A Zal For Life: Help Support The New Beis Medresh Chabad In Pittsburgh!

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A Zal For Life: Help Support The New Beis Medresh Chabad In Pittsburgh!

Quietly, away from the hustle and bustle of New York, a revolution in the world of Chabad Yeshivos is taking place.

For the first time in nearly 50 years, Pittsburgh is home to a Beis Medrash/Zal—a milestone that reflects the city’s growing role in shaping the future of Chabad.

But Pittsburgh Zal is not just another yeshiva. It’s a groundbreaking initiative that is rethinking what a yeshiva can be: a place where bochurim don’t just learn—they thrive. Where each student discovers their unique path to success. Where Yiddishkeit and chassidishkeit come alive in a way that builds lifelong connections.

The vision behind Pittsburgh Zal is to create a home for life for the American bochur who never quite found his place. Here, bochurim don’t just pass through for a year or two—they join a thriving lifetime community where Shabbos pulses with farbrengens, Yomim Tovim are alive with energy, and every individual’s unique path to spreading Torah is celebrated, whether through traditional learning, music, business, or even social media.

Currently, 30 bochurim are enrolled in this inaugural year. In addition to the “classic” Yeshiva sedorim—studying Gemara, Chassidus, and Halacha—students are mastering practical skills like kashrus certification with AKO, refining their creative talents with mentors like Dovid Taub of Creative Judaism, and preparing to bring Yiddishkeit into the world through innovative forms of shlichus.

This is more than a yeshiva—it’s preparation for life, built on the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s vision of embracing each individual’s potential and channeling it toward strengthening Klal Yisrael.

Pittsburgh Zal has already begun to transform lives, but the success of this vision depends on you. By partnering with Pittsburgh Zal, you are not just supporting another yeshiva—you are investing in a revolution. You are helping to build a community where the “average” bochur discovers that he is anything but average. Where every talent is celebrated, and the next generation of shluchim emerges not despite their differences, but because of them.

Your donation will help nurture these bochurim as they dedicate their lives to spreading Torah and chassidus across the world. Together, we can make בחיים הוא בחיים זרעו a living reality.

Join us in building A Zal for Life. Your partnership can change the future—one bochur at a time.

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2 Comments On "A Zal For Life: Help Support The New Beis Medresh Chabad In Pittsburgh!"

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What does Zal stand for?


It’s Russian for a big room.
Referring to the big room where yeshiva students study. In some circles the 2nd stage of yeshiva which corresponds to 12th, 13th, 14th grade is called “Zal”
