Allow me a moment to pinch myself. As I think back to the fateful Black Friday when I started blogging, 15 years ago in Sao Paulo. Was it luck that the school I had volunteered to teach at for a year was broke and couldn’t afford toilet paper? It only made sense when I found a deal for free toilet paper that I’d share it with my friends and family, and what better way than via a public blog?
But the very fact that I was in Brazil for the year was only thanks to divine providence. But that’s a story for another time.
I suppose it was always in the cards for me. I turned 20 on that Black Friday in Brazil when I started this site. I was born on November 26th, 1984, which as I just learned via a Google search, was the Monday after Thanksgiving. It may not have been back then, but nowadays the Monday after Thanksgiving is better known as Cyber Monday, the holiday of internet deals.
I’d certainly have laughed at you if you told me in 2004 that I’d still be blogging daily at the same site. I’d think you were even crazier if you told me that it would be my living and calling.
But I guess the signs were always there. I was flipping baseball cards as a 10 year old. Selling beanie babies on eBay as a 12 year old. Freezing out in the cold on Black Friday as a 15 year old to flip items on eBay (thank goodness that can be done online now!). By 16, I negotiated a 50% discount with Delta and booked out an entire flight from LAX-JFK for my Yeshiva, saving everyone money while earning a boatload of miles and free tickets for myself in the process. And by 17, I took advantage of a now defunct eBay points program to rack up over 1 million miles with Cathay Pacific. And since then, it’s grown into an obsession to see how many millions of miles I can rack up and burn through each year. There are worse hobbies to have, no?
I’ve been blessed with being in the right place at the right time so many times in my life that I could fill a book. It’s amazing looking back at how all the pieces fall into place. Over the course of 15 years of blogging, every day I gain an incredible appreciation for the world and our part in leaving it better than we found it.
I don’t know when exactly it crossed over from, what I did for kicks to what I do professionally, but it doesn’t matter. I don’t know when exactly the traffic to the site increased from a few hits a month to millions of hits per month. I do what I love and I love what I do.
The fact that my hobby and job enabled me to travel to places I could have never have dreamed of traveling to and do things I could have never dreamed I’d be able to do is something I never take for granted.
And so I’m thankful to G-d for allowing me to support my amazing wife and 3 adorable children in the most unique of ways. And for being able to take them on hundreds of flights to see the world thanks to miles.
I’m thankful to my parents for making sure that I was always curious. Always questioning. Always working hard because nothing worthwhile comes easy. And always striving to be humble and appreciative of everything and everyone.
I’m thankful to my brother JJ, 6 years my junior, for helping me run this website for the past 6 years.
I’m thankful to my wife Mimi for putting up with me working all-nighters, for letting me book international travel glitches just hours before departure, and for always being there through life’s ups and downs.
I’m thankful to my kids, Rafi, Talia, and Maya. Aside from being impossibly cute, their wide-eyed wonder at seeing the world, listening to foreign languages, and seeing other cultures is refreshing. Their adorable innocence, hugs, and unconditional love melt away the biggest worries and fears in the world. Sure it’s significantly harder to travel with kids, but there is no greater blessing in the world.

I’m thankful to the amazing DDF Family for being a great source of deal leads and an awesome place to read trip reports, plan trips, and just shmooze. It’s always awesome to have a DDF DO and put a face to a name that you talk to online.
And I’m thankful to you. For reading. For following on Twitter, Instagram, Telegram, SMS, and Facebook. For sharing your deals, experiences, and trip reports on DDF and the DDFB group. For telling your friends and family. For commenting and adding insight. For patronizing our advertisers and shopping through our links. For sending me countless touching emails letting me know how DansDeals made a difference in your life, whether it was being able to take a special trip that otherwise would have been out of reach or even finding your soul mate through DDF! You make it all possible and worthwhile!
It’s hard to believe 15 years are in the books.
I feel like I live and breath DansDeals every moment of the day. But I also feel like I haven’t worked a day in my life. I suppose that’s what happens when you have a job that you’re passionate about.
