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Free Kodak Gallery Welcome Kit!

Free Kodak Gallery Welcome Kit LinkyIncludes:-mini photo alblum-stickers-sample greeting card-20% savings coupon

On The Road…

Stickied: Originally posted 04/01I'm off to sunny SoCal for Pesach today.I will however update as often as time permits throughout the next week and...

Become A Heinz Product Tester!

Signup Linky

500,000 Hit Promo Update!

Thanks to everyone who participated in the promo.I have now sent out thousands of dollars worth of Amazon Gift Certificates to many dozens of...

BOILING HOT!!! Free Chicago Blackhawks Tickets For Tonight’s Game(03/28)!

03/28 Tickets LinkyJust select up to 2 tickets under the "Promotions and Special Offers" and use the following promo code and they'll be free:...

US, EU Ratify "Open Skies" Agreement!

Get ready for a new round of fare wars starting in March of 2008!As part of this agreement:-All US and European based airlines may...

Continental Flight 84 From Newark-Tel Aviv Suffers "Uncontained Engine Failure" While On Runway, Aborts Takeoff…

This happened this past Tuesday. I'm not sure why this story wasn't on any of the major news sites...anyone know somebody that was...

Free Rita’s Italian Ices Today!

Rita's is giving away free ices today at all of their locations!"All of our Italian Ice mixes and raw custard are certified by the...

BOILING HOT!!! HURRY!!! Free $15 Gas Card Courtesy Of Nissan!!!

Update: DEAD!(Now Requires A Code!)Free $15 Gas Card Linky

Free Ipod Case For Students!

Free Ipod Case Linky

Warm! Hurry! Free Gore-Tex Windstopper Headband!!!

Update: DEAD!Free Gore-Tex Windstopper Headband Linky

Free Deck Of Cards!

Free Deck Of Cards Linky

Free Times Select Access($50 Annual Value) If You Have A .edu Email Address!

Not quite as nice as the $35 Ticketmaster GC, but still...Offer Linky

Jetblue: "We’re Still Looking For Signs Of Life In Pittsburgh…"

Pittsburgh Tribune-Review "Signs Of Life" Article LinkyApparently the residents of Pittsburgh have short-term memory loss.When I went to high school there, tickets to NYC(or...

Please Participate In This Poll!

Please take the time to participate in this poll so that I can know why you come here and to help better tailor the...

Is "A La Carte" Airline Pricing Inevitable?

Spirit announced today that effective 06/20 there will be no more free checked luggage or even free soda on a flight. (Apparently last month's...

Happy Purim!

I'll be taking the day off for the grand holiday of Purim.For those of you still sober-Southwest is celebrating the 2nd anniversary of Ding...

Flying AA In Coach? Go To The Bathroom In Style…

AA is now allowing coach passengers to use the first-class lavs on domestic flights and on international flights departing from the US...News Source Linky...

BOILING HOT! Hurry! $10 Off $10 And Free Shipping At Palm.com!!!

Update: DEAD!Palm.com LinkyUse the following code at the checkout page, put it into the GC/promo box, leave the pin box blank, and select "apply":...

Post Labels Menu Added!

Due to popular demand I worked out a hack(which took longer than I thought it would) to get a drop-down menu of the post...

Free Celestial Seasongings Herbal Expedition Kit!

Free Celestial Seasongings Herbal Expedition Kit LinkyThis comes with a bunch of free tea samples as well!

500,000 Hit Promo Ends Today!

To receive credit:All credit cards must be applied for by 02/20-11:59PM EST.You must email me with all the required information by 02/21-12:30AM ESTRewards will...

300 Free Text Messages/Month For 1 Year For College Students With Sprint!

Now the question is will a letter from your yeshiva's secretary be enough to qualify...Offer Linky

HOT!!! 1000 Free Delta Miles!!!

Update: Based on the comments, this appears to be a targeted promotion.The only way to find out if you've been targeted is to try...

On The Road…

Gone for the weekend to Peeetsburgh...still haven't decided if I'll be updating there or not...

Airtran Rebrands "X-Fares" As "Airtran U," Adds New Benefit!

Airtran has rebranded their popular x-fares program as Airtran U.The program allows 18-22 year olds to hop onto any flight for a flat rate.In...

Free Passport Photos At Gate 12C In Jetblue’s JFK Terminal…

Jetblue Press Release LinkyValid Hours: Thursday, February 15th ...

Free Post It Flags And Notes!

Free Post It Flags And Notes Linky


Why a bill from brazil you ask?Considering that this website came into existence during the year I spent there (feel free to dig into...

Free $10 Dave And Busters Game Card!

Free Game Card Linky"Free Game Play will be sent via email within 24-48 hours."

British Airways Announces "New Simpler Baggage Policy"

Good news! British Airways is announcing a "New Simpler Baggage Policy" effective Tuesday the 13th.How simple is it?Coach passengers can now check in only...

10 Free CD-R’s From Office Depot!

Coupon Linky (Exp:02/10)

Flying Spirit? That’s Just Your First Mistake…

This just in from the airline that recommends its travelers to arrive at the airport some 3 hours before flight time...In the US air...

Free Song Download From Buy.com!

Update: Dead!Coupon Linky

Free Flip-Top Calculator…

Free Flip-Top Calculator Linky

Post Labels Added…

Blogger has forced me into using their "new blogger" which wreaked some havoc on the site...but it allows me to use post labels.When you...

On The Road…

Stickied: This article will remain on top of the page until I return home on 1/29. Please scroll down for new updates.Originally posted...

Get A Free Permanent Copy Of Microsoft Office Professional 2007 For Attending A Free Microsoft Launch Event!

There appears to be events in most major-and many not so major-citiesLaunch Event Locater Linky

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