If you are a US citizen, be sure to fulfill your civic duty by voting! Even if you think your vote doesn’t matter, it does.
It matters in showing how much of a neighborhood and demographic votes, it matters in showing how trends change, and it matters for non-Presidential votes as well. It shows politicians that you still care to vote and it ensures that national popular vote numbers aren’t skewed by those who feel their vote won’t count. It’s the most critical part of any functioning democracy, so stop with the excuses and go vote!

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158 Comments On "Go Vote! Who Did You Vote For?"
All opinions expressed below are user generated and the opinions aren’t provided, reviewed or endorsed by any advertiser or DansDeals.
gutsy to put up this poll 🙂
THIS is gutsy? No, the Ukranians are gutsy.
What does one have to do with the other? There’s lots of gutsy things that have been done, but I’m not viewing articles about those things
Are you dense? The comparison is the relative “gutsiness” of the two actions. In case you didn’t realize the implication, it is that posting a poll is hardly gutsy compared to things that are ACTUALLY gutsy.
And the Ukrainians are spineless cowards compared to Chuck Norris. What’s your point?
Stupidity at it’s best
We aren’t going back
Bingo. Plus Mayor Pete makes airlines honor deals.
You obviously do not read Dans Deals posts. If you would, you would know that he only made it worse.
Trump 2024! Kumallah Harris is an idiot.
But she is from a middle class family!
Oh I’m sorry your rabbi told you who to vote for. At least have some respect and learn how to spell her name. She is after all, the current VP.
I’m sorry that your woke ideology makes you vote for SKamala
I believe that you have great respect for Donald Trump, after all he’s a former President.
Respect a draft dodging, sexual assaulting, money grubbing wannabe authoritarian liar? Uh… okay.
get a life Fred
She’s literally been in hiding for four years as a VP and if elected will go back into hiding. She’s just a front, an imposter- less capable than the most average person you know.
Research how she got her start climbing the ladder in politics. She used the Monica Lewinsky strategy.
As if you even know how to do “research.” HINT: Research isn’t done by simply following Elon Musk and listening to Rogan.
That’s something they teach in college together with middle east studies.
Only woke radical DemocRats know how to make “research”
No one even got to choose/vote for her in the primaries. I mean, if that doesn’t tell you something.. right?
Come on!
Who cares if her name is misspelled?
Right… just be sure not to vote for the felon Scump.
Common sense told me who to vote for.
i wouldn’t be surprized if she didn’t know how to spell her name till she was 15
As Joe Biden would say,
If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for Trump, then you ain’t Jewish
Since biden Harris are in office, even the price emistakes are more expensive.
Can’t believe dansdeals readers are voting for Scamala
You poll doesn’t work on mobile browser or the app
Biden did that.
I think it was MRS. הרס
Yeah doesn’t seem to work on the app but I went on mobile browser and copied the website and it worked. So it’s the app.
Get out there and vote! Hopefully Republican. A current poll shows Kamala at 48.7% and Trump at 48.6%!
So funny people are scared to publicly write that they support or voted for Harris. Oy a broch.
You’ve never been on reddit
They do a great job with the bots there
Exactly lol. I was gonna say “maybe venture out to Reddit or Instagram, there are the loudest followers.” The ones who support the current things.
The fact that this race is even close says that American democracy is dead/dying. Voting for an insurrectionist that undermines the actual voting process…it is madness.
So give us a better option. Lesser of two evils…
Jacob Chansley is not on the ballot
please, don’t bore us with your brainwashed “insurrectionist” comment.
Lol…as a law enforcement officer, I just call it as I saw it, and I was there.
ב”ה Harris Lost
Actually, the only people calling for a fair and honest election are the Republicans.
The Democrats have been fighting for many years to allow all kinds of options on how you can vote which increases the likelihood of fraud. They’ve also fighting ID requirements – which opens up the election to even more fraud. Even (honest) Democrats agree some degree of fraud took place in 2020 which is why there was a protest by the Capital. Their counter argument is that the fraud was not enough to change the outcome. Funny how the protest by the Capitol got renamed an insurrection but a George Floyd protest would never be called a riot! there is a very likelihood too that the lack of security by the protest was by design – so it gets out of hand – to make President Trump look bad.
Rigging the election in 2020 is equaled undermining
Can you still vote if your not registered
Some states allow same-day registration and affidavit voting. Check with your state.
Sure – if you live in NY just look up someone’s name. Walk up and give them that name and you’re in.
Signature needs to match.