I went to an emotional Siyum Sefer Torah earlier this week that was dedicated in honor of my friend Shua Polonsky, who went from being in perfect health to passing away within weeks of becoming sick. I always admired his upbeat and positive outlook on life and contagious smile.
A few months ago our longtime Maui photographer, Jonelle Littleton, lost a battle with depression.
I guess the lesson I take is that life’s too short. Be sure to take a minute to count your blessings, thank the people you love, and do what you’re passionate about. Having Shabbos in my life is the ultimate treat, a day I can count on every week when I can spend 24 hours with my family uninterrupted by digital noise.
And take the time to travel. It may not be easy with kids, but the memories made and the family time are certainly priceless.

I still haven’t wrapped my head around turning 35 today, I feel like I blinked and aged 15 years. But I won’t stop as long as I’m having fun. And I hope you won’t either.
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220 Comments On "Thankful For You And 15 Years Of DansDeals!"
All opinions expressed below are user generated and the opinions aren’t provided, reviewed or endorsed by any advertiser or DansDeals.
Happy birthday dan!! I appreciate all you do for us all. I have even started my Own WhatsApp group for deals here and there because everyone always wants me to text them when you’re alert comes out and are too lazy to sign up for all alerts!!
Thanks for spreading the word 🙂
Oh my goodness, I should think about that too. I sometimes spend so much time sharing all the links that I miss out on the sales.
Mazal tov!
Thanks! Now where’s the #Ribsammich 😀
Mazel tov ! Biz 120
Amen, for you as well!
Mazal tov! May you continue to be a chossid yiras shamaiym and lamdan ! A true chayil of the Rebbe!
Amen, thanks!
Happy Birthday and keep being the good person you are
Will try 🙂
Happy bday Dan! Thanks for all that you do!
Thanks 🙂
Congratulations and much Hatzlacha on the next 15 years.
Happy Birthday to you and thanks for everything
Thank YOU, Dan! When will you start a YouTube channel?
But I’m actually far too much of an introvert for Youtube.
Happy Anniversary/Birthday Dan!
Keep up your great work, you saved me lots of money over the years, I can’t even count how much you saved me! May Hashem repay you the money you save for your fellow brothers!
Keep it up, many more years!
Amen, thanks!
Congratulations Dan on this milestone. Thanks for starting and building this community.
Thanks 🙂
“always in the cards for me” great pun
Very well written. Happy birthday!
Mazel Tov AMUSHT! Zol zein gezunt & shtark! Tizku l’mitzvos!
Amen, you as well!
What a beautiful story. I wish you never loose your “Gift”. Its very inspirational. Thank you and happy holidays!
Awesome, I’ve told you I’m so grateful to you Dan, you made me thousands and given me experiences i could never have. Ty
Mazal Tov! Just think about all the money you have saved us over the years!! Keep it up.
Beautiful thoughts. Thanks for sharing your passion & expertise with us all
Mazel tov,
yes enjoy every moment before you know it you’ll be celebrating your little girls 4th birthday for the 15th time 😉 They grow up way too fast.
An amazing read Thanks Dan ppl like you that make life easier…. you should see my family smile
Keep Growing Strong
Much Appreciation
Happy Birthday, Dan! You make so many lives BETTER by the diligent efforts you give…. We are all so fortunate that you do what you love and love what you do!
Thanks 🙂
Mazel tov! Here’s to 85+ more years of awesome deals and trip notes!
Mazal tov!!
Mazel Tov Dan! And thanks for all that you do!!!
By the way you’re still young, since your Hebrew birthday is still few days away 😉
Do you care to share how you’re celebrating your birthday?
Keep your eyes out for a price mistake.
This is pretty good 🙂
Thanks Dan.
Thank you!
