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Light Posting (if any) The Rest Of This Week!!!


Off to Iguacu Falls And Rio De Janeiro!
I will try to get online…but if not, see you in a week!

Lowest Prices Ever On Laptop Ram!!!


Adding ram to your laptop is a great way to get a nice boost in speed!
Note that newegg’s prices and shipping fees fluctuate throughout the day, so if its higher when you check, just recheck a few hours later!
1 Stick Of 512 MB Ram(not to be confused with “2-dimm 512 ram” that is a gimmick some stores do to sell you 2 sticks of 256 ram, which most probably wont fit in your laptop)-$41 shipped, after $5 rebate
1 Stick Of 1 GB Ram-$113 Shipped-No Rebates

$10 Off $10 Ebags.com Purchase!!! Expires Saturday!


ebags.com linky for the lazy…
use code EMALLP10 at checkout
i usually use ebags to get a great price on laptop bags, like this one for my dell 700m ultra-portable laptop
…Also if you go to ebags through continental airlines website, you will get 10 miles for every dollar you spend!
ebags.com via continental.com linky

Update on the 1 penny hotel room, $5 amazon certificates…


Just fyi, i got an email from amerisuites today saying they will honor the 4 rooms i booked for next pesach for a total of .40 for 10 days!!!
i also recieved $200(!) in amazon certificates, or more than enough for a new ipod mini, for filling out the 2 minute survey 40 times (worth 80 minutes of my time imho, no?)

Gone Fishing…


Going to the boondocks (or more specifically avare, brazil) for a week, so its doubtful whether i’ll have internet access until next wednesday, but i will try to get online before then! If not, see you in a week!

$25 Off $50 Purchase At Skymall!!!


Skymall.com Linky
This link already has the coupon built in…

HOT! Hurry!! Amerisuites Of Charlotte, NC Rooms For $0.01/Night!!!


Go To amersuites.com, Choose charlotte/arrowood, and pick any dates you want, or if you want just move to charlotte for a year, the rent will be a whole $3.65!!!
Best of all, although it says guarenteed reservation after youve finished, they most likely they will just cancel your reservation and give you a nice coupon or free night off a future stay anywhere in the country!
…this wont last too long!

Tommorow morning only! Starts 9 AM EDT $750 Off $1499 Dell Notebooks!!!


$750 Off $1499 Dell Notebooks Linky
Use code LLWP929VNQXM0$ at checkout, you must use the above linked computers for the code to work!
Expires after 15k uses(usually happens very quickly!)
Nu, all of you copycat sites, hurry up and copy this already , will ya’???

Update:Dead, Website Fixed ): Price Mistake!!! 300 DVD+/-RW’s For Only $19.99/No Rebates!!! In Office Max Only-Not Online!!!


Note:For some strange reason the following officemax.com links will take you away from ctownbochur.com, you can however right-click on them and choose open in new window to remain on ctownbochur.com…
office max sales flyer linky with $120 price
price mistake for $20 linky!!!
Copy of a reciept of office max honoring this mistake!!!
Just print up this mistaken page and your “friends” reciept, and bring it into your local office max to get that price!!!
Good luck!!!
P.S. Manager still wont honor the price? take out your cell phone in front of him and start to call 877-4THE-MAX to report him, and watch him gve in!!!

HURRY!!! $5 Gift Certificate At Amazon.com For Completing a 2 minute survey!!!


Do this fast before it closes!!!
a couple of hints to qualify:
note: i now understand that there are 2 random surveys, 1 longer than the other one, the way to tell is if questions 10 and 11 are on the same page, you got the short one, if they are not on the same page you got the long one, and are better off just starting a new one!
answers:1.you live in new york, 2. you are 27 years old,3. make 80k/year,4. bought a car last month, 5.are the most active decision maker in your house, 6-10 you read the paper every single day, 11.you sometimes read the auto section,
12.wtvr, 13-14 DID NOT SEE IT(thereby skipping to 31!), 31-36 wtvr.
oh yeah, you can open a few email addresses and combine the gift certificates!
survey linky

Sandisk 256 MB USB Mini Flash Drive Only $9.79 After Rebate!!!


this usb drive is very for handy for easy transferring of info between computers!
flash drive linky
$15 Rebate Linky
Now the only problem is that the item is $24.79 before the rebate, leaving you .21 cents short of free shipping, but lucky for us here is a link to find “filler” items for amazon to get you above the $25 free shipping plateau, just type in 0.25 to find a cheap filler to get to free shipping!
amazon filler searcher linky

HOT!!! SBC DSL Only $6.50/Month For 1 Year After Rebate!!!!!!!!


