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20% Off At Batteries.com!


Use the following code at checkout(exp 10/31): TJK333C

10% Discount On Midwest Airlines, 20% Discount On Independence Air!!!


For Midwest use the following promo code at midwestairlines.com (Must book by 11/30, travel by 02/17, excludes 11/23-11/27, 12/22-01/02): DCMIDWEST
For Independence just follow the follwing link for 20% off any flight.
Please do not post this ctownbochur.com exclusive link anywhere else on the net, as independence will disable it!!!
20% off linky

$600 Off $1499 Dell 700m Coupon!!!


First one of these i’ve seen in a few months, but not as hot as the $750 Off $1499 that dell used to dish out regularly…
This is only valid on the 700m linked below, it won’t work with the one posted on the site…
If you are looking into a portable laptop i highly recommend this model (although if you dont need it now you may want to stick it out until a $750 coupon is released)
700m Linky
Use the following coupon code for the $600 off(Expires 10/24): J26R729TP4QC4B

Hottest Ever!!! Internal Dual Format/Dual Layer Notebook DVD Burner Only $84 Shipped!!!


DVD Burner Linky
This is from newegg, so the price may vary slightly depending on when you check…

HOT!!! $10 Off $10 At Gap.com And Bananarepublic.com!!!


For gap.com use code: NEWBASICGP
For bananarepublic.com use code: NEWBASICBR
If you have a banana credit card, try using the following code at either site for free shipping: LUXE



This used to work, and then sprint sprint put a stop to it, but when i was playing around with it today i discovered it works again!!!!!
-You must have free sprint to sprint calling for this to work!
Option A(Should work for everywhere outside of NYC)
-1. From your sprint phone call 11-xxx-xxx-xxxx, with x being a different sprint cell phone. (This allows you to enter the other person’s voicemail message without their phone ringing even once)
-2. When you hear their message push **
-3. Enter in your sprint number, followed by the # key.
-4. Enter in your 4 digit voicemail password (Dont know it? login to your sprint account at sprint.com to change it)
-5. Push 8 as soon as you are into your voicemail manager.
-6. Dial whatever number you want.
That call will come out of your unlimited sprint to sprint minutes, not your anytime minutes!!!!!

Option B-For NYC(This should work, if it doesnt please post in the comments!)
-Call a friend’s sprint cell, and get their voicemail, then continue from step 2 above!


Ctownbochur.com, 15,000 Hits And Growing!!!


5,000 hits took 6 months.
10,000 took 3 months.
15,000 took 2 months.
Ctownbochur.com, keep spreading the word!

Need A Few More Continental Miles/Want A Cheap Companion Ticket? Get The Continental Privilege Pack!


I blogged last week on how to get cheap miles on american, delta, and united, and i was asked about getting miles on continental. (which incidentally is the only US based airline currently offering flights to Israel)
While they dont offer a free credit card, they do have a prestige pack program.
For $99 you get:
-5,000 miles(they will post instantaneously)
-A $99 Companion ticket together with any other purchased domestic/canada ticket
-2 President Club Passes, each good for 2 people.
For $35 more you’ll get 2,500 more miles, and a coupon for up to $100 off a continental flight.
Not nearly as good as 20,000 free miles, but if you do use the companion ticket the savings should make the miles and club passes free…
There is a limit of 1 privilege pack per year.
To order the privilege pack you have to call 713-952-1630 and ask for it…

Update,10/15:Fare Pulled!……..Brazil Anyone? American Has Tickets Today For $330+Tax From Atlanta Or Cincinnati To Sao Paulo Or Rio de Janeiro!!!


Normally prices are at least $800+tax to brazil.
To book it click here to check for available dates and then go direct to aa.com with available dates to avoid the booking fee.
You will get 10,000 miles for the round trip, 1,000 for the online booking bonus, and 2,500 miles for the current AA Latin America Promo
To see pictures of me in brazil (and some other places) click here

Update, 10/15:DEAD!!!……….Hot! Hurry!!! $5 Amazon Gift Certificate-1 Minute Quiz!!!


This is a quiz on credit scores intended for college students, but just pick a college from the list and you’ll be set to go!
Also your name isnt required, just an email address, so if you happen to have 40 email addresses and 40 minutes of time, you might just be able to pick up an ipod nano…also when it asks for your name at the end it isnt required…
Survey Linky
Use the following promo code to get the GC: CITCHE1

It’s actually an interesting quiz…but if you’re not interested in really taking it, here are the answers!
1.a 2.d 3.a 4.b 5.a 6.c 7.c 8.b 9.a 10.a 11.b 12.d 13.c 14.b 15.a 16.a 17.b 18.d 19.c 20.b

As Hot As It Gets If You’re From Chicago!!! O’Hare-Manchester, UK For $0 Round Trip+Tax!!!!!!!!!! ……Update,11 AM: Fare Has Been Pulled!!!