We are thankful for you Daniel (besides the Dan’s deals dan)! You were due on Thanksgiving, labor started in Black Friday, but waited until (now cyber) Monday to make me a mom! I knew at age 3, when you informed me how much money I would save if I had gone to the gas station we had passed that morning, that you could find the best Deals. I am pretty sure you have made your first number mistake. You cannot be 35 yet! Right? Love, Mom and Abba
What awesome parents! 🙂
You should have loads of nachas from Dan and the eineklach.
“If you can’t handle me when my palms are sweaty, then you don’t deserve my mom’s spaghetti” – Abraham Lincoln
Thank you for thanking us.
Happy 35th Birthday
I was able to go to Hong Kong and Australia
because of seeing your posts on your site.
I never really had the chance to travel too much
because I had to care for my daughter who is
wheelchair bound. Now she is living in a group home.
I have accumulated lots of points over the years,
which allows me to travel now.
So thank you Dan for your information over the years.
Enjoy the travels 🙂
Happy birthday Dan! The DDF community has been an invaluable resource to me for the last 10+ years, creating memorable experiences, providing incredible tips and saving some dough in the process.
viva São Paulo! Eu também estava lá no meu ano de Shlichus. Maybe just not with getting them Toilet Paper though.
We miss having you around!
Today’s post made me a ‘bisel farclempt’
If you would only know how you changed my life.
Make me cry
Happy Birthday.
I’d love to hear 🙂
Happy birthday!
Thanks for the great work you have accomplished.
Thank YOU
The feeling is mutual 🙂
Nice post
Thanks 🙂
Happy Birthday Dan!
Here’s to many more. L’Chaim!
Amen, to you as well!
Mazel Tov! Keep up your great work!
Thanks for the love all 🙂
Happy birthday and happy blogaversary!
Happy Birthday Dan! Mazel Tov! All the very best for you, your family, and all of your readers. Happy deal hunting.
I thought you’d find it humorous that some very frum friends of mine who dont use the internet think that Dansdeals is a website that sells things on sale. I’ve been asked numerous times if I could buy something on dansdeals for them!
Anyway thanks for helping me get great deals on things I need and things I didnt know I needed! You have an awesome site.
Have many more healthy years of helping people in all the great work you do!
Amen, to you as well!
happy birth day. BTW where in sao paulo?
Bom Retiro.
Happy birthday and many more. Thank you for all that you do, including constantly making a kiddush hshem.
FYI I think “dansdeal” has become a verb. Although I prefer the more simple term – got a “dan.”
People have asked me on flights before if I got a DansDeal without even knowing who I was.
Love that!
Thanks for e/t and Happy happy B-day!!!
Im only 20 years old Ive flown business to israel direct on elal Ive flown to Miami, Toronto, etc. all with points. Ive made 1000’s of dollars and known as the rich guy in my yeshiva all because of you. Happy Birthday and keep up the great work
Happy Birthday and thanks for all the great info you have provided through the years.
U and JJ r the best. Tysm 4 all that u 2 do. Happy birthday
Was so nice having you on Rosh Hashana 🙂
Happy Birthday, and Thanks for all the deals.
My DW is flying right now only thanks to you. Would not have been able otherwise to make reservations at the last minute to/from NJ to visit the kids. So THANK YOU!!
I found your site through an article linked on msn in 2013; and I can say in the past 6 years ( and a million points later ) no website has upgraded our families quality of life like yours. Its not even a close second. Not hardly a deal goes by when we don’t stop by to read the site. Thank you for all you and team do!!! Happy Birthday DAN!!
That’s great! Thank you!
35? Ha! Wait till you hit 55!
Happy birthday!
I feel like I’ll be there if I blink.
Dear Dan,
I can’t begin to count the ways that you have positively influenced my life. The travel, the money saving, the great deals for things, the ability to help others with travel and miles questions.
Maybe the most important is that you, through DDF, led me and my family to be hosted for a Shabbos meal in Yerushalayim with a stranger, with whom I have been learning for the past year in chavrusa for the first time in my life (and I’m twice his age!).
Wishing you kol haCavod, ad meah v’esrim, and thank you.
