Some Chase Business Cards Have Been Reporting To Consumer Credit Reporting Agencies, But Will Be Fixed Soon

Sean MacEntee, [CC BY 2.0], via Flickr
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Over the past few days, many people noticed that their Chase business cards suddenly appeared on their consumer credit reports.

You can obtain all 3 of your consumer credit reports for free on the government-authorized here. It’s always a good idea to check all 3 frequently for errors and fraud.

We reached out to Chase to learn if this was in error or a policy change. If it was a policy change, it would mean that card approvals would get tougher due to banks limiting card approvals based on how many recent card approvals were shown on your credit report. It would also mean that spending on business cards could hurt your credit utilization ratio, though it could also help your overall credit report.

At any rate, a Chase spokesperson let us know that it was indeed an error and will be fixed,

“Some Chase business credit card accounts were incorrectly reported to consumer credit bureaus due to a recent system upgrade. The issue is being fixed, cardmembers don’t need to do anything right now and we apologize for the error.”

I’d expect those accounts to be removed from your personal credit report in the coming weeks.

Did Chase business cards recently make an appearance on your credit report?

HT: CountValentine, via DDF and DoC

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1 Comment On "Some Chase Business Cards Have Been Reporting To Consumer Credit Reporting Agencies, But Will Be Fixed Soon"

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I found today that my ink premier was added on March 2 but only to Transunion.

Funny thing is my credit line on the card is 10k and they reported it as 2k making my spend on the card 444% and dropped my score with 89 points.
So not only did they report it they also reported it incorrectly..

I sent a message to Chase from my account in the morning still waiting for a reply,
Also filed a dispute with Transunion.

Thanks Dan for this post so i know its an official glitch.
