“Help My Parents While My Dad Focuses On Healing”

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Help My Parents While My Dad Focuses On Healing

“Hi, my name is Sara, and on behalf of my siblings, I am fundraising money to help my parents cover costs while my father recovers from a horrific accident that nearly took his life.

On October 20, 2021, my father was in a terrible accident. He was hit by a drunk driver, going well over the speed limit. My father is an incredibly hard worker. He puts his head down and does what he needs to do to provide for his family.
My father works two jobs to cover the bills, allowing my parents to stay above debt lines. My father’s night job was driving for Uber, and it was while driving with a passenger for Uber that the accident happened.

The driver who rear-ended my dad was drunk, speeding, driving on a suspended license, and did not have any car insurance. My father’s spine was fractured on impact, and he lost all functioning from the waist down. Thank God he’s alive, and his passenger was able to walk away from the crash with only a few scratches. Hearing about the details of the accident, we are so lucky that he is even alive! We have been holding on to hope that my father will walk again while he recovers in the hospital and then goes to a rehab facility. My father’s determination and perseverance stand out as he works hard to recover. When his physical therapist says, “we’re going to do 15 reps,” he pushes to 20!

Unfortunately, things will not be as simple as we expected them to be. Insurance is now denying most of the claim. We have an experienced attorney working hard on the case, but we are not expecting much because of Michigan law. Litigation will take years for a possible verdict for the insurance to be forced to cover some part of the expenses caused by this accident. We need to move my dad home shortly, but before he can go home, we need a wheelchair-accessible vehicle to transport him home and go to his therapies.

Our house also needs to be modified to be wheelchair accessible—widened doorways, bathrooms, hallways, steps, etc. Since my father is paralyzed from the waist down, he also needs to be turned every 2 hours and needs assistance transferring from bed to wheelchair, which means he will need full-time care.

Because insurance is denying any actual coverage at this point, these costs must come out of pocket, and my parents do not have that money.

We are asking you to please give what you can to help my parents cover these costs.

Thank you, and God bless.

Thank you,
The Duatos”

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10 Comments On "“Help My Parents While My Dad Focuses On Healing”"

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Get a new lawyer. The courts destroy insurance companies they don’t act in good faith. Any good insurance lawyer should be able to threaten the insurance company with acting in bad faith. The insurance company Will get hit with all kinds of fines if a judge determines their acting in bad faith. It doesn’t take years. Get a new lawyer.


I agree with Preston. Rather than collect nearly $600,000, let’s try to get a better legal team involved. Although most well-established firms probably can’t offer it 100% pro-bono (many may offer a sliding-scale as a form of tzedaka), I’d think it’s better to allocate the funds towards a legal group which will fight the insurance companies. I can promise you it won’t drain $600K from tzedaka groups to get a law team involved. Have you at least explored the option of looking into legal options? I’m a little bit blown away by the requested charitable amount.

Sounds like a lot - unfortunately, not

A new legal team might be a great idea – however, $600,000 is not a lot of money for a family facing this situation.
Your father definitely needs full time care, but it might be worth looking into a mattress that “shifts” the patient. It is used to avoid bed sores for long term care patients. Cost is about $7,000.
Refuah Shleimah. You are a good, smart daughter for doing this for your parents. Hatzlacha Rabbba! Refuah Shleimah!

Michigan Lawyer

Respectfully, this is just not correct. Uber’s no-fault limits in the case were only $250,000, which was gone before the gentleman got out of the initial hospital. His personal auto policy is not paying because he was driving for Uber. Accordingly, he is left to rely on health insurance, which does not cover things like necessary home renovations.
I only make these points because I do not want your misguided comment to deter people who would otherwise contribute.


Thanks for clarifying

Michigan Lawyer

I can confirm that these details are accurate. The big part of the problem, really the biggest part of the problem, is that Uber’s insurance for his drivers is less than optimal, to say the least.

These are good, honest people, in a real pinch.

If you drive for any of the rideshare companies, have a professional review your insurance coverages.

Sara\'s farther / victim

Thank you for your comments. I had Rideshare insurance on top of my regular insurance costing additional $180 a month. Deep in the policy they bury their clause that gives them an out not to pay.
I am sure most rideshare drivers are unaware if they have a passenger in the car their insurance will not cover their PIP – I had unlimited

Kat man

is there a charitable organization that will take donations on their behalf no reason uncle sam should not pay part of he bill

Insurance agent

This might fall under workers compensation which is usually limited to a certain amount.
And even if you can sue for more money. Uber would fight this vigorously, because if they lose, this would open them up to lots of more litigation. And Uber the way they got around the taxi regulations was with litigation, so they have lots of experience in that department
