Amazon: George Foreman Grills On Sale From Just $12.79

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-George Foreman 2-Serving Classic Plate Grill: $12.79

This was selling for $15.99 yesterday and is now the lowest price ever from Amazon.

-George Foreman 4-Serving Classic Plate Grill: $19

This was selling for $24.98 yesterday and is now the lowest price ever from Amazon.

-George Foreman 5 Serving Removable Plate Grill and Pannini Press: $23.99

This was selling for $49.99 yesterday and is now the lowest price ever from Amazon.

-George Foreman 4 Serving Removable Plate 360 Grill: $25.59

This was selling for $39.99 yesterday and is now the lowest price ever from Amazon.

-George Foreman 120 Square Inch Healthy Cook Variable Temperature Grill: $31

This was selling for $49.99 earlier last month and is now the lowest price ever from Amazon.

-George Foreman 4-in-1 Multi-Plate Evolve Grill: $63.99

This was selling for $99.99 yesterday and is now the lowest price ever from Amazon.

HT: ShmuliT and nafnaf12, via DDF

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2 Comments On "Amazon: George Foreman Grills On Sale From Just $12.79"

All opinions expressed below are user generated and the opinions aren’t provided, reviewed or endorsed by any advertiser or DansDeals.


how does the durability compare on the ceramic surface
-George Foreman 5 Serving Removable Plate Grill and Pannini Press: $29.99

compared to the regular surface
-George Foreman 4 Serving Removable Plate 360 Grill: $25.59



George Foreman 5 Serving Removable Plate Grill and Pannini Press: $29.99
ITS NOW $23.99