Available from bmi…i found good availability in february for it to price at $0+tax, but these kinds of mistakes never last for more than a few hours so grab it if youre interested!!!
BMI Linky
Also search for only 1 ticket at a time to get this to price it, and keep trying different dates until you get it!

15% Off At Gap.com


Use the following code at checkout: QDDNDYKJ1W35

Boiling Hot Free Airline Credit Card Offers!!!


All of the following credit cards have no fee for the first year, and they all give huge bonuses after the first purchase.
-The United Airlines Visa gives you 20,000 miles after your first purchase-almost enough for a free ticket!
-The Delta Amex card gives 17,500 miles after the first purchase, or 20,000 if you also apply for a secondary cardholder at the same time!
-The American Airlines Mastercard gives you 15,000 miles after the first purchase, the ability to fly on a mileage ticket for 7,500 miles less than normal, plus a free companion certficate!

On a side note, I’ve been asked why i dont post any offers from other “mileage” cards.
There are many huge advantages of the airline cards over Capital One and similar “mileage” cards.
1.The airline cards don’t have any advance purchase requirements-capital one requires a 21 day advance purchase
2.The airline cards do not have a limit on what a ticket can cost-capital one does.
3.The airline cards combine with your mileage account for that airline, so that you can get to the 25,000 mile redemption level much quicker than with a card that doesnt actually give you miles.
4.Airline mileage never expires as long you post some activity in your account every 3 years-plus by getting one of these credit cards it will extend the life of your entire mileage account from expiring for 3 more years–The capital one cards mileage does expire, without any way of extending it.

OK, enough rambling…here are the links for secret first year fee-free versions of the airline cards!
United Visa Linky
Delta Amex Linky
AA Mastercard Linky

Free Wireless Aim Device After $40 Rebate, Before $8 Shipping!


Basically you hook an antenna(included with this purchase) up to your internet connection and this works as long as you are in range of the base.
Wirleless Aim Linky
$40 Rebate Linky

Domain Names Now Only $2.99/Year!!!


Buy any available website name for just $2.99!
$2.99 Domains Linky

128 MB SD Card Only $2.99 After $33(!) Rebate+Free Shipping!


This is a perfect size card for a pda, and a great price as long as you remember to send in the rebate!
128 MB SD Card Linky
$33 Rebate Linky

Free Coffee Mug!


Free mug linky

HOT!!! No Rebate Required! 100 Top Quality(Ridata) Burnable DVD’s And 50 Burnable CD’s For $29.99 Shipped!!!


DVD’s Linky
Just scroll down a little and click on the combo special 50 pack ridata cd’s for $0!
This is from newegg, so the price may vary slightly depending on when you check…

5 MP Compact Kodak Camera And A 512 MB SD Card For Only $183!!!


Camera Linky (Just choose add to cart for prce to show up)
512 MB SD Card Linky
It will come out to $214, then use the following code for $24 off at checkout to bring the price down to $190: FREESDPLUSCF
Then here is a $7 Rebate
Be sure to have free shipping selected also…
How to get a few more bucks off linky

HOT! 2 Year Subscription To Consumer Reports And The Annual Buyers Guide For Just $22.95!!!


Subscription Linky
Good for new subscribers or renewals.
Use the following coupon code at checkout to get the $22.95 price: cw10anniv

Hot!!! 1 GB SD Card For $45 After Rebate, Or 2 For $70 After Rebate!!!


1 GB SD Card Linky
$15 Rebate Linky
At checkout use he following code for 25% off: N?X9P9X1G05L1R
So the math for 1 card is $80-$20 coupon-$15 rebate=$45

If you buy a second card use the following coupon for another $20 off: HXZ3VQ484VLJVJ
So $160 in cards-$40 coupon-$20 coupon-$30 in rebates(send the rebates to seperate addresses to be valid)=$70

Happy Rosh Hashana!


May all of you have a happy and sweet (and deal filled…) new year!

note:this will likely be the last post until after thursdays’ fast…

Free Woot Alerts!!!


In case you’ve never heard of woot.com, they are a site that sells only 1 product at a time (almost always 1 per day) at a really great price until it sells out, at which point they will have nothing left to sell until the next day.
The woot alert app emails you a 1 line description of that day’s woot and the price as soon as its available, which makes is a very useful app, especially on “woot-off” days when there is more than 1 product for sale…
At any rate…Woot Alert Signup Linky

Search Bug Now Fixed…


Since the search button was added a few weeks ago to the top of this site it wasnt being updated with recent posts, however the problem is now solved and all posts since May 9 are now included in the search.
Whenever you want to buy a product be sure to search this blog first to check for great deals and coupons.
Deal or coupon you searched for is dead? just leave a post a comment in the most recent post and i’ll check for updates!

HOT!!! 17,500 Miles For Signing Up For A Free Delta Credit Card!!!


Credit Card Linky
No fee as long as you cancel it within the first 12 months.
Get 20,000 total miles if you also sign up for a secondary cardholder…

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