Update: DEAD!
JetBlue Flash Sale On Select Flights From $19.70 Or 500 Points Each Way!
JetBlue flights include free speedy WiFi, live TV, snacks, carry-ons, and assigned seats with the most legroom in the industry.
This flash sale is valid for a single flight on select routes.
This sale is valid today only and flights have a limited number of seats on sale.
Use a card like Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card or Sapphire Reserve to earn 2 or 3 Chase points per dollar spent and get free travel/medical insurance, trip/luggage delay protection, and more!
You can transfer points from AMEX, Chase, and Citi to JetBlue instantly!
Sample deals (See full list here):
- LaGuardia to Boston on 11/7: $19.53 or 400 points+$5.60
- Boston to JFK on 11/6: $19.53 or 400 points+$5.60
- Boston to Orlando on 11/5: $39.53 or 1,900 points+$5.60
- Fort Lauderdale to JFK on 11/7: $39.53 or 1,900 points+$5.60
- JFK to Fort Myers on 11/13: $39.53 or 1,900 points+$5.60
- Newark to Tampa on 11/13: $39.53 or 1,900 points+$5.60
- West Palm Beach to Newark on 11/3: $39.53 or 1,900 points+$5.60
- JFK to Aruba on 11/27: $59.40 or 1,600 points+$15.60
- JFK to Santiago, DR on 11/18: $89.70 or 1,500 points+$46.90
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19 Comments On "JetBlue Flash Sale On Select Flights From $19.53 Or 400 Points Each Way!"
All opinions expressed below are user generated and the opinions aren’t provided, reviewed or endorsed by any advertiser or DansDeals.
It’s always funny to me when a one-way airfare cost more than 1 checked bag.
Do you mean “less”?
Less. Correct. My bad.
Anything from buffalo? I’m having trouble accessing the site.
These remain stupid needle-in-a-haystack sales. One flight on one route. And then you have to get home.
…except to Mosaic members who can translate that one flight into any other flight on the same date (including to and from co-terminals) and in many cases (hint: It’s difficult not to find a delayed B6 flight between EWR/HPN/JFK/LGA/SWF – PBI/FLL on any given day) to flights on the following days.
OK, I guess that’s marginally something to a few people. But, sheesh, there are routinely Northeast to Florida fares (like the ones Dan has highlighted tonight!) for about $50 for many dates that anyone can buy. It’s nuts to go looking at JetBlue’s “flash sale” where, if the stars are magically aligned, maybe you can get a very off-peak flight on one single day for $40.
No related question.
I had a flight that I wanted to skip last leg (hidden city) Lax – JfK – BuF, they ended up checking in my carry on, so when I got to my stop over in JfK I asked for my bag, they told me I need to speak to rebook department, I told them I need it and after while of them refusing… they ended up charging me $300 to so to say change my flight to LAX – JfK (in other words they changed my flight after I flew) and only then would they return my bag…. Any idea how to get that refunded?
Nope. Next time use your kup and say you have medication in your carry-on.
I did they said they will give it to me and have security watch me take the meds and then take bag back……?
Then you must have tipped them off somehow. Never heard of them doing that.
Or were flying basic economy.
you openly admit that you were trying to skip the last leg of your trip and do a “hidden city” scheme. this is against airline policy and the airline was correct to charge you, sorry. if you continue to do this, they may ban you from flying jet blue altogether.
So nothing to do?
Complaint to airline?
You mean you tried to game the system…and couldn’t. This is what you are going to complain to the DOT about?
Confused post, is it 400 or 500 points? Also what about the extra 10% or 20% rebate by having the jetblue barclay consumer & business card?
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Planned TrueBlue maintenance
TrueBlue will be unavailable Thursday, 10/25 8pm ET through the afternoon of Friday 10/26 as we transition to the new TrueBlue experience and dashboard.
You’ll still be able to book reservations without points and add your TrueBlue number during this time. Don’t have your TrueBlue number available? You can add it to your completed booking once the maintenance is complete by logging in to your TrueBlue account, going to Manage Trips and adding your 6-digit confirmation code.
Please note that you will be unable to access your account, book award travel, or manage existing TrueBlue points reservations online or by phone during this transition.
We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience while we work to deliver an improved TrueBlue experience.
For further assistance, visit our online Help pages, or contact us by phone.
Medical insurance is included on Sapphire Preferred?