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Today Is Zayin Adar, The Yahrzeit Of The Greatest Teacher Bnei Yisroel Will Ever Have. How Do We Observe It?
Of all the extraordinary things Moshe Rabbeinu did in his life, there is one act that is singled out for commemoration on the day of his death.
It is not bringing the Jews out of Mitzrayim. It is not splitting the sea. It is not bringing us to Har Sinai to receive the Torah.
It is an act he began just before Yetzias Mitzrayim. While the rest of the Jewish people were gathering the riches they had been promised, Moshe Rabbeinu was busy with a different task. He was searching for the body of Yosef in order to bring it to Eretz Yisroel for burial. And he guarded Yosef’s casket for the rest of his life, throughout the wanderings of 40 years.
The respectful, dignified caring for the deceased is called chesed shel emes, true kindness. It is a fundamental Jewish value, and it lives on every day, in every Jewish community, for every Jew. Every day, men and women leave their homes, at any hour, in any weather, so that they may give a deceased person the last care they will ever receive in this world.
They are known as members of the Chevra Kadisha — the Sacred Society — because they do this selfless work without any desire for acknowledgement.
It is the custom in klal Yisroel that on Zayin Adar, the yahrzeit of Moshe Rabbeinu, we support and honor the work of the Chevra Kadisha.
There is no better way to accomplish that than by supporting NASCK, the National Association of Chevra Kadisha. Our mission is to bring the zechus of kever Yisroel to all Jews, and your support enables us to do so.
Click HERE to partner with the Chevra Kadisha by making your tax-deductible donation to NASCK.
Click HERE for NASCK’s mission statement and a few of our recent projects and accomplishments.
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Is this considered maser?
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Sure. What type of Rabbi? Orthodox, Conservative, or Reform? YU, BMG, or Chofetz Chaim? Chabad, Ashkenazi, or Sephardi?
yes it can be from maaser