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- Bookable on Expedia. You can cancel your Expedia flight for free until 11:59pm PDT tomorrow.
- Limited seats are available on each date.
- Use a card like Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card or Sapphire Reserve to earn 2 or 3 Chase points per dollar spent and get free travel/medical insurance, trip/luggage delay protection, and more!
- This fare is only valid for travel originating in Israel.
Hainan offers twice weekly Dreamliner service between Tel Aviv and Shenzhen. The 10+ hour flight is on sale for just $372 for kids under 12 and $398 for adults!
This fare includes a free carry-on bag and a free checked bag.
Sample valid dates:
- March 11-15
- March 11-18
- March 18-22
- March 18-25
- March 25-29
- March 25-April 3
- March 25-April 7
- March 25-April 10
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12 Comments On "Hainan: Fly Nonstop From Tel Aviv To Shenzhen, China For $372-$398 Round-Trip"
All opinions expressed below are user generated and the opinions aren’t provided, reviewed or endorsed by any advertiser or DansDeals.
I’m sorry to be off point from this post. I currently have the Chase Saphirre Preferred Card along with a Chase ink business and Chase freedom unlimited. Should I close my preferred card and then apply for a reserve card or should I downgrade my preferred to a Chase freedom card and then apply for a new reserve card?
I don’t think you can have a Freedom and Reserve together (officially). Therefore, you would probably have to close the Preferred and then apply for the Reserve.
are you sure thats true?
No. I know you can’t have a preferred and reserve. I thought the same is true about a freedom and preferred or a freedom and reserve. Are these rules posted somewhere?
@BCL – what are you talking about??
Thanks Dan. Booked two tickets. I imagine you’ve been to China. Minus the flight time, we have 3 complete days in Shenzhan. Does it make sense? I read that travel to HK from Shenzhan is short and easy, but pricey between high speed train and visa – in your opinion is it worth going to HK just for 2 days? Or, wait till Dan posts a special to HK and stay only in Shenzhan? Thanks for your advice!!
great find if the specific service dates work.
they do not fly the same day of week consistently. as a matter of fact, occasionally one of the twice weekly flights depart fri afternoon at 1 pm with arrival in szx 5 am the next day – shabbos (e.g. fri 3/29)
Any kosher food in or near this town? Thanks for sending us in Israel some bones too sometimes Dan.
Remember – China requires a Visa to enter!!!!
if someone decided to be dishoenst he could technically put down a childs birthday even though he is an adult to get the lower fare?
BCL wrong
I have freedom and reserve
China? Smell their fish all day? Yuks