AMEX Restores Pre-Pandemic 5 Credit Card Limit

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Most credit card companies don’t have a hard limit on how many cards you can have open at any given time. That’s why I have 15 active Chase cards 😀

AMEX didn’t used to have a limit, but in recent years they have waffled between allowing 4 or 5 credit cards per person. That limit excludes their Gold and Platinum cards and older Green cards, of which there is no hard limit of how many you can have. That limit also only applies when applying for a new card and there have been exceptions made the policy.

During COVID-19 banks started getting tougher about card approvals and the limit went down from 5 to 4 cards, meaning that if you had 5 active AMEX credit cards and wanted to apply for a new card, you would have to close 2 cards to get a new one approved.

But things are loosening up and several readers have confirmed that the limit is now back to 5!

Will you apply for any new AMEX cards?

HT: Walter

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24 Comments On "AMEX Restores Pre-Pandemic 5 Credit Card Limit"

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So I guess you’re not applying for new Amex cards the recent years? Besides gold/platinum…


What happens if I apply and get rejected due to having 5 cards , will they instantly approve if I close one of the cards ? Or I would first have to close and then apply ?


The hat tip goes to some Chinese facebook page?


Exactly what I was told yesterday on a recon call. Rejected Tuesday because I had 4, rule changed Wednesday back to 5 so they gave me my 2nd Delta Gold in 2 1/2 years. 70K miles after $2K spend, no fee 1st. I just keep the Amazon for 5% rebate so if I ever have to close one…


How can you get again the card again ? Isn’t amex limited to one bonus per car card for life ?


But why do you need 15 chase cards? Do each of them have a use?


Does the 5 cards include business?


I’m currently at 5 cards, if I close a card to open a slot how quickly does amex system reflect that change. Is it basically real-time or do i need to wait some period of time before submitting the application.

Mark B

Dan, which 5 Amex cards would you choose?


How do you get around the 5/24 rule with Chase? When I try to apply for another Chade card, I get rejected because I had5 cards opened in last 2 years!


Is there anything to do if we get the message-“you are not qualified for the bonus” and i never had that card ?