That’s fantastic! Thanks for sharing and ad meah v’esrim healthy years for you as well!
People finding their soulmates on DDF… I’d love to hear that story 🙂
Hopefully one day they will write it up 🙂
Dan – Mazel Tov- tell us your favorite charity (Set a link on your website) and I’m sure many people will donate in your honor.
Chabad of Cleveland is a great cause:
Before you know it Dan, your grandkids will be saying “It isn’t easy to travel with your parents and elderly (young at heart) Grandparents everywhere you go, but how can we not? They took us everywhere they went!!!!!” They will be able to make one of those time laps flip through books of trips of 120 healthy years.
All happening too quickly.
Have a great birthday. Thanks for all the leads through the years.
Mazal tov till 120 with a lot of… Price mistakes
Maybe it really is time to write a book
One day.
Mazel Tov Dan!
Thanks for your amazing website that we enjoy enormously!
Your golden heart is seen on every post, how you answer all the questions (even from the beginners).
We got a lot of nice deals and points through DD.
Today we booked a family trip with points, thanks to you!!!
Should you be blessed with all the blessings until 120!
Amen, thanks 🙂
To you and yours as well!
Happy 35 Dan and happy 10 to my daughter!
Kudos to you and I wish you many more year of continued success!
Happy Birthday Dan! Just found out that I have a child who is older than you. Who’d a thunk it?
Mazel tov! Till 120 healthy years.
“התורה חסה על ממונם של ישראל” so that’s definitely a huge Zechus!
Making a living by saving people’s money? What can be better??!!
Amen, you too!
Nothing, I agree!
Happy Birthday! Been with you for 11 years…and counting!
Moreinu Dan Shlita, I first heard about this site AFTER the $300 r/t EL AL fare mistake occurred and EVERYONE I know who did not have Internet access or smartphones wound up taking entire families to Israel (and I am at the end of multiple 10GB internet connections at work).
Since then DD has facilitated:
1) Able to visit Israel now at least every other year based on the fare sales
2) Discovered all sorts of good things to eat with Subscribe and Save
3) Stockpiled at least 10 months worth of toilet paper. Definitely don’t need to rush out to the grocery store before the next blizzard.
4) Ditto on tissue boxes and undergarments
5) Have Prime, Sams Club, Costco and BJ’s memberships
6) I think I have 1 more $99 Prime membership in the wings
7) Flew WN with the family for several summer vacations for $5.60/pp/each way
8) Set up S&S for the big pasta deal, got a zillion boxes but forgot to cancel the subscription so another zillion boxes showed up the following month. At least now I can support my married kids with unlimited macaroni.
9) Have a ton of powerbricks so I never run out of juice when I am traveling
10) Never succeeded to accumulate enough USAirways miles to fly to TLV, but used the converted AA miles instead to go on a father-son trip to Seattle and indulge in aviation hobbies
11) Enthusiastically crashed Widroe and other sites along with the rest of the Dan crowd scrambling to get deals
12) Proud owner of a very nice Hero 7 for a few pennies after going to war with GoPro
13) Conditioned to grab the phone and look at the latest Dan Twitter post when the special chime goes off
14) Laugh when you post “THIS FARE IS FOR TRAVEL ORIGINATING IN TEL AVIV, NOT THE U.S.” and then the crowd goes ape asking if this works for NY, how do I book an infant etc
15) Adrenaline rush as I order 50 laptops for $1/each and then wait with baited breath hoping the cancellation notice never comes.
16) Talking about DD is always a good conversation starter, I prefer that to Jewish geography.
17) Freebie posts are always great even if I don’t know what I am going to do with the freebie.
Oh, and now that I am a Zaidy I am prone to buy every posted kids toy without checking the “recommended age” first.
Dan, this is awesome, but I think it would be even better if we knew more about your background besides just your birthday. What street did you grow up on? What was the name of your first pet? What is your mother’s maiden name? You know, just basic trivia the oilam wants to know.
Mothers maiden name? The most important trivia of them all…
What, you don’t want my social too?
