or if you start to feel lost, feel free to stay afterward and I’ll clarify them. Or better yet start reading the DansDeals Forums where you can learn more about anything you want to know. There won’t be time to explain most subjects at length, so take good notes of the concepts, and read more about them after the seminar on DansDeals.com and on the DansDeals Forums.

-If you are on an intermediate level: You may know of many of the concepts I talk about but you should still learn more than enough to make attending worth your time and effort.

-If you are on an expert level: You probably already know most or all of what I’m going to talk about so feel free to attend, but don’t expect 2.5 hours of new information, it may be a complete waste of your time. Some experts have told me that it was worthwhile, others have said it was not, I guess it depends on what kind of expert you are :)

Seating is limited so book your ticket first and then tell your friends ;)
Many seminars that I have run so far have sold out so don’t procrastinate!

Have a question or want a specific topic covered? Tweet @DansDeals using the hashtag #DDSCH

Hope to see you there!

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176 Comments On "DansDeals Seminar: Crown Heights"

All opinions expressed below are user generated and the opinions aren’t provided, reviewed or endorsed by any advertiser or DansDeals.

dov bennish

can you please PLEASE come to the motor city


YAY! Thanks!


of course, make a CH seminar when i’m out of town


Dying to attend! Can’t make it on that date though…. I hope it sells put and you open an extra day 🙂


Will there be more experts in the mixed or separate section?


Mixed seating??? What for???


so grateful, was out of time last time ur did it in the shcunah. grateful i will be in town this time.


Different strokes for different folks.

There’s people that want to sit next to their spouse and people that don’t.
Hence the choice.


Shame!same night as grand challah bake for women!


Go to the bake and send your husband to take notes?


Thanks Dan! Is the content the same as previous seminars? Thanks!


How about a seminar in Israel?
I’ll help with the arrangements 🙂

diff date PLEASE!

Please change nights! i really wnat to attend but am going to the challah bake too! hubby works at night!



One day…

@diff date PLEASE!:
I’m arriving Wednesday and speaking the next day to the shluchim coming in for the Kinus.



why would you ask such a question?
isnt it better to have mixed seating?

diff date PLEASE!

@Dan, i hear you. Hatzlacha! how can i contact you about arranging a seminar in the future?

andy shuman

Those who know the area? how’s the parking situation there?


@diff date PLEASE!:
My email is in the right sidebar.

@andy shuman:
Parking is absolutely dreadful.
Take Uber or public transportation if possible.

And make sure to come say hello 🙂


Dan will u talk about moshiach?


How to get to Israel for less when the shofar blows?


@Andy Shuman
bais rivkah has a parking lot, but there aren’t so many spaces…


any other other seminars in tri state coming up?
central NJ?




what chiduschim would it have for someone who attended the 5t one?


Probably nothing.


Dan, can we try flatbush again??


Is your speach to the shluchim a mini seminar or are they completely different?


No fair. It’s the same night and time as the grand challah bake 🙁 I really wanted to attend. Can you perhaps move the time of your seminar up? It would be a shame to miss it. Thank you.


Just block your IHG account number!!!


Groupon has a good dealtoday dan. FYI.


You had to do this a day after I leave for Israel? 🙂 Please make another one in the tri-state soon. Please! Pretty Please?!!


What is the closest subway to the hall and how do I get from subway there?


Dan, I’m planning to visit from Boston area…unless you are planning a seminar up hear some time. Or maybe you would let me help you to arrange?


Dan, I have AC voucher for $600.
from nyc, (can do avios to BOS) what would give me a good stretch for my buck?
ideally TLV Pessach if possible…


Re@chaim: #2 sybway to sterling street and walk two blocks –

Los Angeles

Please please do one in Los Angeles!

high end hobo

@chaim GIYF. go to president st, not sterling as EVE says


Why limit yourself to local events? How about an online seminar for everyone out of town/around the world? There would be no transportation costs and hassle…


@Dan:I have 150,000 chase ultimate rewards points will that help me upgrade to business class on moshiachs eagle to israel? Dan Maybe explore the topic before the shofar blows!


