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Norton Save & Restore For Just $2.99 After 2 Rebates And Google Checkout!


Norton Save & Restore can take a picture of your entire hard drive and back it up, and can back up any select or essential files.
To qualify for the $20 rebate you must have bought at one point any company’s anti-virus, firewall, anti-spam, backup, or anti-spyware software.
Norton Save & Restore Linky
$30 Rebate Linky
$20 Rebate Linky
Google Checkout $10 Off $30 Tutorial Linky

HOT! Get A PPC-6700 For Only $188 After $100 Rebate With A SERO Plan!!!


Yes, believe or not, sero is still around!
While this can’t compare with the -$180 Sero Deal From 07/05/06 it’s still a great deal for a pocket pc phone with an awesome plan!
$100 Rebate Linky
Before emailing me with questions about the plan please read these previous sero posts!
12/12/05 Sero Post
6/12/06 Sero Post

Free International Calling!


Bery S.(One of the lucky few to get in on the famous Hawaii deal…) commented the other day on a neat site that offers free international calling.
Whats the catch?
I honestly don’t know.
However I do know how to keep your back side covered in case it’s a scam…

The service has you call a number in Iowa, at that point you use it like a calling card, you enter the international number(landline only) you wish to dial, and it connects the call.

1. Always dial *67 before dialing the Iowa phone number so that they won’t have your number!

2. Do not press talk on your cell phone when dialing the international number, as that would start a new call and you will pay regular international rates. Just type in the number when prompted, nothing else.

3. If you’re still feeling wary to use the service from your phone, then just dial it via Skype so you can be assured of not receiving a bill (although there really isnt any way for you to get billed as long as you block your phone number from the company)

4. Enjoy it while it lasts!

Futurephone.com Linky

10 Second Woot-Off Checker!


Here is a great site that will ping woot every 10 seconds letting you know exactly how much % of each woot is left.
Remember the best deals only last a couple minutes, so
-be sure to have this checker open
-be logged into your woot account
-have a valid credit card already on file in your woot account to improve your odds of getting a great deal at today’s woot-off!
10 Second Woot-Off Checker

Google Checkout At Buy.com Explained…


For those of you having trouble figuring out how to checkout with google to save $10 off $30, here is a tutorial that buy.com has put up.
Tutorial Linky
The $10 off $30 discount expires 10/31!

FYI: All Domestic Airfares Are Valid Both Directions…


To clear up some confusion: whenever i post a domestic airfare, or for that matter whenever you see a domestic airfare advertised, the fare is valid from either city.
For example, when United had the $109 (mistake) fare on their p.s.(premium service) product from jfk-lax, the fare was also bookable from lax-jfk.
It is possible that there will only be $109 seats going from jfk-lax, and not lax-jfk on any given day, however that base fare is always available both directions.
The only airline that this would not apply to Southwest…

Woot-Off Tonight!!!


Instead of the normal 1 woot per day, for the next 12-72 hours or so woot will be selling lots of things for very short periods of time-expect some very good deals-but dont expect them to last more than a few minutes!!!
woot.com linky
woot-off podcast linky
And here’s a neat site that tells you how much percent of each woot-off product is left…
woot-off % checker linky

Pennsylvania Airfare Deals!


Update: Fares Are Now Bookable, check available dates at farecompare.com and then go directly to the airline’s web site to book.
All of these fares were filed at 12:30pm, so it will take a few more hours until they are bookable, I’ll post more details when they become bookable…
United: Pittsburgh Or Philadelphia To San Juan-$170
Delta: Philadelphia To Tampa-$99
USAirways: Pittsburgh To Tampa-$118

Deal Reminder!!! Only 4 Days Left To Order Your Free Shutterfly Photo Book!!!


This is for those who got the free photo book coupons from buy.com back in August.
The coupons expire 10/15
Also here is a code to get free shipping on your free photo book!!!
Have I mentioned yet that these books are awesome!!!

Support This Site When You Use Ebay!


Bidding on an Ebay item?
It’s easy to support this site without costing you a cent!
When you are at the auction page simply copy the item number found right on the top of the auction, and then paste that number into the ebay search box in the right sidebar of this site!
For an example of just how easy it is, just copy the following item number: 140040660933 and paste it over into the ebay search box and press enter!
Thanks for your support!

BOILING HOT!!! $30 Off $80 Worth Of Shoes At Amazon!!!


Amazon.com Shoes Linky
$20 off $80 will be taken off automatically at checkout.
Use the following code for an additional $10 off $80: TDAYFAML
Only shoes sold from amazon qualify for the discounts!

Hot Pentax Ultra-Compact Digital Camera Offers From Amazon!


