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One pet peeve of mine as online banking becomes more and more prevalent is that we can’t easily search for past transactions.
AMEX has long had the ability to view and search through 2 years of transaction data.
However, Chase only provided a meager 3 months of transaction data. Longer than that and you had to download PDFs from each month.
Sure, there are 3rd party programs that can also aggregate your spending, but this is something that all banks should provide in 2019.
Chase has now stepped up their game and they also offer 2 years of transaction data on their site.
I’d love to see something like 7 years become the standard, but 2 years sure is better than 3 months!
HT: Stefan
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15 Comments On "Chase Now Displays 2 Years Of Transaction Data!"
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Finally. Well overdue! Thnx
why 7?
IRS requires to keep 7 years of records for certain things
Totally! 7 years would be great.
They have the records, it’s just in a PDF
yes this is a major pet peeve of mine with PNC. I hope they follow Chase on this.
its about time, each quarter I would go to chase and download all my transactions (to make my record keeping easier at the end of the year….)
now they open with this
Chase Business Cards was always like that.
Even with this new change however after 3 months it would not show you the details of the point earnings if you click on the the $ amount charge.
Try using Mint.com. It does a great job categorizing all transactions.
I am actually finding the change to be more difficult to categorize past transactions, in the past I would download a yearend summary and had all transactions organized by categories, now that they eliminated the yearend reports I can’t search for past purchases in specific categories, which is very annoying! For example I would like to search for all transactions such as charity, groceries etc… I called chase but weren’t helpfull, if anyone here has any knowledge on this issue would greatly appreciate!
Finally this would have saved a lot of time if I was able to do this 2 months ago
@Dan I think Chase displays 7 years when you sign up for paperless statements.
Only via monthly PDF.
What are your favorite 3rd party programs to aggregate spending?