@Los Angeles:
Been there, done that.


@Ron:”Why limit yourself to local events? How about an online seminar for everyone out of town/around the world?” the last thing dan needs. Is he speech going viral all over the internet… P.s. Notice that dan does not alow recording by his seminars.

“Where would be no transportation costs and hassle…” I don’t believe free 1st class tickets And free uber rides are considered a hassle!


Cause that would kill all deals


Will Benny Friedman be there?


@Anonymous: benny Friedman look alike


@Anonymous:He will be the one talking. The big question is will Dan be there?


Any promos???
Can I use points to purchase the tickets??

miles chadid

Dan, can you PLEASE do a seminar in Williamsburg?? (preferably seating)


the seprate sits will have a mchitah from the non separate seats ?


i hasve bye a ticket for the last event in monsey but i have not arrived .
can i use this ticket for the crown hights seminar ?
(i can give the 1 dollar more )


@miles chadid:
If you would like to organize one feel free to email me.

I don’t know how they will be setting up the room.

That money went to the Monsey school that made that event. It would not be fair to the Crown Heights school to do that to them.


would you do one in montreal?


Stay away from Williamsburg Monroe
FBI was there today
Full of קרומקייט
Don’t teach them more
Let them go to college learn how to make honorable living
We had enough חילול השם w them
They need a מבול more than a seminar

Me, Of-Course!

More important in my opinion is that husband and wife sit separately for a few hours than create this concept. Treat it like a wedding, its not the end of the world.


@Me, Of-Course!:
There is dancing and eating at a wedding.
Why should a speech be treated like a wedding?


Please speak about sbs. Many of the ch vendors don’t know about it and would possibly open if they knew about it! Thanks.


I hope this is a sign that you are coming back to Lakewood.


Dan will you make one in Montreal?


I’ll be there iyh for the shluchim seminar the next day…is there a point in coming to this one or will it be pretty much the same gig?



I love your responses so some of the inane questions you get. Your patience is unending. Kudos!


Will do.


Same gig.

I try…


While your in NY will you be able to make a seminar in monsey?




When are you coming to the five towns not on a Monday/Wednesday night



anything wrong with having every lecture/event mixed? isn’t that the preferred way? It does not have to be restricted to weddings. I understand some don’t care to have mixed seating but what does daas torah say? When we have questions we ask daas torah not individual feelings. That’s the basis and part and parcel of our religion no?


Already been asked, thank you very much.


@Anonymous: at a wedding the problem is the dancing. I assume these won’t be dancing here. BTW there ain’t such a thing as daas torah.

chana k

@bob: I thought people at a DDS are so excited they break out in spontaneous dancing. 🙂


Dan, we REALLY want you to come to Baltimore for a seminar,you have a HUGE crowd here!


@dan I bought a Woman’s seat, for my wife and realize I she can’t go. Can I return it?


maybe you should bring some target prepaid red cards, would b nice idea since its not available over here


its a chulel hashem and a shame that one yid should comment like this on other fellow yiden


When are you coming to give a seminar in flatbush dan?
Thanks for everythimg!


What is it, a whole 12 minutes from Flatbush to CH?


@israel11219: its a chilul hashem to protest against separate seating. We are a am kadosh. Nothing wrong with going a little beyond letter of the law sometimes


@bob: what do you mean there is no such thing as daas torah?


Dan, any chance of Baltimore/Silver Spring?


@Anonymous: if you meant to say to ask a sheila then I agree. However, דעת תורה have the connotation of blind acceptance instead of using דיין שכל באזירט אויף תורה מצוות
then עס איז אַ נישט-אידישע באַגריף


I payed for 2 tickets. It says tickets we’re sent to my email but nothing came in.
Where can I find my tickets? Have receipt from paypal only


Ok. Got it some 45 min later.


