Less Than 6 Weeks To Election Day: Make Sure You Are Registered To Vote!

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Election Day 2024 is less than 6 weeks away, on November 5th.

If you are a US citizen, be sure to fulfill your civic duty by voting! Even if you think your vote doesn’t matter, it does.

It matters in showing how much of a neighborhood and demographic votes, it matters in showing how trends change, and it matters for non-Presidential votes as well. It shows politicians that you still care to vote and it ensures that national popular vote numbers aren’t skewed by those who feel their vote won’t count. It’s the most critical part of any functioning democracy, so stop with the excuses and go vote!

Deadlines to register or update your registrations are rapidly approaching.

You can register to vote or update your voting registration here.

In most states, you can also request an absentee ballot by following that link as well, or just search for how to vote early in your state.

Yes, you should request an absentee ballot and vote now. You never know what might happen or if the weather on election day will prevent you from voting in person.

Will you vote in this year’s election?

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43 Comments On "Less Than 6 Weeks To Election Day: Make Sure You Are Registered To Vote!"

All opinions expressed below are user generated and the opinions aren’t provided, reviewed or endorsed by any advertiser or DansDeals.


Unless you plan to vote for Kamala. In that case don’t register



No Cap

Trump 2024!


Such a disgusting human.


How crazy, that we can’t register to vote online in NY if you don’t have a State ID, yet you don’t need AN ID to actual VOTE


Dan, can you give us some mathematic breakdown how much more significant/ influencal a vote is in Ohio and Pennsylvania versus one in California or New Jersey? 🙂


be sure to fulfill your civic duty by voting!
If Kamala will anyway win why should we vote


with that juvenile ATTITUDE she will win!


She wins if she gets the votes. Will be counting your vote?


And it’s FREE!


Come on Ohio! The country needs you!


Vote, Vote, Vote! Put Ohio back in DC! MAGA


TRUMP 2024


Go Dems!!!




& the dogs


Dems down the line.


So I guess you support the party that let violent Hamas protestors terrorize Jews on campuses across the country and failed to condemned them. GREAT JOB!!!!!! Jews are unsafe on campuses because the radical LEFT identifies with the protestors and refuses to shut them down. This will only get worse under a President Harris and this is a FACT. She has been more critical of Israel than Biden. You may not like Trump or his character but he was FAR FAR better for Jews in America. Your vote matters. MAGA!!!!!


No guessing. You support the party that demonstrated that they can rally the support from other democratic countries to successfully save Israel from the evening of 300 missile, drone and rocket attacks.



Avi Rosenberg

TRUMP 2024! Down with the antisemitic left and anti-Israel Biden/Harris WH


Avi – How soon you forget or ignore Trump/MAGA association with
Elon Musk
Kanye West
Nick Fuentes
to name a few…

How soon you forget or ignore

Harris/Dems association with
Antisemitic college riots
Ilhan Omar
Rashid tlaib
Free palestin


And the self-proclaimed “Black Nazi” —who is running as the Republican nominee for North Carolina governor as a result of Trump’s endorsement of that self-proclaimed “black Nazi”. And Trump also has had some kind of bizarre admiration for Hezbollah.


You support the party that demonstrated that they can rally the support from other democratic countries to successfully save Israel from the evening of 300 missile, drone and rocket attacks


Dan’s appeal to register and vote is non-partisan, as it should be. Please find another forum for your opinions on candidates, politics and political parties.


Harris/Walz 2024 Common Sense!


Your Common Sense = open borders, sky-high prices, wars raging across the world, rampant crime and homelessness across America, etc. Sign me right up! NOTTTTTTTTT


If you want America to be overrun by homeless and terrorists you would vote for Kamal (G-d save us from such a fate)


Exactly. People outside of California have absolutely no idea what is in store for them if Kamala is elected G-d forbid. Trust me as someone who has lived in California for the last ~20 years it is terrible here. Sky high gas, grocery, insurance prices, everything is expensive. Homelessness and crime are OUT OF CONTROL. Illegals get free healthcare and housing subsidized by the taxpayer. This is all coming to your state if Kamala is elected G-d forbid.


And what did you DO to improve life for your fellow humans?

Daniel, you are all texting and no positive action.


Daniel isn’t applying for president, so what does it matter about his actions. Kamala’s liberal rhetoric throughout her entire political career has aligned with views that are pro Palestinian. She signed the bill resulting in high inflation and rising costs.


Everyone’s actions matter. Did you pay your taxes? Was it an honest tax return? Do you support America? Or just yourself?


It’s so terrible that you haven’t already moved permanently out of the state? ROTFLOL 😀

Tuna beigel

Dan can we get a poll as to who we are voting for at the bottom of this post?




I would vote even for Tuna Bagel over Don the Con Tr*mp. But in this case, I’ll pinch my nose and vote for Harris and Walz as second-term wannabe fascists — aka Putin-loving Tr*mp in our case — are typically worse the second time around.

Tuna beigel

Just vote for Tuna Beigel instead of Kamala!


Lots of great opinions on this thread! Thank you to each person for providing your views as it is so interesting to hear other peoples’ opinions. All too often I find myself reading comment threads and seeing such well written opinions that cause me to change my mind on things and this post is no exception. I appreciate everyone who takes the time to comment. And thank you Dan and JJ for everything you do!

Can\'t have nice things

Please turn off the comments on this post. The post is important, but the vitriolic opinions expressed are not


I vote to remove this post.

Can\\’t have nice things

Another head in the clouds.