Go register even if you can’t vote it will help for next time.
only if u vote Harris
If you have not yet registered to vote and live in any of the following states you can register and vote on election day. (States: CA, CO, CT, DC, HI, ID, IL, IA, ME, MD, MI, MN, MT, NV, NH, NM, ND, UT, VT, VA, WA, WI, and WY)
Just use a neighbors name in NY – illegal to ask for ID apparently.
Signature needs to match
Almost nobody checks. Part of the problem.
Will the votes be counted correctly?
Whoever voted that they didn’t vote because their vote won’t count, please don’t be lazy and go out and actually vote.
Plus there are more elections than just the Presidential one
I fear this poll will only further the divisiveness within our comunity and do little to further the amazing work you do.
Tell us you are voting for Harris without telling us you are voting for Harris, Sandi. Keep the poll up!
I agree. Please respect differing opinions .
How a Jewish person would vote for Kamala is beyond me. Look at the hate within the Democrat party for Jews, college campus protests and so on. In the 1950s, Fred Trump, Trumps father, donated the plot of land where the Beach Haven Jewish Center was built in Brooklyn. What have any of the Democrats done?
Every Jewish person I know under 45, Orthodox to Reform, Republican or Democrat, is voting Harris. I’m a Republican crossing the aisle to vote for Harris and plenty of my friends are as well, or abstaining from voting for either if they can’t stomach it. Donald Trump is not fit for office. I pray Selzer continues to be correct and we can put this sad chapter of the Republican party to bed
Well said. I am on the other side generally, but I hope I would have the same courage of my convictions to vote Republican if we ever nominated someone who tried to over turn a free and fair election.
There is a point to what you are saying, but 1st of all you cant call the previous elections fair, it was a piece of unfairness(especially the mail-in).
2. The other option is nothing better, she is not fit for office at all. so put the 2 people aside & look only on policy, who’s policy is better.
Policy agendas are meaningless onces the Constitution is shredded, my friend.
The dems are the ones that want to pack the supreme court, the dems are the ones that want to remove the filibuster, favoring illegal immigrants over US citizens, and can go on and on. Now that being said, who is the party that its intent is to shred the constitution?
You mean like Missouri v. Biden:
The judge had harsh words for the federal officials. He noted that this is “the most massive attack against free speech in United States’ history,” that the Biden administration has “blatantly ignored the First Amendment’s right to free speech,” and that the Biden administration “almost exclusively targeted conservative speech.”
Keep up with the woke propaganda
I would disagree that the election was free or fair for many reasons, and aside from voter fraud allegations. The mainstream media is obviously bias towards the left, and so are the social media platforms especially censoring conservative viewpoints more than liberal ones. The government also suppressed the “Hunter Biden” laptop story right before the 2020 Election that could have easily swayed the razor thin election.
Keep up the propaganda
So you agree that it’s only people under 45!!
Will you agree that maybe maybe the older people understand better then you??y are you smarter from the frum rabbonim and gedolim?
and old person went through more thing than you,
Don’t be stupid,
Yesh Din vyesh diyen,
we are living here for very little,
Please don’t mess up.
You must really confine your touchpoints to a very slim strip of the Jewish population then. Orthodox Jews are overwhelmingly against Harris.
You seem to be proud to vote against Israel.
My man. Sorry to say then you were never a republican to begin with. You were always on the left
You are saying that Trump is not fit for office Why? and what makes Kamala more fit for office? Please elaborate on this point, as I am puzzled how being that we are just coming off a Biden presidency who was surely unfit since he took office that you can even say that. Also when conservatives dared to question Bidens fitness for office even a month before he resigned, the left hit back that he was sharp and nimble as could be!! Stop drinking the Kool Aid and wake up!
I guess you don’t know Jews
See above 20% not supporting Trump.
sent billions to Israel and Ukraine. Big deal about the 1950s
That’s Biden, Harris is worse.
It was a big deal then!
The comments on here are making me hate SOME Jews, that’s for sure.
“So you agree that it’s only people under 45!!
Will you agree that maybe maybe the older people understand better then you??y are you smarter from the frum rabbonim and gedolim?
and old person went through more thing than you,
Don’t be stupid,
Yesh Din vyesh diyen,
we are living here for very little,
Please don’t mess up.”
I have already cast my vote for Harris and encouraged everyone I know to go out and cast their vote. It is certainly not only people under 45, but you are correct in that it is less people over 45 in the frum community. Age does not defacto grant political wherewithal. Sometimes you are too set in your ways to think of the interest of your children and your children’s children. Gd willing the younger generations take their destiny into their own hands and forge their own path for our country and world.