Dan, turns out I won’t be attending (shalom bayit prevails), so you can give my seat to someone else (suspect event will sell out, yasher koach). But if you are interested in arranging a Boston seminar, please respond to my email.



dan, i’m not sure on how to notify you of some more offers which are not yet posted on your website. i would want people to know about this. please let me know how i can notify you. this is a link for a citibank offer https://fresh.amazon.com/Category?cat=citi30_la&browseMP=A241IQ0793UAL2

Mark the Shark

Do you prefer me in the men’s side or mixed seating side?


im trying to buy 4 tickets and im getting an error from pay pal saying “theres a problem with the merchants pay pal account” please help? thanx


Did it work now?
i hope you tried again its a very worthy cause that you will be supporting 🙂



Touche u r right! I hope to be able to make it!
my local cvs has vanilla reloads available as well as serve cards are either of those good options still or will i get charged a cash advance fee?
I’ve looked around the site but keep getting confused sorry!
Thanks for everything you’re the best!



and if not what’s my next best option?


can anyone recommend cheap accommodation for the night ?
coming from baltimore area.

Joel weiss

My son attended session in five town. When are you coming to monsey


@Joel weiss:
Already did a Monsey seminar.

I have no plans for any other seminars on the table now.


The airport hotels are not far….. Prob can use your points for them


Yup, Hyatt Place LGA is a good use of points or anniversary nights.


Who pays the 10$?
Must come out of someone pocket


Seems like I won’t make it in time if I take a subway so only option would be to drive. How is the parking situation?


Great website (and app) called SmoothParking for finding legal parking:



@dan you do know it’s Monday right…… “In just 1 night!”


The event may be Wednesday, but you’ll learn the stuff in just 1 night 😀


Thanks dan! Do you ever do any seminars in Queens/New York?


I haven’t yet, nor would I count on one happening anytime soon. Though an org is always free to email me and I’ll keep them in mind.

Only in NYC does it seem that people expect to have a seminar within a 2 mile radius of their home.

Other seminars have had attendees fly in from thousands of miles away!


I live in Florida can I get a recording of the seminar?


oops i just read that you wrote recording devices are not permitted but i figured you might have someone record for your sake and I would like to purchase a copy to see


no, sorry.

1st segment.


@dj: feel free to contact me @ israel11211@yahoo.com
i’ll b glad to help you.


Is there going yo be a price difference IG I pay at the door?
I cant committee to come…


It seems that you didn’t realise that in Crown Heights the Minhag is that our events, especially when done in a Mossad, are ONLY separate.
In any case, there is a letter of the Rebbe that speaks about trying to make such events separately. I’m trying to find it. If I do, how can i send it to you?


Please do.

I asked my Rov already, and was told there is no issue running a financial seminar without a meal, while giving people the option of mixed or separate seating.

Comparing this to a torah class or a seminar with a meal is laughable and shows ignorance.

Additionally jews and non-jews alike attend these seminars. It’s not targeted for any specific crowd.


Tickets will be $15 at the door if there are still seats available.


My credit score has been going up and up in the past few months it’s at 695 now I applied and was approved for saphire back in August is it too early for me to apply for SPG and freedom?

Mixed seating

@ Zalmen
Chill, one of the main functions of dans existence is to help you acquire miles which translates to flights at which point you will be in a mixed atmosphere, “and maybe even seated next to a woman”. If you cant handle it, maybe a one-on-one with your mashpia would suit your better then a Dansdeals seminar.
Baruch Atah…Rofay Cholay Amo Yisrael


Should be fine.

@Mixed seating:
Either way he can buy a separate seat, but that’s not his issue.


Thanks Dan!!! Applied and got approved for both.