All of the following cameras qualify for a free 512 MB SD Card And $21.90 Worth Of Photo Greeting Cards From Shutterfly!!!
Just add the following 512 MB SD Card and one pentax camera to your cart and the following code to get all of that.
512 MB SD Card Linky

Pentax T10 Ultra-Compact 6 MP Camera-$232.94-$30 Rebate(Expires Today!!!)=$202.94
Pentax T10 Linky
$30 Rebate Linky

Pentax A10 Ultra-Compact 8 MP Camera With Anti-Shake-$242.94
Pentax A10 Linky

Pentax W10 Waterproof 6 MP Camera-$254.15
Pentax W10 Linky

Roundup Of Portable Flash Memory Deals At Buy.com!


Update: To clear up some confusion here, based on questions from numerous that i have received: When you pay using google checkout(on the checkout page is the option to login to a buy.com account or pay with google checkout) they will automatically deduct $10 off $30, so the prices below are after the $10 coupon and after respective rebates. More info can be found by reading past posts on this. On items that aren’t quite $30 i have also listed a filler item to bump you over $30 to qualify for the $10 coupon, the prices listed for those items are after the filler item, coupon and rebate.
If you need portable memory these are the lowest prices ever for these products.
Here is a summary, by type:
Prices listed are after google checkout and rebate.
SD-512 MB For $1.45 (including $1.50 filler),
2 GB For $17.95
Mini-SD-2 GB For $24.95
Micro-SD-512 MB For $4.95
Memory Stick Pro Duo-1 GB For $9.95
USB-512 MB For $1.45 (including $1.50 filler),
4 GB For $59.95



On October 1st Sprint raised their SMS rate to .15/message.
This is a material change to the contract, and as such you have 30 days(from 10/01) to cancel your sprint service.
You cannot just cancel the contract and keep having service, you must actually cancel the service.
Not all of the CS agents will agree that this is a “material change” so it may take a couple of phone calls, buy you will be able to cancel for free.
Even if a CS agent says that the change won’t affect you because you don’t use SMS, just explain that you plan to start using it, or that incoming SMS gets sent even to non-sms users, and will now cost .15
To save yourself from future headache, be sure to take down the NAME and SPRINT ID of the agent that let you cancel for free!!!

Google Checkout Buy.com Receipts…


A few people have asked me what to send in as a rebate receipt when ordering from buy.com but paying with google checkout
The problem being that when you pay via google checkout you can’t get a buy.com receipt by logging into your buy.com account.
The following link should provide you with a buy.com reciept, even when using google checkout…
Receipt Lookup Linky

Buy.com Deal Of The Day-Part 3!


1 GB Memory Stick Pro Duo Card-$9.95
1 GB Memory Stick Pro Duo Card Linky
$15 Rebate Linky
Card is $34.95-$15 Rebate-$10 off for using google checkout=$9.95

Buy.com Deals Of The Day-Part 2!


Looks like there will be a plethora of these until they close down the $10 off $30 promotion!

120 GB Hard Drive-$39.95
120 GB Hard Drive Linky
$20 Rebate Linky
Hard drive is $69.95-$20 Rebate-$10 off for using google checkout=$39.95

2 GB SD Card-$17.95
2 GB SD Card Linky
$9 Rebate Linky
SD Card is $36.95-$9 Rebate-$10 off for using google checkout=$17.95

Sony Ericsson HBH-608 Bluetooth Headset-$28.99
Bluetooth Headset Linky
Headset is $38.99-$10 off for using google checkout=$28.99

4 GB Flash Drive-$59.95
4 GB Flash Drive Linky
Headset is $69.95-$10 off for using google checkout=$59.95

Brother Laser Printer-$53.99
Laser Printer Linky
$20 Rebate Linky
Laser Printer is $83.99-$20 Rebate-$10 off for using google checkout=$53.99

Brother Plain Paper Fax Machine+Phone+Copier-$28.99
Fax Machine+Phone+Copier Linky
Headset is $38.99-$10 off for using google checkout=$28.99

XM Satellite Radio Receiver, Free Activation, And 3 Months Service For $45 Shipped After $20 Rebate


This is today’s woot, so you have until 1:00 AM EDT, or until it sells out if you want it!
Woot.com linky
$20 Rebate Linky

Cleveland To New York Or Boston For Just $88+ Round Trip!


Check valid dates at farecompare.com
Then book travel at continental.com

Boiling Hot Deals From Buy.com!


You can only get 2 of these rebates per address, and all these 3 items share the same rebate!
When you use google checkout then $10 will automatically be taken off!
Remember, you cannot have any other buy.com coupons in your cart to be able to use google checkout!

