Another year is in the books and this one has been a doozy.
5784 started with the joyous holiday of Simchas Torah saddened by rumors of a pogrom in Israel’s Gaza Envelope villages. We had no idea at the time just how savage it was.
But even before Israel responded or buried the murdered, the world marched against Jews and Israel with an antisemitic zeal and euphoria unseen seen since the 1940s.
But why would the most barbaric pogrom against Jews in nearly a century trigger that response?
Was that level of antisemitism always there, but just dormant for 80 years?
Those are some uncomfortable thoughts, but the past year has felt uncomfortable for Jews facing rising antisemitism across the globe. Just ask my youngest brother, who is a 2nd year law student at Columbia, about how uncomfortable that can be.
But while Jews grieved over the attack and the world’s response, we also united. We have seen the incredible impact our prayers and mitzvos have had, with open miracles happening every day in Israel. And we are thrilled to have distributed more than 2,000 pairs of Tefillin to civilian Jews and IDF soldiers who have committed to praying in them daily. Spending time distributing pairs to soldiers at the IDF bases across the Gaza Envelope was one of the highlights of this year for me.

We thank you for partnering with us to help make those connections possible.
5784 goes out with Iran firing 180 ballistic missiles at Israel. With G-d’s help, not a single Israeli died in that attack.
But I for one, look forward to turning the page.
Rosh Hashana 5785, the Jewish new year, starts tonight. May the call of the shofar usher in an era of true peace on Earth.
Let’s all pray for the safety of Israel and her inhabitants, along with a return of the hostages, and a speedy victory against Iran and all of its terror proxies.
Wishing everyone a happy, healthy, safe, and sweet new year.
-The DansDeals Team; Dan, Mimi, and JJ Eleff.
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30 Comments On "Vacation Notice: Goodbye To 5784 And Have A Happy Rosh Hashana!"
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×©× ×” טובה ומתוקה
A sweet year to you as well!
×©× ×” טובה!
A sweet year to you as well!
Good buy to 5784! Have a great year and thank you very much everything you do
Good buy. 😀
Have a great year and thanks!
Kesivah vachasimah tovah!
May you be inscribed for a great year as well!
כתיבה וחתימה טובה
May you be inscribed for a great year as well!
Shana Tova!
A sweet year to you as well!
Thank you very much for all that you do, and especially organizing the Teffilin campaign. The impact on the wearers and their families is unbelievable.
May we all merit a sweet year with the Galus finally behind us.
Feel like this post deserved a HURRY because 5784 can’t leave fast enough.
Shana Tova Dan & JJ
A sweet year to you as well!
×©× ×” טובה and thanks for all you do, certainly on the deal front, but with everything else too like your tefillin campaign, advocacy efforts, important reporting, and others.
Would be very interested to hear about your brother’s experiences at Columbia, if he’s willing to contribute an article.
Thanks and have a great year!
I’d be happy to ask him.
thank you dan well said
Thanks, shana tova!
כתיבה וחתימה טובה to all!
כתיבה וחתימה טובה Dan and JJ and all of Klal Yisroel!
Yes it has been a very hard year for our nation and land. But, many good things happened as well, big and small. Open nissim in Eretz Yisroel – literally, clearly, nissim! Including yesterday. To be zoche to that is not a small thing. And many many kinderlach were born, couples got married, we celebrated milestones of all kinds… let’s also look at the good things and thank Hashem for them. The more we thank and appreciate, the more He gives us… Shana Tova U’mesuka to all! (and lots of good deals too)
Gemar Chasimah Toivah!
Gemar hasimah tova to your family and all of klal Yisrael. Peace for eretz Yisrael &the entire world
Lots of readers thank Dan for recommending Obihai devices to work with Google voice. Just received email that it is end of life October 31. Please try to a article advising what we can use after that date to work with a phone line and Google voice in our homes. Thanks.
have to say was always a fan of dd
but this year you really cranked up things a notch
i flew a couple of times to israel this year
and was also stuck after oct 7 attacks
i constantly turned to dd for the ONLY reliable organized source
motzai r”h when this post was not yet updated
i tried searching elsewhere then realized there is nowhere else to search
we all owe a great yasher koach to the shliach to the sales, miles and travel
a gut yohr