It all boils down to respect. Respecting others, respecting a minhag of a Kehila.
Mr. Mixed Seating, I was being very cordial and respectful, why this personal condescending ramble?
I’m waiting for a reasoned response to the point I raised.
Dan, I know you spoke to a Rov, but how about getting permission from ONE of the Rabbanim of The Kehila you are doing it?
There is a minhag HaMakom, why break it? because goyim want to participate? I’m sure they can understand if we tell them in a nice way that in our Community and Mosdos we have this policy. no?
Dan, please check on COL if the crown heights young entrepreneurs ever did a mixed FINANCIAL seminar?
Was Meir Seewald’s JCW Anti-abuse event, IN CH, mixed?
Can you please reconsider the matter?


First please answer me this, are you the same Zalman the blogger who offered respect by posting an article meant to shame instead of contacting me privately to discuss the matter first?

And even if not, do you feel that a comment section is really the right place to have this discussion?
I have a public email address listed on this site.


Hi Dan,
I ordered 2 tickets- for myself and someone else. They received an email with the ticket and I did not. I have the pay pal confirmation. Will that be enough to get me in?

Dan the man

Dan some brains. Smart!!! Keep all this off the comments where everyone just looks stupid


@Zalman: Does the fact that the particular school where Dan is having it is clearly allowing it mean nothing to you?

DD follower

Dan, what do these mean? I don’t understand.

חילול השם


Pissed off at Zalman

I usually don’t comment on these things but the arrogance and annoyance of some people here are not to believed. This Zalman
guy.. Who the heck do you think you are, a saint? I seriously can’t stand people like you. There is nothing wrong with having mixed seating while listening to a seminar. This is not about you. Get all high and holy somewhere els. For some reason your dead set on separate seating but you don’t care about shaming the person who saved you and everyone hundreds if not thousands of dollars. You got your priorities screwed up. Your afraid mixed seating would mean your wife will meet someone with their head screwed on straight?? Don’t worry if I were you I would also be. Dan – thank you for all of this. You help a lot of people and when your well known you come across idiots all the time m you don’t even have to be well known to come across people like zalman and other ppl of the like. I see the comments you get and some of them are just wrong. Keep doing what your doing. Thanks!

Captain Obvious

@Pissed off at Zalman: This is the best comment I have ever read on DansDeals. BAZINGA!

Zalman, are you for real?

@Zalman: Zalmam, why don’t you just buy a separate ticket? Or better yet, why don’t you just not come?


Thanks for being inclusive Dan. It’s much appreciated. We would love to go but we already have plans tomorrow night. But it’s great to know we’d be welcomed

Dan's the Man

@Zalman: Don’t worry Dan. No matter what Zalman says you’re still the Man! Just looks at my screen name “Dan’s the Man”


is there more to gain at this seminar then what I see on DDF ?

Dan's the Man

@Anonymous: Yes

Dan's the Man

@Justin: Are you Zalman’s friend?


Anyone going from Lakewood and wants to carpool?
Please text me at 732-806-1441.

Thank you.


What is SPG?


Dan I have purchased a ticket online now ,do I have to print it out or I can save it on my phone ?


@Pissed off at Zalman:

why the hate? he stated his preference. Listen while there are many events that are mixed which do not involve meals or dancing; there are others who believe that its preferable to always have mixed seating especially here where the event is run by frum person and the crowd is mostly frum. We as a nation are kadosh and are sensitive to these issues. What he might be saying is that while under letter of the law there might not be a problem; what is preferable to Hashem?

So please stop the harsh langauge

Pissed off at Zalman

@Anonymous: I’m not sure if you are the same person zalman or not but it seems like it because you still don’t get it. It is all about delivery. And being

Pissed off at Zalman

@Anonymous: kadosh does not mean you can’t sit next to someone while listening to yourself. I’m sure a lot of people here are pissed off when there on an ELAL flight and they turn the world upside down because there sitting next to a woman . we once missed our place in line for takeoff because of that and we’re crazy delayed. That is not part of our religion at all. That is allowed according to Jewish law mind you. The question arises when one is in between two woman. That is universal. And according to your we are a holy nation. Jews are not the only followers of dans deals and you should watch what you post when you have others following.


