Another Hot Promo From Southwest! “Fly 2, Get 1 Free! Fly 4, Aloha Hawaii!”

Southwest must be getting pretty desperate...I've never seen them get into this promo thing quite like they are now! Fly 2 RT's of 1250+ miles...

Intra-California Flyers: Fasten Your Safety Belts-It’s Promo War Time!!!

It all started when Virgin America announced that they would fly LAX-SFO for $44. Last week I posted Southwest's 8 free credits/double miles promo celebrating...

Skybus Wars Part 2-Outrageous Southwest Ding Specials!

Update: DEAD!These fares are bookable from now until 10PM EDT via Ding-be sure to update your preferences to include Columbus, OH.Search this site for...

BOILING HOT!!! HURRY!!! $25 And $50 Fares On Southwest’s Ding!!!

Update: DEAD!The fares are valid until tonight at 10:00pm edt!This is a nationwide sale, but seems to be really good for Baltimore, Chicago, and...

Southwest College Rapid Rewards-Fly 3 Fly Free!

Enroll in Southwest College Rapid Rewards and you'll get 4 credits off the bat.Plus you'll get double credits for flights booked at!Normally a...

Happy Purim!

I'll be taking the day off for the grand holiday of Purim.For those of you still sober-Southwest is celebrating the 2nd anniversary of Ding...

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