“You must really confine your touchpoints to a very slim strip of the Jewish population then. Orthodox Jews are overwhelmingly against Harris.”
I am Orthodox and attend an Orthodox Shul. My comment included the members of that Orthodox shul as well as other shuls. I am not even close to the only Republican at my shul who is voting for Harris.
“You seem to be proud to vote against Israel.”
This is completely nonsensical and not founded in anything policy or action. Harris has absolutely not broken with support for Israel and it is disingenuous and further belittles our battle for support in the general population to try to make a fictitious narrative that she has done so over hysteria and nonsense.
“My man. Sorry to say then you were never a republican to begin with. You were always on the left.”
I hope this thinking serves you well. In order to believe it you must ignore the droves of famous, well established conservatives that have come out against Donald Trump and even endorsed Harris. If you truly believe it though then our party is at an impasse and you should prepare yourself for us to lose more elections. Because we are not united in this and you can not ignore a large swath of your own party and win.
“The comments on here are making me hate SOME Jews, that’s for sure.”
– שנאת חנם
Gd willing we can better merit the return of the בית המקדש than our ancestors.
Hating people and being law enforcement trying to understand your woke agenda
Thanks Dan!
How come Tuna Beigel was not one of the options??
It is extremely important to show up at the polls and make even just 1 vote for 1 inconsequential candidate, even if your state’s electoral votes are 100% going to go to 1 presidential candidate or the other, or even if every down-ballot candidate is basically running unopposed. Because, once elected, politicians pay more attention to neighborhoods and districts that have a higher turnout (regardless of who won) than those that have a lower turnout.
Voting on this DansDeals poll does NOT count as voting in this federal election. You still have to place a valid ballot.
Unless you’re voting Kamala than this is sufficient effort as we don’t want to overwork anyone.
This is missing the option for I left the top of the ticket blank in my non swing state but I still voted in all my local down ballot races.
I voted for Nunya!
Was Nacho not on the ballot?
Go out and vote and Daven Daven Daven for the winner to be the candidate that clearly backs the safety of the US, the Jews and Israel!
Is that Haris. I don’t want to assume. See says she would protect everyone.
PSA: If you live in NY (or some other states) and you plan on getting a beer on the way home from voting, remember to bring your ID along.
They won’t sell me beer at 18 but I can vote .
So? They let me drive at 16, but I wasn’t allowed to vote or buy beer.
Voting for Liberty and to protect our Republic. Policies over personality.
That means you voted for Harris?
I don’t really consider “freedom to” to mean the same as Liberty, which is “freedom from”. A porous border is NOT protecting our Republic…and she needs a personality and actual policies … So I’ll leave it to you to figure out. Swing State Voter in the hizzle!
But Trump torpedoed the border deal… so how is that protecting the republic?
You can’t call 1 million undocumented workers per year permitted to enter the US without getting vetted and fast-track amnesty a “border deal”. One of the enumerated powers of the President is actually to control the border. Know if what you speak, not talking points.
Basically are you saying Trump brought us all the Illegals
If you are voting in New York, make sure to vote NO on proposals 1 & 2!
That would work. I’d love for people not to forget about Desantis though. Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if he was the presidential nominee this time around. You wouldn’t have the conservative never-Trumpers against him, and you’d have more centrists who find Trump distasteful considering a Republican vote.
Only if you can pull him away from the furniture in his “Game Room”
You do understand that claim was a scam by a guy on Twitter looking for followers, right?
Trump 2024! Kumallah Harris is an idiot and a nut, if u voted harris u hate america
Do you know her?
I want the same reproductive rights for my children and grandchildren that Israel affords its citizens; am also pleased that Doug Emhoff will be the first Jew to live in the White House. Have never forgotten Trump saying there were good people shouting “Jews will not replace us” in Charlottesville. Voting Kamala Harris.
I voted for Harris/Walz.
Why you troll so hard?
I don’t care about a Jew that married out of faith. I don’t want my grandchildren to have a right to kill my great grandchildren. I have also not forgotten Harris not condemning all rioters yelling Intifada and actually threatening Jews on campus.
Lol, Trump stiffed more women on the abortions he made them get than any democrat alive.
Yeah probably
Go talk to you local Rabbi. There are many instances most Rabbi allow abortion.
This is not what the law is about
What good is it that a Jew lives in the white house?
In the white house that REALLY matters (the beis Hamikdash) he will not have access too.