Dan can you pls answer my question ?


In how long are you closing online?I wanted to tell some friends about the seminar just want to know if they’ll be able to sign up online and be promised a seat.
Thank you


this might b a stupid question. If I have my confirmation on my smart phone that’s ok. No need to print it. I know its prob obvious I just want to b sure. Thanks dan and cant wait till tomorrow.

Zach G

@Dan Looking forward to tomorrow night. Can I take notes on an electronic device such as an iPad or laptop? Thanks!


Since you asked me your questions in public I will answer you here (you had the choice to not post my comments and answer me to my email address, which I provided to you. I didnt know you have a public email address on your website as I specifically asked for your email address)
No, I did not write that article. If you check my comments and compare it to the article, you will see a big difference in attitude.
The rest of my comment will come by email as you asked. Best!


I learn so much about jewish culture by reading these posts, thank you!




@Pissed off at Zalman:

Not the same person


@Pissed off at Zalman: Big difference I don’t expect anything different from El Al they are not a frum company, Dan is. EL AL does not have the same sensitivities that we do.

Second I pointed out what is preferable. Is there any doubt in your mind that separate seating is preferable?

just the opposite we should set an example to the “other followers” and demonstrate what it means to be an am kadosh. We should be proud of our sensitivity to Tzniut issues in the this pritzus world.

Listen if you don’t care for separate sitting so be it but don’t bash people who are striving for more kedusha


@Dan’s the Man I think may have misunderstood what I said. I was thanking Dan for ensuring mixed seating to be welcoming, hence inclusive. Sorry for the confusion!


“am kadosh” also means that you don’t make an idiot out of ourselves. You do have the choice to sit separately so why are you making a fuss? Look up the tshuvos of R. Moshe or others.
“striving for more kedusha” means that you learn to control yourself (machsava, dibur und maase) and you reach the level that you are not a bechema.


Dan, come to Baltimore, you won’t get all the hateful comments here


Any recommendations for places to eat before the seminar that are close to public transportation(coming from manhattan?


@Jono you can try Basil 270 Kingston Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11213



You are right we do have to control ourselves but all of the sefarim i have read say that in order to help control ourselves we have to do the best we can to lessen the Nisayon(isn’t that what we accomplish with separate sitting?)

separate sitting makes us idiots???? please elaborate

R Moshe! what do you think he would have recommended if you asked him this shaila? You have to be kidding.


how about having a seminar live online
for all those that can make it.
you can even charge a fee.


@Binyomin: that’s for all those that cannot make


For all those asking Dan to move the event, you guys are idiots. Dan is doing us the favor by coming in to give a seminar. He’s not obligated to accommodate anybody. If you can’t make it tough noogies. Thanks for the entertainment rabboisai.


@Anonymous: Nisayon? get married, then you learn more about Nisayonos 🙂 If you are not married then maybe you find your bashert at DDS.
If my wife was able to attend then she would want to sit next to me. Since she is not, I choose to purchase my ticket for separate seating. However, you are giving me second thoughts. פרויען האָבן מער שׂכל
BTW, R. Moshe attended mixed weddings, including those of his own children

Is this seat taken?

My wife and I are poster children for mixed weddings – we met at one!


I wasn’t able to make it to the seminar tonight and I paid for this in advance. Can I save this ticket for the next seminar?
Who do I contact regarding this?


U gave a contribution to a good place
What is it?


Thanks so much Dan for the seminar, and specially for answering question so generously at the end.


Stay away from baltimore!!!


Great seminar! thanks Dan!


Hey Dan, thanks for a great seminar. One suggestion… When you were discussing free stopovers and hidden cities I think it may be helpful to actually demonstrate how to book these step by step at the actual websites rather than just showing screenshots. I know for myself that I lost you there. I think I could follow you better if you actually showed the steps. Also, is there a way to get a list of the airlines that allow for a free stopover?


