Get ANOTHER 2,500 Starwood Points When You Are Activating Your Starwood Consumer Card!!!

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This is really simple, but it may not work for everyone.

I discovered this after activating a few family member’s cards.

When you are activating your card, push “0” to speak to a live person.
They will run through a whole activation spiel with you.
As part of the spiel they will offer you the ability to add an additional card to your account and get 2,500 bonus starwood points for adding one cardholder, with no annual fee!

Getting an additional card should not affect your credit at all.

You do not have to give the other cardholders social security number, just a birthdate (Tell them that you don’t know their social security number).

If you are not offered the additional card or the 2,500 points, just ask for it!

Good luck, and please post your experiences!

Additionally I was not successful in one try at getting this promo for an existing card, but if anyone is successful, please post that as well!

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9 Comments On "Get ANOTHER 2,500 Starwood Points When You Are Activating Your Starwood Consumer Card!!!"

All opinions expressed below are user generated and the opinions aren’t provided, reviewed or endorsed by any advertiser or DansDeals.

Asher O

I got this offer by mail too.

If people request it i can scan it at work and post a scan.


can a canadian sign uo for the starwood amex or do you have to be a us citizen


I was offered this bonus when I called to activate my consumer card in March, and I have the points to show for it.

angelina spicer

I have an exsisting Starwood account and just requested the promotion by phone and got it!


Dan, I was wondering if you or anyone else could help. I recently had my Amex card cancelled because they said that I could not prove that I earned yearly what I had written on the application ($100,000, just a figure I gave at the time…) I told them I had no tax returns because I earned my money out of the country (a true fact, I am not a citizen) so they asked for bank statements which I provided. The statements had big international transfers on them, but it didn’t help. What is wierd is that I was using the card to the max every month (for the points) and paying it in advance even before they issued the monthly statement so that I could put more on the card but that wasn’t good enough for them that I was paying thousends in FULL every month because as they put it “we need to be sure that you will be able to pay the card in the future too” whatever that means… Now I am left without the treasured Starwood card and I don’t know how to go about getting another one! Please help!!


I tried asking for it about 10 times until about a week ago and always was told they couldn’t find it, finally gave up and got an additional without it. Can I still request the points or say I wasn’t credited?


I had the same problem as MOSHE. I dont know what to do. They cancelled a Business Account, and three personal cards…

A Chutzpah!

Whadya say I do???


To Moshe

I was in a similar situation where they canceled my business card because I couldn’t provide a Tax ID.

Yet the next day I applied and was approved for another business card. without providing any new info whatsoever.



@Moshe: @Moshe:
you mentioned that your not an american citizen and yet you were able to get the starwood card, i myself am not an american so how should i fill out the application if i dont have a social secerity number, how did u fill it out?
