Don’t Miss These Deals!

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Get 25% off Challah Boards with code: CHALLAH25
Siyum Hashas Artscroll Shas Sale with Free Shipping in US
Large Shas 1899.99
Small Shas 1399.99

Individual gemaras are also available for 32% off list price.
——————————————————————————— Talis and Tzitzis Sale has been extended to July 1st!

Eichlers Tallis Wizard Linky
Save 40% instantly on Talleisim!

Eichlers Tzitzis Wizard Linky
Save 25% instantly on Tzitzis!

All styles are on sale.Ā  Choose from Chabad, Ashkenazic, Sephardic, or Chasidish!

Plus DansDeals readers will get free shipping on $50+ orders of Talleisim and Tzitzis products by entering the following code in your shopping cart: DANSDEALS
Just be sure to select the free shipping option during the checkout process.

Danā€™s note: I recently got the new Keter ChabadĀ Elite Talis (I know I’m a sucker for anything elite šŸ˜‰ ) with non-slip silk lining and it is awesome! I’ve always wondered why our taleisim were made of such coarse heavy wool. But this new talis is made from much finer wool and is incredibly soft and much lighter weight than other taleisim, it really is a pleasure to daven with!

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5 Comments On "Don’t Miss These Deals!"

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and no tax if shipped out of state šŸ™‚


the talis wizard is great


free 8×10 from walgreens free in store pickup with coupon code PRINT8X10


I hear the Elite talis is great, but why don’t they have it in a size 90? There aren’t enough tall people in Chabad?


Thanks for the Challah Board code! I’ve been meaning to buy a new one for a few months now.