We pray that he does teshuva & leaves his wife.
According to the laws you want passed I assume that your an Athiest.
If you believe in GOD, you don’t care what Israel or any other country does, you do what GOD wants only
He doesn’t know much of orthodox Jewish Life is all about. He needs a reeducation. I am not telling him how to run his life but he an outsider and doesn’t understand us even through he is Jewish.
I want my Grandchildren to have tha same rights I have-the right to live-.
Only G-D can decide what’s considered murder & what not.
Shocked with mostly Orthodox Jews it’s only 80% Trump. We need bigger numbers. Am Yisroel Chai
It should be 50% vs 50%. as the national poll.
Ain’t no way a Jew or anyone with slight brains could vote Harris if you do then go to a mental hospital
I am a Frum Yid. If my tire was flat and you would be driving by, you would help me fix my tire. If I needed help carrying groceries, you would help me with that too.
To judge me without knowing anything about me and to say demeaning comments to a fellow Yid, who has different political views than you is not becoming to you or any Frum Yid.
There is a person behind every comment. I even am using my real name.
Politics come and go. Kol Yisroel Areivem Zeh L’Zeh is eternal.
Thank you for this lovely comment.
Look at the excitement of all the TRUMP voters, proud to say what they stand for, and all the Harris voters, hiding weakly beneath a comment of “well I had to vote for her because of ….”, not actually happy about their choice, just cant bring themselves to vote for Trump… Sad.
I’m proud I voted for Harris and did my part to defend the consitution… I’m thankful that after today that old, fat, orange con can be put to bed in his cell and be forgotten.
Which constitution by selecting which Laws to enforce and ignore and destroy the supreme court? She didn’t forgive my student loans.
That comment didn’t age well
Watch yesterday’s Rogan podcast with Elon Musk. Very intelligent guy who was a Liberal as of 5 years ago and now believes a Harris win today could be the end of democracy as we know it in the USA.
Could there be an option of “I’m a US citizen, but I’m not voting as is my right.” I know several people who live in swing states but don’t necessarily dislike any candidates so they wouldn’t fit into any of the eligible answers. Thanks Dan and JJ for everything you do!
Netanyahu just fired Gallant. What does he know that we don’t?
Honestly very surprised your followers/readers choose Trump on this poll. I know it’s a very small amount of people who probably read this compared to the whole country but surprised. But I have seen many people who have voted democrat since the beginning of time but their one issue is they have a daughter in sports and don’t want boys to join their team, so they are voting for Trump. And I already know who votes for who based on if they call this country a republic or a democracy (of which we are the former).
I want our children to be healthy, not obese and I don’t want babies being murdered because one side doesn’t think they have a right to life.
I refuse to vote for either the deranged lunatic or the stupid clown.
I’m really sad to see this question on my favorite website.
Please elaborate?
Nothing good ever comes out of these political comment sections besides שִׂנאָה ליהודים אחרים
100% agree. Why bring stupid politics into an otherwise wonderful site. We come here to save money not to a FOX advertisement.
There’s nothing partisan about this post. Not sure why you would think that.
The above commenters said nothing about partisanship.
The issue with such a space on the website is that this website is a great community. Deals, news and commentary, but to create a comment section about the election is asking for divisiveness.
If someone really wants to talk to other dansdeals people about politics then there are specific threads for that on DDF. I think what myself and the other couple commentators above this post feel is that this divisiveness is not what we are looking for. DDF provides a place for that but it does not need to be on the website.
If this post was made and comments were disabled then I would see no issue with it.
Thanks, in general I love everything about the site and if you make a personal commentary post I enjoy reading it, even if I don’t always agree.
OP said the question bothered them. I don’t follow why.
Comments are always crazy on any site, which is why many blogs and news sites removed them. But my opinion is if you don’t want to see crazy, just skip them.
You do have the freedom to choose another website, that is what is wonderful about this country and it is wonderful that the majority of Americans were able to make their voices heard. The fact that you want to suppress what Dansdeals.com posts is more of a you problem. Stop crying and deal with the fact that many people have deferring opinions!
This post is not a Fox advertisement, the comments section is. This post is actually really important. Everyone should vote because it really does matter. I live in a community that trends very Democratic for president, senate and house, but I vote anyway so that they see me voting and know that I am an active voter and will therefore make sure to care about me more than a non-voter
go trump
Dan, what’s your vote?!…
@dan, You start with, If you are a US Citizen-why is that?
Baruch Hashem!!! This is what Tikkun Olam looks like!!!