Sure, if you’re offering!
Happy Birthday Dan!
It has been some time since I last posted on DDF/DDFMS, but wanted to express how much I appreciate all that you have done and helped facilitate for me and my family. Thanks to you and DDF I have been able to take my family around the world (multiple times) in luxury, and have not paid for many household staples in years. Additionally, this “hobby” has kept my family well above sea level while Mrs. MP has been pursuing her PhD. and for that I am even more thankful.
To many more years!
We miss having you around and traveling through your TRs!
Happy Birthday Dan! May you be blessed with at least 85 more years of Gefen – Gezunt, Parnassa and Nachas.
Amen, you too!
Happy Birthday Dan!! Ad Meah V’Esrim!!!
Amen, you too!
My family and I are very grateful for your blog. It has been a blessing to us. Best wishes on your birthday!
Yom holedes sameach. Ad meah v’esrim shana.
Amen, you too!
No really, THANK YOU
No Really, THANK YOU!!!!
It’s good to have a 2 way thanks system 🙂
Happy birthday! You are an amazing human being!
You are too 🙂
Please remind me. What was the site’s original name?
Happy Birthday Dan! You can be very proud for what you have built! I am thankful to have you in my life 🙂
I bought you a birthday gift. Check your for my email with this as the subject line
Thanks 🙂
This post makes me cry for some reason.
How did u earn miles while booking the delta flight for your yeshiva?
On a credit card, how else 😀
It’s hard to thank you enough.
Not only have you enabled us (Chinuch couple) to send our sons to Yeshiva in Israel on points. Not only have you afforded us very much needed and otherwise unaffordable days of vacation in far away places.
You have allowed us to partake in Simchas that brought much needed and appreciated love to yesomim. The tickets and hotels we were able to utilize are due to the gifted talent you have been afforded by Hashem, and have so ably utilized.
Thank you – Thank you! May you he mezakeh many others, for many years to come, and continue enjoy great vacations of your own with Mimi.
Thanks so much for everything. May you keep up in good health.
As the Sium Hashas is coming up, I remind myself how you streamed live the last Sium…. (or was it the one prior?)
Is there a post on that event?
Also, can you tell us more on the flight you booked JFK-LAX ? How far in advance was it?
It was actually JJ that streamed it!
And looked great on my shidduch resume back in the day, thankful that worked out 😉
yaarich yamim al mamalachtoi ,but relax about being 35 your still young very young look at kushner hes 38 you would think hes 32 .did you end up going to the kinnus hashluchim?
Today it’s 35, tomorrow it’s 70!
Life’s too short!
HBD! Ad 120
Amen, you too!
Dan, my life has changed significantly since I became an avid Dan’s Dealer.
I feel like I belong to an exclusive group and get the inside scoop on deals that I can afford. I also have numerous free tablet covers (I do not have a tablet) wrong size phone protectors and a twitch t-shirt that fits no one. And getting things for free is all part of the fun!
But above all, time and again, I am impressed with you as a person. Always cheery, never defensive. You believe in what you do, and use your sense of humor and class to deflect the naysayers. No bitterness, or “I’m doing you the favor” attitude. You have so much patience and a passion to help others, and your pride in Yiddishkeit is evident.
I relate to so many grateful of the posts (with tears in my eyes)
As a deal junkie, I get a high from the deals I snag and as a person, you make me feel proud that we are part of the same nation, Klal Yisroel.
Keep doing what you love and know there are so many of us out there that love what you do.
Happy 35th! Its a great age- I’ve been there.
Making me tear up here 🙂
Thanks for sharing this lovely story with all of us!
Thanks for commenting 🙂
Happy Birthday!!!
Many thanks for all that you have done and continue to do.
Happy birthday Dan! you do awesome work, and the passion shows throughout.
Helping so many people AND making money in the process is indeed a dream job.
Thank you for doing this, and being such a mentch!
Thanks. Any job that you’re passionate about is a dream job 🙂
Mazal Tov!
