Please note: This is a stickied sponsored post, please scroll down for new posts. $1 a Day for Kollelim in Eretz Yisroel
Join hundreds of others already giving $1 a day or more to support Torah in Eretz Yisroel, with the brachos of Gedolim.
Where does the money go?
Every year 2,000+ bochurim marry yearly, yet few leave Kollel yearly, creating a very limited of new spots available. This limited support leaves many without a structured place to learn. The Kollel Partnership launched in 2021, with the goal of solving this imbalance by providing seed money to open new Kollelim – which covers up to 30% of a new Kollel’s budget.
Over the last 3 years has opened over 40 Kollelim in 9 cities in Eretz Yisroel, supporting over 700 Yungerliet. There are many more Kollelim waiting for funding to open, and these funds will help open NEW kollelim.
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Who vets the Kollelim?
The Kollelim are vetted by a group of mega donors who founded this project along with veteran Rosh Hakollelim. The project is under the hadracha of HaRav Shimon Galai, with Brochos and encouragement from HaRav Don Segel, HaRav Moshe Hillel Hirsch and other Gedolim.
How does it work?
Join for $1 a day as a supporter, or $2 a day to adopt a yungerman. There are also options for $3, $5, and $10 daily.
Help solve the kollel crisis—Join hundred’s giving $1 a day and make a difference. Yes, your $1 can result in $1000+ donated daily!
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What a beautiful organization!