Disney World is seeking approval from the state of Florida to reopen Magic Kingdom and Animal Kingdom on July 11th and EPCOT and Hollywood Studios on July 15th.
But it won’t be back to normal. You’ll need to BYOM, or bring your own mask, and wear it throughout the day. You’ll also have to have your temperature checked in order to enter the park.
The concept of needing to wear a mask flying to Orlando and then needing to wear a mask all day in the park (especially in the Florida summer!) doesn’t appeal to me personally, but then again neither does spending hundreds of dollars for a day in a theme park.
Disney will also be limiting attendance and I’m sure they’ll find people willing to pay for that experience. You’ll want to reserve dates in advance if you want to go.
Universal Studios and SeaWorld Orlando hope to open in June.

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23 Comments On "Disney World Plans To Reopen In July; BYOM"
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So if you forget a mask your SOL? Or will they sell you a Mickey one for $20?
I’m sure they’d be happy to sell you a Mickey mask for the right price.
How about Mickey gloves, sanitizers… will be a nice way for them to make up for some of the lost revenues I’m sure.
the gloves will only have 4 fingers 🙂
What about Discovery Cove I think it’s part of sea world
I’m sure the local EMT’s will be kept busy with all the people passing out.
Oh and won’t temperature be artificially high from the Florida heat? How could they possibility get an accurate number.
I was wondering that myself. I’m always overheating when I’m in Florida in the summer!
And dont forget its currently like 95 degrees there so it may be very realistic to look like you may have fever before entering thepark! Wearing a mask all day ‘ they would have to pay me to go to their parks
Who the people are that travel to Florida in the summer is a mystery to me- even in normal times WITHOUT a mask.
I’m getting sweaty just thinking about what this will be like with a mask…
I agree, I get heatstroke during summers in Florida without masks. I cannot imagine this.
In Japan, they sell masks in a vending machine for $12 that have come out cold and have a cooling gel embedded within the fabric which keep cool for several hours.
They need to import those for all the Florida theme parks!
The only possible upside is shorter lines. Still wouldn’t go tho.
I rarely wear a mask outside (there is zero scientific evidence to support it), but I do know that they’re uncomfortable in heat, and also uncomfortable for prolonged periods of time. Given this reality, I just don’t see how Disney is going to enforce a “mask at all times” rule in the Parks. Since there’s no science to support it, and it’s uncomfortable, many people aren’t going to keeps their masks on all day? And then what? It won’t be a medical problem, but it could cause tensions.
There is ample scientific evidence that masks work. It’s all about keeping your droplets to yourself. If you are asymptomatic and wearing a mask, you reduce the chance of spreading a highly contagious disease.
New Zealand has no COVID-19 cases. Social distancing, face coverings, contact tracing, and self-isolating if you are sick works… they are living proof.
the mask works (just a small bit) indoors only, outside its worthless! most of masks people are wearing will NOT stop the virus from getting into your nose or eyes!
The masks aren’t for stopping the virus from getting in, they’re for reducing the amount of virus getting out.
I thought BYOM stands for bring your own magic!
So Disney World is opening, but here in NYC DeBlasio won’t allow us to legally open our Shuls and Yeshivos or small businesses. Tyrant.
a few years ago I took my kids to Disney. Awful experience. 1 hour wait times for a 90 second ride in the heat. Cant believe people go there voluntarily.
On my first trip there I went on Easter in the 1980’s. It was so busy they stopped letting people in Magic Kingdom and everyone else got stuck going to Epcot.
I remember waiting in line 45 minutes outdoors to get an ice cold drink on a hot day in April. That was brutal. If only I looked at the map I could have seen so many options to wait indoors in and the lines were probably shorter. I misunderstood and thought all indoor restaurants were full service.
I have been back dozens of times…
Late April is hot without a mask.
May is hot without a mask.
June, July, august, and early September are ridiculously hot without a mask.
I cannot figure out how people are going to enjoy themselves in the heat with masks.
I wouldn’t mind wearing the mask November – February. It gets chilly at night and it would warm me up.
universal is supposed to open next week friday
im suprised that disney gave themselves a month more then universal
As long as they r not asking us to BYOTP
Disney was blindsided by Universal’s decision, they were supposed to be working together with Seaworld and the state on reopening plans.
Disney needs to retrain everyone, also they had a lot of workers from other countries (especially Epcot) and it may not be possible to get them back. Disney has very high standards so they want a flawless execution of the reopening and that takes more time to put together.
They Disney did not want to be open on 4th of July – that temps people from other states and that is more risky. They originally were aiming for August 31st and moved everything up when Universal Studios came up with the ambitious plan of June 5th.
Disney will be watching Universal Studios closely to see what works. Universal will have sanitation ambassadors walking around with hand sanitizer telling people to keep masks on and social distancing. The health department will be sending secret shoppers to Universal to watch for compliance of social distancing and mask wearing.
Hong Kong was going to reopen next but now that they lost their autonomy that might destabilize the region again.