Great seminar once again, thanks.



not about what R Moshe did its what he would he would have wanted

Different nisayonot; some nisayonot pertains to our marriage relationship and some is helping ourselves watch our eyes from other nashim. simple

Its not about what your wife wants. Its about what hashem wants. My wife and I want a lot of things but we ask dass torah and if it is opposite of what we want we lower our heads to torah.


Great seminar! A lot of information packed in there but I believe that a lot of great topics had light shown on them.. but not enough to ruin the opportunities. Dan has opened the door but we all have to do our own homework. Teach a man to fish…

Also, thanks to the community @ Bais Rivkah. As a gentile I felt comfortable and welcome, I met some good people with whom i share a great hobby. I wouldn’t hesitate to attend again.


I agree with what GTR says. And I would like to thank Dan for an amazing night.

Since every good businessman welcomes criticism as an opportunity to improve, I would like to point out that I felt it unnecessary to give multiple examples of a certain topics. (Such as hidden city, or the United “thing” I shan’t say more)


How did you get the 10 RedCards you raffled last night? Didn’t you have to give your info for each one? I want to ask someone lose to a target that has them to buy me one but I can’t ask them to give their social. Any ideas?


Had a great time at the seminar – made even sweeter by winning a raffle :).

Dan covers all the basics and then gets into some advanced tips and hacks that can’t be found anywhere online. I am on an intermediate level and found the speed and scope PERFECT. There are tips and tricks that simply can’t be found online. Highly recommended for everyone!! If you are a total noob, do some research now before the next seminar as you will get WAY more out of it if you do.


Dan, thank you very much for the great seminar. A question I didn’t get a chance to ask last night: I booked a reward ticket for my son TLV-JFK-TLV on Delta. Can I add another leg now TLV-HKG or some other location in Asia?


tg Says:
November 19th, 2014 at 11:45 pm
Stay away from baltimore!!!

@TG,mind your own business



The seminar was fantastic. Thank you!


Baltimore is one of the nicest frum communities.period!


We agree on something: if for you or someone it is a personal
nisayon, then do not attend or avert your eyes (look in sifrei musar). “Its about what hashem wants” 100%
What I disagree with is you trying to force your personal standard on the Klal even though it has nothing to do with halacha.
Furthermore, Dan asked his Rav and followed what his Rav advised not what you are attempting to portray as Daas Torah.
Anyway, enjoy your travels.


Great seminar last night. A lot of information for seniors young at heart. Maybe you can do a special one geared for seniors.


Wish we were there! When are you having a seminar in Jerusalem, Dan?


Thanks Dan for the wonderful night, and even more wonderful the red card!
1 question, When booking a cheap car,hotel….
which gift cards would work?


The red card
I see someone on ddf is having trouble to activate it because he needs 2 buy it first? How does it work? What should I tell the person at the register?

Eli Gold


Anash & Temimim have different standards. Mixed events of all types are not part of our Mesorah.


I have no credit..I applied for a chase freedom and got rejected..what should I do? Which card can I apply that’s easier to get approved? And how long do I have to wait so I can apply for another card?


Dan will you have Subtitles on your video presentations?
would you be willing if I use a subtext device?

when you talk out loud it will convert what you are speaking in my own personal “subtitles” so I will be able to understand ur seminar and “hear it in my own way”
and yes it will take everyones questions & ur answers and display it into text on my screen/device.

it will only work if one person is talking at a time, meaning people wont be talking over you I hope,

dan is ur seminars usually sound like a stock room, with everyone shouting at once all asking questions like eager little children? or do people raise there arms and wait till they or cslled on to debate?!

do you possible maybe offer a print out of everything you will be speaking out loud about, so I can read along?


When are you doing the next seminar in brooklyn?

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