Deal has been extended until june 6, so for all of you other copycat deals websites who like to steal my deals, you can now change it…
Order the dsl through the following link from dell to get a $100 rebate, then call up before you actually activate it to have them put you on the new $14.95/month dsl plan!
$15/month x 12 Months=$180 -$100 rebate=$80 /12 months=$6.50 per month!!!
Sbc offers dsl in the following states: Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Missouri, Nevada, Ohio, Oklahoma, Texas, And Wisconsin.
Order the dsl from dell here
Read about the new $14.95 plan here

Hot! Sd Card Expandable Mp3 Player+1 GB SD Card Only $89(Or As Low As $70!) After Rebate/Free Ship!!!


mp3 player+sd card linky
$30 rebate linky
Also people on ebay are selling $20 coupon for about a $1, to bring the price down to about $70, but the coupon requires you to actually buy it in store…
radio shack coupons on ebay linky

Free Ipod Shuffle When You Sign Up For A Free Credit Card!! (And Spend $500 Within The First 3 Months)


Also the card also earns award points!
card signup linky
(if youre not the type to spend $500 in 3 months, i’ll also wager you can shop at a store like nordstrom with a very liberal return policy, vidal lemayven)

Internal 8x Double Layer, Dual Format DVD Burner For Laptops Only $106 Shipped/No Tax!!!


Comes out cheaper to buy this from newegg, than it is to buy it from the company when configuring a laptop!
Dvd burner linky

Deal Reminder-20% Off All Independence Air Flights!!!


Link good for all users of www.ctownbochur.com for travel booked by july 31!!!
Please do not post this link anywhere else on the net, as independence will disable it!!!
20% off linky

Ctownbochur.com…5,000 Hits!!!


A quick word of thanks to all of my readers, its been a wild, deal filled 6 months since i started this site, all thanks to my frustration at the lack of toilet paper here in the yeshivah in sao paulo, brazil. (the free toilet paper link actually still works!)
Anyway here’s to looking forward to hitting 10,000 before next november!!!
Dan/CEO ctownbochur inc.
(Or as others may know me as i330 the moderater over at pdaphone.com. former quasi-administrator at the now defunct bochurim.tk. Or admin to those of you who managed to discover and register(!) at my top secret, as of yet unannounced, and unopened deals forum at ctownforums.com)

Yet Another Link For A Free 2 Year Sporting News Subscription!


updated again with new link on 5/24, this will be the last bump for this deal…
if it says page not found, then you’re too late!
Free TSN Linky
choose the option for “if youre a teen guy click here”…

Free Subscription To ESPN Magazine!


updated link! this will be the last time i bump this offer…
free espn magazine subscription linky
use validation code: 99745
if the page says cant be found, then the deal is dead!

HOT! Sale On RAM To Speed Up Your Laptop!


Lowest prices ever for this kind of ram+no rebates to have to worry about!!!
1 Stick of 512 ram-$47 shippped
1 Stick of 1 gb ram-$123.50 shipped

SMOKING HOT!!! $750 Off $1499 Dell Laptops, Tommorow Morning Only!!!


Starts at 9am edt, last time here was a 750 off coupon it expire within 45 minutes, so be sure to be ready at the start time!!!
Use the following coupon code at checkout: VRSG541NMGQ800
You must use the following link for the coupon to work!
Dell laptops linky

4 MP Canon Elph+Photo Printer For $245, 5 MP Elph+Printer For $315!!!


Canon elph s500 5 MP Ultra-Compact Digital Camera Linky
Canon elph s410 4 MP Ultra-Compact Digital Camera Linky
Canon ip3000 photo printer linky
Page 1 of the $70 rebate for purchase of camera+printer
Page 2 of the $70 rebate
Also Remember To Sign Up For 2.5% Off All Your Amazon.com Purchases(instructions linky) And Recieve An Additonal $6.25 Cash Back On The S410 And $8.00 On The S500!!!

Palm Tungsten T5 Only $253 After Coupon, Rebate, And Gift Card+Free Ship/No Tax!!!


Top of the line loaded palm pilot with 256 mb of memory, and bluetooth…retail is $400+tax…
T5 Linky
$15 Coupon Linky
$50 Rebate Linky
$25 Gift Card Link
price is $343-$15 buy.com new customer coupon-$50 rebate=$278, then after you get it, register it at the $25 gift card link above, to bring the price doen to $253!!!

HOT!!! New 60 GB Ipod Photo For Only $395+Free Ship/No Tax!!!


Price is $410-$15 coupon=$395
The coupon is only good for new customers, so if youve ordered from buy.com before, just open up a new account to qualify.
60 GB Ipod Photo Linky
$15 coupon linky
Also save an additional $30 off instantly if you open a buy.com credit card…

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