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- Bookable on Priceline. Tickets purchased from Priceline today are refundable until tomorrow at 11:29pm ET. Please see this post for directions on how to cancel these tickets.
- Also bookable on Orbitz or Expedia.
- Limited seats are available on each date.
- View free change policies here.
- American and United are not blocking seats, but you can always buy an extra seat if you want to guarantee an empty seat next to you by making the first name of the ticket EXTRASEAT with your last name. You’ll even get double your baggage allowance!
- Disclaimer: The health of DansDeals readers is this website’s paramount concern. For your sake and the sake of those around you, consider staying at home while COVID-19 is still spreading or try booking for after you think COVID-19 will no longer be a threat. Remember to travel responsibly and take precautions as suggested by your local authorities to avoid spreading the virus.
American has rock bottom fares from the US mainland to the US Virgin Islands for travel on most dates from December through May.
A negative COVID-19 rapid or PCR test within 5 days is currently required for those 5 and older in order to avoid quarantine. Positive antibody tests within 4 months are also accepted to avoid quarantine.
For the samples below I search for airfare from January 17-24, 19-26, or 24-31.
Sample deals:
- Miami to S. Croix/STX: $69 nonstop
- Miami to S. Thomas/STT: $74 nonstop
- Chicago to S. Croix/STX: $75
- Philadelphia to S. Croix/STX: $81
- Pittsburgh to S. Croix/STX: $82
- Columbus to S. Croix/STX: $82
- Dallas to S. Croix/STX: $87
- Dallas to S. Thomas/STT: $94
- Philadelphia to S. Thomas/STT: $84 nonstop
- Charlotte to S. Thomas/STT: $84 nonstop
- NYC to S. Croix/STX: $81
- NYC to S. Thomas/STT: $91
- Baltimore to S. Croix/STX: $115
- Baltimore to S. Thomas/STT: $113
If you have a Chase Sapphire Reserve® card you can redeem points for 1.5 cents each towards travel. If you have a Chase Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card® Card or Ink Business Preferred® Credit Card you can redeem points for 1.25 cents each towards travel.
You can login to your account and redeem Chase points for travel here. The cost will be 4,644 points with a Sapphire Reserve. That rate include all taxes and you will still earn flight miles as well!
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29 Comments On "Price Mistake? American: Fly From The US Mainland To The US Virgin Islands From $69 Or 4.6K Chase Points Round-Trip!"
All opinions expressed below are user generated and the opinions aren’t provided, reviewed or endorsed by any advertiser or DansDeals.
Does this destination require quarantine afterwards
No quarantine with negative COVID-19 rapid or PCR or with a positive antibody test.
Mileage run?
Aren’t most destinations these days that cheap due to Covid? How much is this flight usually
Normal price to the USVI would be $500+ round-trip.
Is this a great vacation spot for couple?
Any kosher food?
The grocery stores carry American mainland food, so it’s easy to get things like basic groceries and milk if you’re not chalav israel. They actually have a tiny kosher section, and at least when i was there years ago they had 1 or 2 frozen MealMart stuff.
Pre-covid there was a chabad with occasional minyans.
Great vacation spot before covid, especially because no passport needed.
There’s still chabad there
Flights are cheap but accommodation can be expensive…
So instead of flights and accommodation being expensive for these destinations, only the accommodations are 🙂
Any flights from Boston?
What dates?
do you mind telling us if you were in the virgin islands ever or heard of people that were? is it beautiful the way you talk about palau and oahau?
I have been to Oahu and to the US Virgin Islands (St Thomas). I would say that Oahu, the island itself is nicer while the beaches (swimming, snorkeling) in St Thomas was much better.
Let’s get a group together so we can have minyanim and pool together for kosher food
What dates did you book?
january 24 to jan 28
Any nice resorts there?
Previously when booking through a third party the airline directly did not allow me to change my tickets although there technically is the waived change fee.
Is there a way to go about this?
just book directly through aa.com. same pricing
Doubt it’s a glitch. DL has Nonstop for 164$
The flights are cheap, but the exuberant cost of the hotels over there will catch up with you. I’m not saying that Miami Beach is all that exotic, but you can fly there for cheap, grab some affordable hotel rates (especially Christmas week), and have plenty of food/minyan options.
But you can’t compare the weather!
Booked for Jan 17
Thank you again and again Dan!!
What is a good place to stay ?