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Lulav and Esrog Set from Israel
Yanover Lulav and Esrog from Italy
Apply the following coupon code in your cart for $5 off each set: DansDeals
Eichler’s has over 30 years of experience supplying Lulav and Etrog sets to our customers. We sell only the finest and freshest four species. Packed to withstand shipment, each set includes a lulav (palm branch), hadassim (myrtle branches), aravot (willow branches) and an etrog.
All Esrogim sold by are 100% Kosher and are grown and qualified under strict Rabbinic supervision.
My awesome Yanover Esrog from Eichler’s last year. A number of my friends also ordered from Eichler’s last year and were very pleased.
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7 Comments On "Order The Best Lulav And Esrog Set In Town From Eichlers!"
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Is there an issue with buying a mitzvah object with a credit card? I know that in many communities people try to pay by check or cash- maybe here its a good idea to use your debit card?
if i put it on amex does it come with an extra year warranty? does that mean i dont need to buy one next year?
@AkivaF: That depends on how much extra you want the merchant to make.
@E>srog: Amex extends the manufacturers warranty, in this case there is none in the first place.
Chag Sameach
Huh? Where does it say you can’t buy something with a credit card?
Only half kidding here, anyone ever try doing amex return protection on one of these things?
From the pic it looks like it was made in a factory. Is it still considered Yanover if the factory is located in China but the mold was made from an original Yanover 🙂
@AkivaF:no. if it would be a problem ,no dif between dc or cc@E>srog: @Chaim: iirc there is no protection for perishable items