Florsheim Sale, $100 Shoes For $49.90 Shipped

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Florsheim Sale, $100 Shoes For $49.90 Shipped

-Freedom Cap Ox: $49.90 after code.
-Freedom Cap Ox Tumbled: $49.90 after code.
-Reveal Bike Slip$49.90 after code.
-Reveal Bike Ox$49.90 after code.

Use code: LNKWR15

Shipping is calculated by the original price before the code, so shipping is free on all of these shoes.

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7 Comments On "Florsheim Sale, $100 Shoes For $49.90 Shipped"

All opinions expressed below are user generated and the opinions aren’t provided, reviewed or endorsed by any advertiser or DansDeals.


Is there free shipping on returns?


From the website about return shipping:
“Shipping charges are not refundable”


Will this fit a narrow foot. The smallest they have is M



But shipping is free. How much do returns cost?


Their hours are HRS M-T 7:45 – 5:30, FRI 7:45 – 4:30 (CST)

Does that mean they are Shomer Shabbos?


My phone said that the server was not able to verify that this is really Florsheim website, or an attacker. ..


“Return shipping is the customer’s responsibility.” (QUote from a live chat with a customer rep at http://messenger.providesupport.com/messenger/florsheim.html )