Mazal Tov Dan! Keep up the good work.
It would be great if you published the top 10 Dans Deals of all time. I’d love to be like Wow, can’t believe I missed such great deals.
Would have to crowdsource that. Should start a DDF thread 🙂
Or maybe one exists. Can I tag @TimT here 😀
Mazal tov Dan!
Whenever I buy something my friends ask “how much didn’t you pay for that?”
Shnas hatzlacha bgashmius uberuchnius
Amen, to you as well!
Happy Birthday Dan!!
Thank you for everything!! Keep up the gr8 work!!
Me, too.
I love the deals; I have loads of junk, uh useful things I may not need, but feel good that I snagged.
I can fly in comfort without spending money and I love being able to gift or subsidize flights for family and friends.
I love the community.
So thanks for it all.
Thanks for being part of the community 🙂
Thank you Dan – for Pesach in London, countless deals and other flights, upgrades and pro-tips, and most recently the new Virgin Atlantic LHR-TLV flight I got a bargain on.
Your impact is immeasurable, thank you!!!
Happy Birthday Dan!
Can’t thank you enough for the daily savings!
If you have any birthday magic left, I wouldn’t mind a repeat of the $58 First Class Delta deal to LA from 5 years ago 😉
Boy was that a good deal. I wish!
Happy Birthday Dan!
We can’t thank you enough for all ur amazing posts. My husband and I caught the traveling bug and it started when we got the Delta deal and flew to Hawaii for 5 days!
Just wanted to wish you that Hashem should bless you with many more happy and healthy years so you can continue helping others!
That was a good deal to catch the bug on 😀
Amen and thanks!
Happy Birthday, Dan!! Thanks for all the years you’ve helped us save money. I’ve been to Australia, Asia, Maldives, Russia, NYC to see the Tree, and others, bc of all your the deals you’ve told me/is about! You’re the best!
Thank you & God Bless, Kristine
Awesome, thanks and G-d bless!
Congrats dan. God should help that at age 40 and at the 20’th birthday of the site,
The amount of people that were at your threw first pitch before game 7 of the World Series-
Should be a מעשר of the traffic this site experiences in one hour…. and so the income…
Amen and thanks for all your help with the deals!
Happy birthday!
All the deals are amazing, but to me, the most amazing things you post are when you are able to use your connections to help a fellow jew.
Whether they are stranded somewhere in the world and reaches out to you for help or when they are stranded in your own backyard such as the flight from Israel and you jumped and beat all odds to get them food to keep them going for a few more hours.
These stories show a person’s true greatness, IMHO.
Keep up your good work and keep on being a good role model to your children.
Your parents must be real proud of you!
How could I not help when I’m in a place to help?
But thanks 🙂
Big fan here. Keep up the great work and thanks for making a positive impact on so many people’s lives.
DD reminds me of two things:
– Buy low, sell high!
– Life is beautiful indeed
Long time reader and fan, have gotten some amazing deals and you allowed me to live on a tight budget. Thanks for all you do! Happy Birthday!
Heartiest mazal tov wishes thanks for all you do. I have traveled to Israel over 15 times for Succos with points thanks to you.I have traveled a great deal in the USA with points and I share them with my children
Hacauras hatov
Thank you Dan.
You’ve quenched my thirst to travel and made it all possible.
Millions of points come and go but the memories are forever.
Good having you around all these years 🙂
I blinked and we are celebrating our 50th wedding anniversary this weekend. Hashem should Keep us blinking! with our eyes wide open!!
MAZAL TOV!! Since the day I used the glitch $20 off coupons for stubhub for abt 20 free tickets to games I havent missed a post. You truly enabled me to travel around the world in the last few years for pennies on the dollar. We all cannot thank you enough!!!! Ad 120 happy and healthy years with nachas from the family!!
Amen, to you as well!
