I noticed that I said by last year’s birthday post that traffic had grown from 150 hits a day to 500 in a period of 1 month.
Well here we are a year later and ctownbochur.com is now serving up some 2,000 hits a day and November is already a record month! (At least before sitemeter decided to erase the last week’s worth of data-but google analytics is still up)
A funny conversation that I had with a Brazilian kid I was learning with the day I started this site sticks out in my mind…I guess until that point I never really considered what they call an English birthday in other countries…
I told him, “Hoje Ă© meu aniversário.” (Today is my birthday.)
To which he responded “Em Portugues ou em Hebraico?” (In Portuguese or in Hebrew?)
The only question I still have is what do they call an english/portuguese birthday in Israel?
At any rate I hope you enjoyed your black friday and are ready for cyber monday
To celebrate I’d like to say a L’Chaim with all of you-since that’s not too practical please call 1-800-297-5180 and leave a message with your address to get a free Pravda Vodka Miniature Bottle!
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5 Comments On "Happy 2nd To Ctownbochur.com! (That’s 22nd For Me!)"
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dan! mazal tov! may he who looks out for others, be looked out for in return!
in israel they call it ‘Loazi’
the Hebrew word for secular
Mazal Tov. Yelchul Mechaiul El Choil
I feel these need a bump every so often.
Happy birthday!