2 Days Left To Join The Chase Class Action Settlement If You Lost Points When Your Account Was Closed

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Chase Class Action Settlement

After a rash of Chase shutdowns several years ago I wrote a post called “What Not To Do: How To Avoid Having Your Account Closed

Chase used to confiscate points after a shutdown, though they generally stopped doing that a while ago. Some people did have success getting compensation for lost points via small claims court, though you don’t typically hear about those cases as the settlement includes a non-disclosure agreement.

However if Chase did shut down your account between June 2009 and today and you were never compensated, you can file a claim via the link above no later than this Friday, 3/17 in order to get compensation for lost points.

The exact compensation will vary based on the number of claims.

HT: JTZ, via DDF

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15 Comments On "2 Days Left To Join The Chase Class Action Settlement If You Lost Points When Your Account Was Closed"

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Chase closed my 5% cashback card back in 2008. The cash back would have been around $1,400. Anything to do about this?


how will they verify the amount of points….i deserve some additional points as interest for the 2+ years they are holding onto my points!


Why should people who violated the T&C be eligible to get their points back, if they knew that the possibility of this existed when they signed up in the first place?

Obviously, people should be able to get compensation if the points were taken against the terms, but most likely in 99% of cases, people who got shut down deserved it.


99% fact or fiction. You sure dont know. Chase reserved the right to close accounts for any reason and did not have to tell you why. Nobody expects them to come up with a reason outside of fair practice. They are very liable. We dont expect Banks to be thieves but they create systems like this and review how much money they would make if they executed on them and then they do. They only thing these victims are guilty of is trusting a Bank that has been sued countless times. So many times in fact that they should not legally be allowed to continue to do business with the public.


@Shaul: perhaps the shutdown was a result of Chase closing account for other reasons (ask anyone who had a checking account closed by Chase)


I got my cards closed a few years ago. But I’m back on the good side with them now. I don’t know if I make a claim here, whether or not they will put me back on the black list…


i actually got a card from the class action lawsuit, which asked me if i want to join the lawsuit, which i did. back in 2011 chase closed all my cards, confiscated approx 75K points.(which the exact amount was written on the card i received from the lawsuit.


BTW after being closed for sevreal years…. about 5 years later i was able to get approved again for (only) credit cards. i was advised by a local banker in lkwd that every 7 years daily chase “cleans” their system and i should be able to get approved for bank accounts as well…. we shall see


Any chance a similar lawsuit for AA? Oh, now that that would make me happy…


In most cases, people actually did NOT violate the terms of their accounts. Chase just realized that those customers were not profitable, and closed them. It is of course their right to do so- why should they be forced to keep customers who cost them money?? But, if someone had already rightfully earned their points, they shouldn’t be able to confiscate those without warning, without proof of T&C violation. That’s why they rightfully stopped doing it, and this class-action makes whole those who lost points before they changed policies.


Anyone know of a similar suit for citi shutdowns?


in regards to the risk of getting multiple checking account bonuses…I think I’ve gotten it twice before, though not in a while. I just closed my account maybe 6 months ago or so. How high is the risk of reopening checking and savings (depositing $15k) for $500 bonus?




I filed a claim online via website, do I have to print out calim and file via post as well?


I missed this by a day!!!!
Chase shut down my account and made me lose almost 200,000 United miles.
Is there any way that I can still get in on this?
Also – anyone know of an easy way for me to have my miles reinstated?