Micro-SD Card-$4.95
512 MB Micro-SD Card Linky
$19 Rebate Linky
Micro SD Card is $33.95-$19 Rebate-$10 off for using google checkout=$4.95

512 MB SD Card-$1.45
512 MB SD Card Linky
$1.50 Filler Linky
$19 Rebate Linky
Micro SD Card is $28.95, the filler(to bump you over $30 to get the $10 coupon) is $1.50-$19 Rebate-$10 off for using google checkout=$1.45

512 MB Flash Drive-$1.45
512 MB Flash Drive Linky
$1.50 Filler Linky
$19 Rebate Linky
Flash Drive is $28.95, the filler(to bump you over $30 to get the $10 coupon) is $1.50-$19 Rebate-$10 off for using google checkout=$1.45

Happy Sukkos!


Sukkos in a nutshell
Forecast calls for bees during the day, freezing cold nights, and light updates over the next 9 days…
Happy holidays!

2 More Record United Credit Card Offers!!!


-25,000 miles after you spend $250.
-No fee for 1 year.
-Apply for both and double your fun!
Consumer Application Linky
Business Application Linky

Spend $100 At Staples.com And Get A Free Pair Of Noise-Cancelling Headphones!


Staples Linky
Noise-Cancelling Headphones Linky
Add the headphones to your cart along with $100 worth of stuff and when you enter the following code the headphones will be marked down to $0.
Use code: 66898
Code courtesy of the aa miles game…

Allegiant Air…


This is a relatively new LCC, and I’m not going to make a whole roundup for them.(See previous LCC roundups via the links in the right sidebar)
In short all of their flights go from small secondary airports to either Las Vegas, Orlando/Sanford, or S. Petersburg/Clearwater.
They fly to about 50 cities in total using 23 MD-80 airplanes.
Besides for having a terrible website UI(make sure you choose flight only) and no mileage program there’s not much else to say about them.
Go check them out and see if they fly anywhere close to you!

Hot! US(Including Hawaii!!!) Or Canada To San Juan Or Cancun, Or Vice Versa For Just 20,000 United Miles!


Offer Linky
They give you more miles to open up a free credit card than they charge for this ticket !
You may have to call United up to book it for 20,000 miles.
Travel must be completed by 12/13.

"What About The Points Cards?"


From a recent comment by “Anonymous,” (he seems to post here a lot!)
“I saw a couple of times written about credit-card miles that are a scam and are no blackout dates, etc. i wanted to mention that the citi “thank you network” points are good for flights and its 25000 ty points for a ticket and they actually dont have any blackout dates, i was able to get a ticket from ny to la for kratzmach weekend without a problem. “

Anon-I couldn’t disagree with you more!
I am a fan only of the true mileage cards that give you actual miles.

While I am not familiar with all of the Thank You program, however i took a quick glance at it and i saw that for airline tickets:
-14 days advance purchase is required
-Saturday night stay is required.
I’m also going to assume(correct me if I’m wrong) that it is like all of the other “points-miles” cards, like the capital one “no hassle rewards” scam card, which carry a limit of what the ticket can cost, often limiting the points to no more than .01 each, and often even far less than that.

The great thing about true airline mileage cards is that
-you can book expensive last minute tickets
-on most airlines you can make free changes to the dates
-None of the major airlines still have blackout dates
-There is never a limit to the value of the ticket, so an international business ticket worth $10,000 may be only 90,000 miles, valuing each mile at over .11!

At any rate using miles for a domestic ticket is almost always a poor use a miles, but I will go into that further in a future post.

As long as you are somewhat flexible, a true miles(or a card that lets you exchange points for real miles, like an amex membership card or the starwood card) is the way to go-you will never get that kind of value out of any other rewards card, period.

ORD, Meet B6…


Jetblue(iata code:B6) has applied to start flying into Chicago O’Hare(ORD) as early as November.
Prediction: Expect big Chicago-New York fare wars to erupt in the coming weeks!

80 GB Ultra-Portable Hard Drive For Just $59.99 Shipped After $10 Rebate/Coupon!!!


80 GB Ultra-Portable Hard Drive Linky
$10 Rebate Linky
When you use google checkout then $10 will automatically be taken off!
Remember, you cannot have any other buy.com coupons in your cart to be able to use google checkout!

Hot! Garmin C320 GPS For Just $269.99 Shipped From Costco.com!!!


C320 Linky
The best part (besides for the great price) is the lifetime money-back guarantee that is included for free from everything (besides computers) that you buy at costco!

Boiling Hot! Hurry! Free AA Miles For Playing A Game!!!


Update: It appears that the odds of winning miles has gone from 100% to 0%…check back here for future developments!
Just match some bags up and get free AA miles!!!
Don’t sweat it, it seems like you are guaranteed to win at least 500 miles!
Please post back with what you have won, or if you didn’t win anything (All 8 of my family members won 500 miles…)
You can play once a day!

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