Thanks for so much I have no idea wher we would Be with out you Dan! ..big MT many more .Great post I’m tearful too from your words
One story in specific me and five other yeshiva guys back in the yeshiva days. I think it was dubed the delta 49 ers when everyone was flying all around the country in biz too on delta glitch for under 49$ we went on well deserving trip from Nyc to the west cost for an extended weekend for pennies on the dollar I was the deals guy so I learnt from u how to accumulate SPG points OBM and the Ddf family with hertz rentals etc..then all my trips of inspiration to Israel with my miles . those were the days but like u said lchaim to the days to come !!
Yes, those were the days. But good days are ahead as well 🙂
Thanks for sharing!
Mazel Tov Reb Dan. I would like to thank you for doing a tremendous chesed of constantly looking out for our best interest of your fellow Yidden and human kind at large. Most of us don’t have the know-how of how to get a good deal on so many items and to prevent ourselves from being taken advantage of. Thank you for doing the leg work for us. With kn”h a large mishpacha and living on a tight budget, you’ve actually increased our Shalom Bayis as my wife is happy when I tell her, thanx to a link from Dans Deals I just purchased that much needed new vacuum cleaner, coffee maker, or new set of towels, etc…for less than half price. Now it’s a common refrain whenever we need something. “I’ll check on Dans Deals and see what I come up with”. Wishing you and your family much Hatzlacha and Bracha going forward.
Congratulations Dan! Welcome to The Middle Age so apropos that your birthday is on Thanksgiving because it just seems like a great opportunity to express Hakaras Hatov to you for the ways my family has PERSONALLY benefitted from DD! 2 Free laptops many years ago that then got replaced with 2 new free laptops (that was epic, and it’s still going strong lol) 3 round trips from NYC-LAX for $50 pp – twice in Deltas first class which was DREAMY! And then all the misc perks and deals like the wall of Kleenex boxes proudly “decorating” the closet (as it slowly dwindles down) All the points from credit cards that have paid for flights for Yomim Tovim to the in laws, that flight from LAX-ORD for $40, and so much more!! It’s all tremendously appreciated!! And most of all, as others have said (possibly more eloquently) your derech eretz to every person, even though the rest of us are going nuts from the level of stupid, you never make any one feel dumb – even for actually dumb questions. That takes a lot. Especially for FIFTEEN YEARS!! If you can keep that up, you can do this for another 15 and more iyH. Wishing you shefa Bracha in all areas of your life!
Dan, I’m sorry I took this long to comment, but why would you send out the most important post of the year on Black Friday?! 🙂
Now it’s 2am and I’m finally taking a break from buying Hp laptops for all my friends and baby equipment for my siblings…and explaining to my wife why I “bought” so much guinea pig food when we don’t have a guinea pig (I told her it’s basically a granola bar and probably tastes good), so I can now add my 1 cent (good deal, no?).
Thank you for the years of deals and experiences. But more than that, thank you for creating a community where I feel like I’m in on the scoop with the rest of the DansDeals family. And especially for the attitude that comes through all your posts—Ahavas Habriyos, sincerity and incredible anava for the one on top of this empire.
Btw, speaking of toilet paper, after all these years I can’t stuff another roll into any cabinet, so I drew the line by “like new condition” toilet paper deals.
Your family is adorable Dan and thank you so much. I am a daily visitor and really, really appreciate your site.
Mazel Tov Dan!
I want to thank you for enabling me to collect enough miles, that I can visit my parents with my whole family for the past 10 years. Without you I would have not been able to afford it. I started following you when the Jetblue flight deal to go to NY was posted on Shmais and followedd you avidly for 10 years after that. Although I dont follow so much anymore. I am forever grateful for what you provide for so many ppl. May you and your family be blessed with many more healthy years and hatzlocho!
Happy Birthday Dan! Keep it going and thanks for everything!
Congrats on the 15 years, been following since the beginning on an old flip phone with the small screens waiting for the pages to load trying to catch some deals! Although unfortunately life has not let me travel to much, I love seeing all your trip reports and hope one day to get to some of these places.
Gearing up for the annual post!
Happy belated hebrew birthday and early english birthday!