Limited Time: Hike The Hidden Water Falls Of The Grand Canyon With Team Friendship’s Kosher Adventure!

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Kosher in the Grand Canyon? Join Team Friendship for an unforgettable experience trekking through the Grand Canyon and exploring the Havau Falls while supporting the Friendship Circle.

Our participants fly down to Arizona for a 3 day hiking and camping experience in the beautiful Canyon. This trip is an intimate one, with the perfect balance of adventure and mission, recommended by every past participant. A Grand Canyon certified tour group will be leading the hike, and will make sure that all hikers have what they need to safely participate. All meals will be strictly kosher and designed to provide hikers with sufficient energy for the hikes.

Havasu Falls in Arizona’s Grand Canyon, also known as Havasupai Falls, is just one of several majestic waterfalls found on the Havasupai reservation that are anywhere from 75 to 200 feet high. You will experience some of the most beautiful waterfalls in the Grand Canyon and in the United States. The hike to Havasu Falls is perfect for novice adventurers, a family vacation or a getaway with a group of friends. After you carry your backpacks into Havasu Canyon, we set up base camp at Havasu Creek and spend our free days exploring the trails in the area and swimming by waterfalls.

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6 Comments On "Limited Time: Hike The Hidden Water Falls Of The Grand Canyon With Team Friendship’s Kosher Adventure!"

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What’s included in the package and did anyone travel with them ?

Binie Harlig-Klein

Yes!The trip has guide staff is included along with an airfare voucher, 3 meals a day, snacks, tents, personalized jersey etc. Please email me: to discuss further 🙂


what are the dates for the hike and how much?

Binie Harlig-Klein

Hi, the dates for the women’s trip are June 3-6 and mens trip are June 10-13.Please email me: to discuss further 🙂

Eva Kaplan

How strenuous is ty he hiking. AND
is this meant for male & female?

Binie Harlig-Klein

Hi! The hiking is challenging yet doable. We have experience guides hiking beside the group who ensure each persons success. There is a women’s trip (June 3-6) and a men’s trip (June 10-13.) Please email me: to discuss further 🙂
